Syria 'welcomes' proposal to hand over control of chemical weapons

how fucking stupid partisan do you have to be to claim Obama has done nothing to protect the citizens of the USA.

jesus man your hate knows no bounds
Putin is offering Obama an escape hatch, if Obama is smart enough to take it and doesn't fumble this he could actually wind up looking good, all because Putin was willing to jump on a stupid threat from Kerry and make something useful out of it.
how fucking stupid partisan do you have to be to claim Obama has done nothing to protect the citizens of the USA.

jesus man your hate knows no bounds

How fucking stupid are you that you cannot even provide us some examples of him 'protecting' us?

You should be able to do so easily...
chemical weapons attacks are not good things are they?

when you act like they don't matter they happen again and again and again.

they are very handy fro dictators who are willing to kill their own people to retain power.

they are handy for killing your next door neighbors too.

Ask Sadam

Kerry mentioned 8 hours before the Russians did dude

Kerry threatened them 8 hours before Putin came up with a solution. He even mentioned how he didn't think they would do it...

Basically here's the timeline:

Kerry: You have a week to give up the weapons! I don't think you will though.
Putin: Shoot, if you're serious I'll begin talks with Damascus immediately!

And if Obama is smart enough he'll say:
Obama: Do it, man!
telling them they can avoid the attack by handing over the weapons is not a threat.

why do you claim its a threat from Kerry and a good idea from the Russians.

oh forget it I know why
telling them they can avoid the attack by handing over the weapons is not a threat.

why do you claim its a threat from Kerry and a good idea from the Russians.

oh forget it I know why

Giving them a ridiculous time limit and saying "but you won't" isn't just a threat, it's kindergarten. This ad hoc foreign policy is dangerous, thankfully smarter heads took advantage of Kerry's stupid threat.
Giving them a ridiculous time limit and saying "but you won't" isn't just a threat, it's kindergarten. This ad hoc foreign policy is dangerous, thankfully smarter heads took advantage of Kerry's stupid threat.

its sure gave the Russian a good idea huh?

damo this was orchastraited by the Obama team and even you know it