Syria 'welcomes' proposal to hand over control of chemical weapons

does bac hate Obama?

facts dude

No, he dislikes Obama's policies.

now, can you answer my question? Is there anyone on the board that YOU don't THINK 'hates Obama'??? Because you accuse everyone who disagrees with Obama on anything of 'hating' him.
BTW when you automatically say someone is lying when there is no proof of them lying that is hate my friend
BTW when you automatically say someone is lying when there is no proof of them lying that is hate my friend

You lie all the time. We do not lie about that.

Obama has lied, quite often. But you ignore it when people prove that to you with the facts... you know, those things you SAY you always have but rarely do.

Even now you start two more threads on this very topic and have discussions with yourself because you desperately want to avoid the FACT that you have already been proven wrong on this thread.
what was I wrong about?

That Obama set this all up. That Obama is allowing Putin to save face. It is quite the other way around, but you are too much of a lapdog for Obama to know it. Hence your desperate attempts to spin this as some grand plan of Obama's.
That Obama set this all up. That Obama is allowing Putin to save face. It is quite the other way around, but you are too much of a lapdog for Obama to know it. Hence your desperate attempts to spin this as some grand plan of Obama's.

Obama fans will always believe he is playing 12 dimensional chess or something. Who cares? I don't. I will just be glad if we don't bomb Syria and I don't care who gets the credit or the blame.