Taking a break: Jade Dragon.

Threedee is hemorrhoids

Maybe you should take a break from this place.

You seem to laboring under this delusion that I hate you. I don't hate you. I am indifferent to you. I like to troll you because you are so damned easy to troll. But, if you will notice, I rarely if ever engage with you. Outside of Werewolf, I would be surprised if you can find more than 50 posts I have ever made to you.

But, you are insistent that I have this blinding hatred toward you. Rest assured I do not. I suspect that you just suffer from a massive persecution complex. You are unable to withstand the slightest bit of criticism no matter how slight. You have zero sense of humor.

I am actually starting to feel very, very sorry for you as it is not my intent to fuck with people with serious mental illness. That is why I have laid off of Deshtard lately.

Be well and have a blessed day
I'm in a bit of rough shape on new meds, and a 4 week course of Antibiotics. I'm not acting myself, and probably just adding more dysfunction here. I'm taking a break, and will resume later. I've had issues going since October, besides kidney stones. It finally got bad enough that something was figured out. I should have done more, but only able to get appointments every couple months, and thinking it was just issues with the kidney stone, I didn't. On top of that, I drove myself a little nutty trying a truce with Yurt. Never try that, you'll regret it.

Maybe if you didn't hate me so much with your blinding rage

We never had a truce. Ever.
I don't hate anyone on JPP.

I hold them all close to my bosom.

And if posters like Zappacrite suffocate in my embrace, I will not shed a tear.

I really doubt this person's illness or issues.

Everytime she has a meltdown, she immediately starts blaming Yurt and then starts blaming her condition and medicines.

It is never her personal responsibility for being rude and insulting, it is always someone else's fault or her conditions fault or her meds fault.... But never ever her inability to act rational and live up to her own standards.

You guys can believe her cry for attention and pity, but I don't, not for one second.

If she was polite and lived her standards, I would be more likely to believe her, but this cry for attention comes every time she melts down and realizes she has been a hypocritical bitch.

Everybody hates you.
Poor yurt.