Spillover Yurt & MM from "Tomorrow is too late" thread

once again the dishonest hypocrisy by the "preacher"

wow... you follow me around like a lovesick little puppy.

does your partner know you have this crush?:pke:

again.... my heartfelt advice in response to your last two PM's is relevant here:

you need to reread what you post and ask yourself if it reflects how you really want to be considered by the rest of the world...

do you want to be held up as a professional or do you want to be considered a lovesick, adolescent gay puppydog?

think about that, and then alter your posts accordingly.
wow... you follow me around like a lovesick little puppy.

does your partner know you have this crush?:pke:

again.... my heartfelt advice in response to your last two PM's is relevant here:

you need to reread what you post and ask yourself if it reflects how you really want to be considered by the rest of the world...

do you want to be held up as a professional or do you want to be considered a lovesick, adolescent gay puppydog?

think about that, and then alter your posts accordingly.

i could give a shit about your PM....you have absolutely zero moral authority to even begin to think you can judge what i do and how it reflects on the world....your actions on this board and other boards are repulsive, you've been banned for them and yet you continue the same shit....how you can tell another female poster that you are sitting there preparing your sermon for the next day and then in the same post tell her she has cum dripping down her legs from giving numerous men blowjobs....you're fucking disgusting and you think to judge me....

try being honest for once and look in the mirror preacher
my position stands, yurt... you need to reread your posts and ask yourself...did a supposedly grown man actually write that?

am I anxious to be judged by the content of that?

I would guess that, if you were honest, you would admit that you were not.
you can stop sending PM's.....i just delete them pervert "preacher"

every PM I sent to you today has been in response to a conversation that you have initiated. If you want me to stop replying to your PM's, I would recommend that you quit sending them.
you need to look in the mirror and pull that plank out of your own eye before you even begin to think about telling anyone else anything about morality....

got it....good.... you fucked up preacher....you give sermons and yet your posts on this board and others are some of the most vile and immature rantings ever witnessed....

lying hypocrite
every PM I sent to you today has been in response to a conversation that you have initiated. If you want me to stop replying to your PM's, I would recommend that you quit sending them.

who sent the first "wink" PM maineman....? YOU....now, as i said....i just delete them....i don't care to listen to your faux moral outrage when your posts are far more degrading than mine....so bad that they have to be deleted or edited

dishonest preacher
you need to look in the mirror and pull that plank out of your own eye before you even begin to think about telling anyone else anything about morality....

got it....good.... you fucked up preacher....you give sermons and yet your posts on this board and others are some of the most vile and immature rantings ever witnessed....

lying hypocrite

I am suggesting that you look at what you have been posting publicly and in private to me and see if they don't appear as vile and immature rantings.

and why don't you just talk about issues and quit bringing my personal information into the discussion? such actions only tend to amplify the immaturity of your posts.
who sent the first "wink" PM maineman....? YOU....now, as i said....i just delete them....i don't care to listen to your faux moral outrage when your posts are far more degrading than mine....so bad that they have to be deleted or edited

dishonest preacher

I guess we're done. I certainly hope so.
no gays have gotten married in my church... but ny guess is that plenty of altar boys have been buggered in YOUR church.
You mean no gays have been married there yet. How will you explain yourself then, Preacher? :pke:

You seem to be somewhat of an expert with this "buggering" thing.