Syria 'welcomes' proposal to hand over control of chemical weapons

where are they walking it back?

Secretary of State John Kerry made what appeared to be an offhand remark in London early Monday, suggesting that Syria could potentially avoid a U.S. attack if it handed over "every single bit of his chemical weapons" to the international community in the next week.

The State Department walked back the remarks; spokeswoman Marie Harf called them "rhetorical" and "hypothetical." See above post.

Nevertheless, Russia immediately jumped on the offer. "If the establishment of international control over chemical weapons in that country would allow avoiding strikes, we will immediately start working with Damascus," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

Syria then said it "welcomed" Russia's offer.

what will you do and say about Obama if they manage to get a civil war cease fire long enough to get the weapons out?

It will help cool the passions.

it will remind people of what NON war feels like
Secretary of State John Kerry made what appeared to be an offhand remark in London early Monday, suggesting that Syria could potentially avoid a U.S. attack if it handed over "every single bit of his chemical weapons" to the international community in the next week.

The State Department walked back the remarks; spokeswoman Marie Harf called them "rhetorical" and "hypothetical." See above post.

Nevertheless, Russia immediately jumped on the offer. "If the establishment of international control over chemical weapons in that country would allow avoiding strikes, we will immediately start working with Damascus," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

Syria then said it "welcomed" Russia's offer.


already answered in above posts
BAC, question, after reading Huffpo piece, is the state department now saying they don't want a peaceful conclusion? If so, this is beyond insane. I don't see it happening, but to say something that idiotic?
they said he didn't believe they would.

so did Kerry.

Now it makes it even more of a Russian savior idea huh?

This was designed to save face for the Russians.

Now how does this transfer get done?

what has to happen for it to actually take place?

post 57
BAC, question, after reading Huffpo piece, is the state department now saying they don't want a peaceful conclusion? If so, this is beyond insane. I don't see it happening, but to say something that idiotic?

Frankly, this is so bizarre that I'm thinking there must be something unsaid going on. I can't imagine there are many democrats happy with this with the midterms on the horizon, but I came away from reading the article with the same impression that you did.

It is indeed insane and political suicide. But that insanity is not just coming from State. Have they no idea of the optics of what they look like?
WASHINGTON--Hillary Rodham Clinton said on Monday that Syria surrendering chemical stockpiles would be an "important step" to averting a potential U.S. military strike but can't be an "excuse for delay or obstruction" by the Bashar Assad regime.

The comments from the former secretary of State came at a White House forum on combating wildlife trafficking, one of the charitable causes she is pursuing at the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. She was joined at the forum by her daughter, Chelsea

the walking back thingy just died
Obama has already said they are looking at the proposal.

Kerry floated it first.

now Hil is saying its a good start.

at some point you need to stop the irrational hate
WASHINGTON--Hillary Rodham Clinton said on Monday that Syria surrendering chemical stockpiles would be an "important step" to averting a potential U.S. military strike but can't be an "excuse for delay or obstruction" by the Bashar Assad regime.

The comments from the former secretary of State came at a White House forum on combating wildlife trafficking, one of the charitable causes she is pursuing at the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. She was joined at the forum by her daughter, Chelsea

the walking back thingy just died

So are you just not paying attention?

State Department: Kerry Statement On Syria Turning Over Chemical Weapons Simply Rhetorical

Are you of the opinion that I just made that up?
it was to make it MORE of the Russians idea dude.

8 hours later the Russians are placing it on the table like they just thought of it
The Russians get to save face after talking like they would protect a dictator who chemed his people after they sold him the weapons.
