Spillover Yurt & MM from "Tomorrow is too late" thread

A) your little spats consist of the occasional posting of personal information, which is far far worse than anything the aolers have done or vice versa

B) they don't report stuff DAILY. Unlike someone and someone else. It's not a huge issue for them, it's not a huge issue for me. When stuff is reported, we do deal with it. you may not see it, because GEE, we delete it.

you two have the biggest drama circuit going yurt.

you're not biased....as i said....their quarrel was in the very thread you or damo culled.:rolleyes:

and for the record....damo instructed me to report it....you have a problem with it....take it up with him, why the hell do you think i alwasy say "per your request"....last time i stopped reporting it and hit back at MM for posting personal info damo started deleting the posts....you don't want it reported....talk to damo......get a clue before making irrational comments

and i don't report daily....that is a lie
you're not biased.....:rolleyes:

and for the record....damo instructed me to report it....you have a problem with it....take it up with him, why the hell do you think i alwasy say "per your request"....last time i stopped reporting it and hit back at MM for posting personal info damo started deleting the posts....you don't want it reported....talk to damo......get a clue before making irrational comments

and i don't report daily....that is a lie

nothing is irrational. We deal with the posts that are reported. I can't read every thread on this site. If there is personal information being posted by the aolers or ladyt/darla, and it was reported, we would delete that too.

And I know damo has told you to report posts, and I also know that sometimes it's been valid. Sometimes it's been a hissyfit.

THE POINT of me even coming into this thread HOWEVER, is that you and maineman are getting nothing out of your conversations. he offers you no value, you offer him no value. To continue to persist in following his conversations is nothing more than a self-serving need to get into flame wars. If you put him on ignore he'll eventually shut up (same with you maineman)

Just end it. It'll be better for everyone
nothing is irrational. We deal with the posts that are reported. I can't read every thread on this site. If there is personal information being posted by the aolers or ladyt/darla, and it was reported, we would delete that too.

And I know damo has told you to report posts, and I also know that sometimes it's been valid. Sometimes it's been a hissyfit.

THE POINT of me even coming into this thread HOWEVER, is that you and maineman are getting nothing out of your conversations. he offers you no value, you offer him no value. To continue to persist in following his conversations is nothing more than a self-serving need to get into flame wars. If you put him on ignore he'll eventually shut up (same with you maineman)

Just end it. It'll be better for everyone

i know you try to be unbiased, but you're not being so here....those other feuds have said as vile if not worse....if your issue is solely the personal info.....why don't you be honest about who is the one posting that info and how has been recently banned twice for it....i have not posted any personal information since i got banned once for it (and that was a direct retaliation)....and now that MM shit on damo by asking him to delete my posts saying he was a preacher and then turning around and telling the board he is a preacher....i fail to see how that or anything i've said is personal information. even damo agreed that it is no longer personal...

name one report i have done that is a hissy fit and not what damo asked....

i put him on ignore previously at the request of damo....it didn't work....MM continued the BS...ignore function doesn't work and i don't feel like using it....when you try and stop all the feuds your words will hold some value....now, their are just biased musings....
Yurt you clearly need to get a fucking life and get over yourself. Every fucking time I log on here you are crying and whining about what you think liberals should or shouldn't say or how they should be repnonding to whoevere has your panties in wad that day. Newslash you self righteous prick: I will respond to who I choose and how I choose. Froggie, grind, and the rest the of board are not beholden to your opinions and what you declare to be an appropriate response. The only glaring question here is why are you so obsessed with mm and how we repond to him? If he disgusts you so much don't respond.
Yurt you clearly need to get a fucking life and get over yourself. Every fucking time I log on here you are crying and whining about what you think liberals should or shouldn't say or how they should be repnonding to whoevere has your panties in wad that day. Newslash you self righteous prick: I will respond to who I choose and how I choose. Froggie, grind, and the rest the of board are not beholden to your opinions and what you declare to be an appropriate response. The only glaring question here is why are you so obsessed with mm and how we repond to him? If he disgusts you so much don't respond.

says the one who admits to coming on here to purposefully start shit....

everytime....lol...hyperbole much...or is it you can't see the plank in your own eye about your comments re republicans.....your opinion is worthless and it is amusing how you ignore your own feuds and your own insulting posts.....and obsessed....if i am obsessed then you are obsessed with meme and some aol'ers.....nice try

hypocrite much?
nothing is irrational. We deal with the posts that are reported. I can't read every thread on this site. If there is personal information being posted by the aolers or ladyt/darla, and it was reported, we would delete that too.

And I know damo has told you to report posts, and I also know that sometimes it's been valid. Sometimes it's been a hissyfit.

THE POINT of me even coming into this thread HOWEVER, is that you and maineman are getting nothing out of your conversations. he offers you no value, you offer him no value. To continue to persist in following his conversations is nothing more than a self-serving need to get into flame wars. If you put him on ignore he'll eventually shut up (same with you maineman)

Just end it. It'll be better for everyone

He can't end it. Apparently its his raison d'etre and he's not going to stop until you respond the way HE wants you to.

Yurt = big bloody gaping vagina
Yurt you clearly need to get a fucking life and get over yourself. Every fucking time I log on here you are crying and whining about what you think liberals should or shouldn't say or how they should be repnonding to whoevere has your panties in wad that day. Newslash you self righteous prick: I will respond to who I choose and how I choose. Froggie, grind, and the rest the of board are not beholden to your opinions and what you declare to be an appropriate response. The only glaring question here is why are you so obsessed with mm and how we repond to him? If he disgusts you so much don't respond.

Talk about an incoherent conglomeration of shit.
He can't end it. Apparently its his raison d'etre and he's not going to stop until you respond the way HE wants you to.

Yurt = big bloody gaping vagina

why are you continuing it? you say i am not ending....yet here you are continually talking about it.....

says the one who admits to coming on here to purposefully start shit....

everytime....lol...hyperbole much...or is it you can't see the plank in your own eye about your comments re republicans.....your opinion is worthless and it is amusing how you ignore your own feuds and your own insulting posts.....and obsessed....if i am obsessed then you are obsessed with meme and some aol'ers.....nice try

hypocrite much?

She is obsessed with aol'ers, isn't she? Now you can join that illustrious list. She just told you. Rather uneloquently I might add, but she's obviously got her own undies in a wad....

He can't end it. Apparently its his raison d'etre and he's not going to stop until you respond the way HE wants you to.

Yurt = big bloody gaping vagina

Here's a tissue for your issue:


I found this video that depicts Maineman getting hit with Yurt's arguments.

Because you think everyone is a pervie like you, eh?

no. I am as normal as any red blooded heterosexual male can be. I know that I certainly don't get any great pleasure out of watching videos like that. I certainly know that I would NEVER waste a nonsecond of my life looking for them. Clearly SM and I differ in those regards.
why am I not surprised that SM would enjoy watching videos of fat squealing little boys?


maineman people have come after you with much of the same insults over the years. Why would you go out of your way to suggest this stuff?
no. I am as normal as any red blooded heterosexual male can be. I know that I certainly don't get any great pleasure out of watching videos like that. I certainly know that I would NEVER waste a nonsecond of my life looking for them. Clearly SM and I differ in those regards.

The whining that goes back and forth between you and Yurt is nothing remotely close to red-blooded normal, for a heterosexual male.

And a preacher you claim to be to boot.
maineman people have come after you with much of the same insults over the years. Why would you go out of your way to suggest this stuff?

I am "suggesting" nothing. HE is the one who searched youtube and found a video of a fat squealing little boy....not me. HE is the one who insulted me... I merely pointed out the peculiarity of his youtube tastes.
maineman people have come after you with much of the same insults over the years. Why would you go out of your way to suggest this stuff?
He can't help it, as he spent much of his youth fat and squealing with his old man.