Suprise, Obamacare "very reasonable"

I do hope you find some pathway Annie; you might try AARP if you are over 55. I use them now - not great, but a Bronze type plan runs me only about $150/ month
Still i use it very sparingly, being self employed already hits me on the FICA tax.

I work out, and try very hard to stay healty, I have it mostly in case I need hospitalization
I do hope you find some pathway Annie; you might try AARP if you are over 55. I use them now - not great, but a Bronze type plan runs me only about $150/ month
Still i use it very sparingly, being self employed already hits me on the FICA tax.

I work out, and try very hard to stay healty, I have it mostly in case I need hospitalization

Yep, I work out and eat right. I got off of high blood pressure meds 4 years ago by increasing exercise.
Here's the deal, even wit 'subsidies' still will not be something I can do and pay rent, food, utilities and gas. Many fall into my category, make too much for help, too little to make it.

Now in all honesty, even if I could afford, I'm still against this law. It's nor 'reform' it's another entitlement. People say, "You're against your own interests. Well my interests happen to include my own children and Others.

Real reform would actually be improving care and addressing the inflationary causes.

Have you looked? I know that there are plenty of people who fall through the cracks in the manner you describe with Medicaid...have you actually priced out insurance on the new exchanges (I think they begin in January? but have gone into effect early in some states) and checked into just how much in subsidies you would qualify for? If you make too much for Medicaid but not enough to buy insurance under our current system (which is a very common problem) then you likely will be able to obtain insurance under the new health care law. You are exactly who this is designed for.

You've obviously been fucked by the current system. Obamacare has not done you harm. Why not see if it can do you some good? You are a very knee-jerk ideologue and if you just refuse to look becuase you are simply not going to be helped by anything some "liberal" (which OBama is not, and Obamacare is not a liberal program) did, then that would be a shame. Because many like you will be helped under this law.
Yep, I work out and eat right. I got off of high blood pressure meds 4 years ago by increasing exercise.
gotta do it.

I'm not going to get a lifestyle disease like most of my familiy did - saw the suffering - not when it's preventable.
Have you looked? I know that there are plenty of people who fall through the cracks in the manner you describe with Medicaid...have you actually priced out insurance on the new exchanges (I think they begin in January? but have gone into effect early in some states) and checked into just how much in subsidies you would qualify for? If you make too much for Medicaid but not enough to buy insurance under our current system (which is a very common problem) then you likely will be able to obtain insurance under the new health care law. You are exactly who this is designed for.

You've obviously been fucked by the current system. Obamacare has not done you harm. Why not see if it can do you some good? You are a very knee-jerk ideologue and if you just refuse to look becuase you are simply not going to be helped by anything some "liberal" (which OBama is not, and Obamacare is not a liberal program) did, then that would be a shame. Because many like you will be helped under this law.

I will look into it, if for no other reason to figure if I'm ahead paying the penalty or cost of insurance. Believe me, I really hope I'm wrong and this turns into a real boom for the country.
Yep, I work out and eat right. I got off of high blood pressure meds 4 years ago by increasing exercise.

Politics aside good sister .. take it from someone who was DEAD from opting to exercise instead of taking my high blood pressure meds.

Yes, dead .. from a stroke and hemorrhagic seizure several years ago. One minute I was getting a glass of water, the next minute I was dead. No pulse, not breathing, dead. Had it not been for my dog, who woke up my wife and daughter, I would still be dead.

I had this exact same conversation with a good friend of mine, Issac Hayes, who later dropped dead while on his treadmill.

Take your meds, PLEASE.
QUESTION: Would it be reasonable to criticize Obama's healthcare plan for doing nothing about medical bankruptcy, the leading cause of all bankruptcies?

In fact, medical bankruptcy was a major reason why healthcare reform was needed in the first place.

Actually Obama, Your Health Care Law Will Not Stop Medical Bankruptcy

During a rare press conference President Obama defended the Affordable Care Act by saying “in a country as wealthy as ours nobody should go bankrupt if they get sick.” The problem is the Obamacare will not even come close to eliminating medical bankruptcy.

Even under the law, people who buy insurance on the new exchange will face out of pocket limits they may not able to afford. For a family plan the annual out of pocket limit will be over $12,000. This is a financial burden many families simply can’t afford, especially while dealing with all the other expenses normally faced when taking care of a very sick family member

The vast majority of people who filed for bankruptcy because of health problems had insurance. The problem is that their private insurance was insufficient. The bronze plans required under Obamacare with their incredibly low actuarial values and high out of pocket limits will not stop this problem.

In fact, data from Massachusetts which adopted a very similar state based reform plan indicates the ACA will only modestly reduce this problem. From research on Massachusetts right before and after implementation.

In 2009, illness or medical bills contributed to 52.9% of bankruptcies in Massachusetts. In contrast, in early 2007, medical bankruptcies accounted for 59.3% of personal bankruptcies in the state (P.44 for comparison with 2009 proportion) and 62.1% nationally (P.02). Because the total number of personal bankruptcy filings in Massachusetts increased by 51% between fiscal years 2007 and 2009, the absolute number of medical bankruptcies in the state actually increased by more than one third during that period, from 7504 to 10,093. [...]
Even before the changes in health care laws, most medical bankruptcies in Massachusetts, as in other states, affected middle-class families with health insurance. High premium costs and gaps in coverage— copayments, deductibles, and uncovered services— often left insured families liable for substantial out-of-pocket costs. None of that changed
It would be possible to dramatically reduce medical bankruptcy by adopting one of the far more comprehensive universal health care systems used in other countries, but that is not what President Obama did. He put forward a bill that will increase the number of people who are technically “insured” but will still leave many “underinsured”, and being underinsured is the main cause of medical bankruptcy.

It undermines the entire idea of progressive government when Democrats make promises about laws that were never really designed to deliver.

Did Romneycare end medical bankruptcy in MA?

RomneyCare Didn’t End Medical Bankruptcies

Is this a fair question to Obamacare supporters .. or am I just a 'hater?'
Politics aside good sister .. take it from someone who was DEAD from opting to exercise instead of taking my high blood pressure meds.

Yes, dead .. from a stroke and hemorrhagic seizure several years ago. One minute I was getting a glass of water, the next minute I was dead. No pulse, not breathing, dead. Had it not been for my dog, who woke up my wife and daughter, I would still be dead.

I had this exact same conversation with a good friend of mine, Issac Hayes, who later dropped dead while on his treadmill.

Take your meds, PLEASE.

Thanks, of course you are correct. In my case though, it was the Dr. who took me off. Because of this blasted broken hand, had BP taken just last week, it's elevated, but still not at point of meds. I'm quite diligent in checking my BP.
Also at the link

I guess you missed the part where they are claiming that they are 16% lower than original PROJECTIONS. This does not mean they are 16% lower than actual costs; those have gone up and these plans for many are actually costing more.

By the way, who will be paying all the billions in subsidies these plans will be doling out? DUH!

But whatever we do, let's completely ignore the job losses that have resulted from anticipation of this rollout has caused and as implementation goes into effect.

Yep, gotta love this Obama recovery; the part time job low income recovery where more people are leaving the workforce than are joining it and where income inequality as a result has exploded.

But gullible fools like you clamor for more. No wonder the most inept, inexperienced, hyper partisan community organizing buffoon in our history could become President. No amount of spin or desperate rhetoric can re-write the incredible failure Obama is.
OMG I have just received a notice from my Insurance company entitled "Mandatory Distribute". And dear god it's about Obama care!

Look what I am mandated to do! Tell me this isn't communism!:

The Affordable Care Act, sometimes called “Obamacare” has created specific obligations for you the employer. The current requirement mandates that all employers, regardless of the number of employees, distribute a notice (Model Notice) that informs them of the existence of the Health Exchange/Marketplace effective January 2014. This form must be provided to all current employees and future hires. This form must also be supplied to employees whether or not they are eligible to participate in your plan. For example this would include non eligible full time, part time, seasonal, or Union employees (if not offered health insurance from the Union). The deadline for distribution of the notice is October 1, 2013. As per NYS, the easiest way to distribute is through a payroll stuffer.

Holy Mother of God, I have to distribute a form! What's next? Mandatory abortion? Mandatory gay sex? Where does this madness stop? Do you realize what this will do to my business? The expense of putting a form into paycheck envelopes? Why don't they just come put the "OUt of Business" sign on my door now?

What will these monsters do if I don't comply? Execute me????

Although you are mandated to distribute the notice, The Federal Government has also determined that there will be no penalties for failure to distribute the notice. The FAQ regarding penalties is reprinted below:

Q: Can an employer be fined for failing to provide employees with notice about the Affordable Care Act's new Health Insurance Marketplace?

A: No. If your company is covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act, it should provide a written notice to its employees about the Health Insurance Marketplace by October 1, 2013, but there is no fine or penalty under the law for failing to provide the notice.

Have mercy on us! And though it never mentions the word "guns" you can just see the subtext am I right? "We're comin to git em"! It's clear as day. Gun-grabbing Marxist motherfuckers!

Komrad; you vill comply und you vill enjoy it or else!!
Thanks, of course you are correct. In my case though, it was the Dr. who took me off. Because of this blasted broken hand, had BP taken just last week, it's elevated, but still not at point of meds. I'm quite diligent in checking my BP.

Stay diligent sister.

Death from HBP comes quickly and silently.

I don't mean to scare you .. but then again, yes I do.