Suprise, Obamacare "very reasonable"

Drop state line limits on the purchase of health insurance. I have NO CLUE why the left has consistently opposed this measure.

every state has its own regulations regarding insurance profits.....for example in Michigan an insurance company cannot make more than 7% of the benefits paid could any insurance company comply with fifty sets of regulations?......that's why BC/BS of Michigan, Inc is a different company than BC/BS of California, Inc........
I have a question ...

Since the rates of premiums will be determined by how many people enroll and are in the pool .. how do you determine what the rates will be without knowing how many will enroll?
I guess I don't understand...isn't Annie's situation bound to be improved under Obamacare? She will qualify for subsidies, she will not be denied care for preexisting conditions, and she'll be able to buy insurance on the exchanges...she lives in Illinois I'm sure they are doing it.

It seems to me that if she stops believing the demonization, she can do very well under Obamacare.

Has anyone looked at what's happened in MA? They are leading the nation in coverage. I want single payer, believe me, but i don't get how Annie is anything but helped by this.
I have a question ...

Since the rates of premiums will be determined by how many people enroll and are in the pool .. how do you determine what the rates will be without knowing how many will enroll?
stuff is beyond my grasp. Florida prohibited 'navigators' from outreach -although I can seek them out.

Being self employred, i'd like to see what I can get *thinking not to just jump in the pool right away*

see how it shakes out.
I am someone that we're all speaking about. I may be over educated for the mean, but have enough deficits to make up for that.

I was rif'd at 55 from 13 year position as 7th grade home room, LA and Soc studies teacher. Highly qualified in Soc studies, endorsed in LA., ostensibly due to most effective way to merge two Catholic schools into one. Truth is, the principal saw me as a threat and I was more popular with students and parents than her daughter, the 6th grade teacher. I'd earned a MS in Ed in management. I'd made it clear, that wasn't my goal in Catholic school. I was 'replaced' with a teacher with degree in 'nutrition.' Yes, she was teaching both language arts and social studies.

OK, let's deal with what is.

I've always been close to legally defined as deaf. It is congenital and at this point, cannot be addressed with surgery or implants. I was 4 when my folks were called that I failed the kindergarten screening. They already knew, they also knew that I ready reading chapter books, and knew enough to know that was outside the norm. They also recognized my non-hearing impaired brother had the gifts without the disabilities.

Long story short, so many of you 'liberals' denigrate those of us with problems, that see them as something to deal with and compensate for. More importantly, those same adaptations are often part of our argument. Seems so many wish to 'champion' the disadvantage, even when that group says, 'No thanks,' we can get along fine with the, (in my case), 'talk slower and a tad louder.'

I've little problem asking for repeats, though I'm hurt to the core when someone 'repeats in same tone an pitch,' they are mocking and yes, it hurts.

So, what has happened in the 3 years? I filed for unemployment the summer after being Rif'd. In Oct., had completed and passed applications and requirements for subbing for several districts. Come Christmas, went back to unemployment with break in employment, was advised 'teachers' are ineligible for claiming uncovered time off, due to contracts. I responded that I was a day-to-day hire, no contract. Whoops, teachers aren't considered day-to-day. Circumstances no matter.

So for the past 3 years I've subbed, mostly in spec ed. While I love my subject areas, my concern has always been on the individual. My MS in differentiation, even though officially management.

Now I've lost my home, lost health insurance, going for bankruptcy.

sorry to hear of your pain and suffering.
I guess I don't understand...isn't Annie's situation bound to be improved under Obamacare? She will qualify for subsidies, she will not be denied care for preexisting conditions, and she'll be able to buy insurance on the exchanges...she lives in Illinois I'm sure they are doing it.

It seems to me that if she stops believing the demonization, she can do very well under Obamacare.

Has anyone looked at what's happened in MA? They are leading the nation in coverage. I want single payer, believe me, but i don't get how Annie is anything but helped by this.

people who need help often have feelings of rage for those who actually help them.

believe me I have helped family stay afloat only to be treated l very badly for the favor.

they have to strike out at the hand that feeds them to save their bruised ego.

Its sad and part of what you have to consider when you help someone.

Don't expect to be seen with honor.

give the help and disappear and never mention it again.

Even with that approach I have been "punished" for helping someone.

Its part off what you have to weight when being willing to help.
I guess I don't understand...isn't Annie's situation bound to be improved under Obamacare? She will qualify for subsidies, she will not be denied care for preexisting conditions, and she'll be able to buy insurance on the exchanges...she lives in Illinois I'm sure they are doing it.

It seems to me that if she stops believing the demonization, she can do very well under Obamacare.

Has anyone looked at what's happened in MA? They are leading the nation in coverage. I want single payer, believe me, but i don't get how Annie is anything but helped by this.

You ask excellent questions, but I guess it all depends on can she afford it and will the program work.

All the projected costs have no meaning until we see how many actually enroll.

For me, the issue is the fight for the best coverage for Annie and all Americans, and without a doubt, that is single-payer.

MA has always led the nation in coverage.

I'm more interested in what has happened in VA, and what is happening in many states .. single-payer in the age of Obamacare.
Single coverage will NEVER work in the US without a major overhaul of the entire medical system. I lived in Germany for 3 years and dated a doctor. She was immune from malpractice, all doctors are. If a doctor screws up, the state makes you whole, whatever that means, up to and including paying you if you can no longer work. Doctors do not make the outrageous salaries they make here, but they also do not pay for medical school. No student loans. People become doctors because they want to help people. Doctors in this country go into massive amounts of debt to get their medical degrees. They pay hefty sums for malpractice insurance. Everyone thinks that JUST the AMA doesn't want socialized medicine. Neither do trial lawyers.

I am a Trial Lawyer and, while I would not call many of them my friends, I know a lot of trial lawyers. A single payer system would put us OUT OF BUSINESS. I would GLADLY find another way to make a living! Officially all trial lawyers I know, except myself, are against a single payer system, and all of the ones I have talked to about it in private agree it would be better for America.

Like I tell my clients, if insurance companies were fair, I would happily be out of business. Similarly, if we did away with insurance companies, I would happily be out of business. Until then, its a good way to make a living seeking justice for injured people.
I guess I don't understand...isn't Annie's situation bound to be improved under Obamacare? She will qualify for subsidies, she will not be denied care for preexisting conditions, and she'll be able to buy insurance on the exchanges...she lives in Illinois I'm sure they are doing it.

It seems to me that if she stops believing the demonization, she can do very well under Obamacare.

Has anyone looked at what's happened in MA? They are leading the nation in coverage. I want single payer, believe me, but i don't get how Annie is anything but helped by this.

Annie should check out this article - very complete on covering ACA enrollment.

And Kaiser has a calculator, so Annie can figure out what it will cost her.

My guess is Annie (if she's telling us the truth) will be able to find an affordable plan.

Also, her kids are doing so well, they can send her a few hundred bucks a month to help cover her expenses as well.

That is, if she's telling the truth. Not that I like to doubt anyone on a msg board, but according to Annie, her kids are perfect, her kids' schools were perfect, she's exemplary in her spending, all her kids at school love her better than any other teacher, etc. It could be all true, of course; and if so, I apologize for my skepticism. But Annie, you've used your 'perfection' to put down other poor people AND to put down programs that can actually help you if what you say is true.
And Kaiser has a calculator, so Annie can figure out what it will cost her.

interesting....according to this, in my county my premium will be $4800 a year and my out of pocket limit is $12,900.....I will receive no tax cost of $17,700.....

currently my premium is $7656, and my out of pocket limit is $10,000 for a total cost of $17,656......I'm going to Vegas on my savings!..........

unless my taxes go up, of course.....
Keep discussing Americans. You're learning slowly but at least you're learning. Obamacare is long past due in your country and will be embraced by all eventually. Your current system was twice as expensive per capita as Canada's, was rated lower by the World Health Org, and was bankrupting your country as it let millions of people suffer or die unnecessarily. Even stupid political ideologues get it eventually!
OMG I have just received a notice from my Insurance company entitled "Mandatory Distribute". And dear god it's about Obama care!

Look what I am mandated to do! Tell me this isn't communism!:

The Affordable Care Act, sometimes called “Obamacare” has created specific obligations for you the employer. The current requirement mandates that all employers, regardless of the number of employees, distribute a notice (Model Notice) that informs them of the existence of the Health Exchange/Marketplace effective January 2014. This form must be provided to all current employees and future hires. This form must also be supplied to employees whether or not they are eligible to participate in your plan. For example this would include non eligible full time, part time, seasonal, or Union employees (if not offered health insurance from the Union). The deadline for distribution of the notice is October 1, 2013. As per NYS, the easiest way to distribute is through a payroll stuffer.

Holy Mother of God, I have to distribute a form! What's next? Mandatory abortion? Mandatory gay sex? Where does this madness stop? Do you realize what this will do to my business? The expense of putting a form into paycheck envelopes? Why don't they just come put the "OUt of Business" sign on my door now?

What will these monsters do if I don't comply? Execute me????

Although you are mandated to distribute the notice, The Federal Government has also determined that there will be no penalties for failure to distribute the notice. The FAQ regarding penalties is reprinted below:

Q: Can an employer be fined for failing to provide employees with notice about the Affordable Care Act's new Health Insurance Marketplace?

A: No. If your company is covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act, it should provide a written notice to its employees about the Health Insurance Marketplace by October 1, 2013, but there is no fine or penalty under the law for failing to provide the notice.

Have mercy on us! And though it never mentions the word "guns" you can just see the subtext am I right? "We're comin to git em"! It's clear as day. Gun-grabbing Marxist motherfuckers!
It's pure communism! Just as surely as the government forces you to pay taxes and forces you to pay a minimum wage. It's so awful!

And the real reason it's being fought against is because it informs people of their rights and that's got to be bad for business.

If my employer offers me insurance, can I shop on the exchange to get a better deal?

Even if your employer offers coverage, you can opt to buy a plan on the exchange. However, you may not be eligible for a subsidy unless you make less than 400 percent of the federal poverty level and your employer's plan covered less than 60 percent of allowed medical expenses or cost more than 9.5 percent of your household income.

If I am buying coverage on my own, do I have to buy it on the exchange?

Consumers can shop for coverage on or off the exchange. However, subsidies are generally available only for plans sold on the exchange. Also, adults up to the age of 26 have another choice: They often can get coverage through their parents' health plans.

Oh, the horror! I can CHOOSE to use the exchange instead of coverage from my employer! And I can CHOOSE to go directly to the insurance company, I don't have to use the exchange!

I guess I don't understand...isn't Annie's situation bound to be improved under Obamacare? She will qualify for subsidies, she will not be denied care for preexisting conditions, and she'll be able to buy insurance on the exchanges...she lives in Illinois I'm sure they are doing it.

It seems to me that if she stops believing the demonization, she can do very well under Obamacare.

Has anyone looked at what's happened in MA? They are leading the nation in coverage. I want single payer, believe me, but i don't get how Annie is anything but helped by this.

Here's the deal, even wit 'subsidies' still will not be something I can do and pay rent, food, utilities and gas. Many fall into my category, make too much for help, too little to make it.

Now in all honesty, even if I could afford, I'm still against this law. It's nor 'reform' it's another entitlement. People say, "You're against your own interests. Well my interests happen to include my own children and Others.

Real reform would actually be improving care and addressing the inflationary causes.