No. I wouldn't. Now, had his past policies been about fiscal conservatism rather than populism you might have a point. Or if he believed in smaller government even when it came to his populist stances. Neither of those are the case. Huckabee isn't "hard right" by any stretch of the imagination.
Well maybe you wouldn't but I would consider a person who opposes first trimester abortions in cases of rape and incest, hard right.
I'd say opposing medical marijauna is hard right.
I'd say supporting displays of the 10 commandments in public schools is hard right.
I'd say supporting the teaching of creationism in science class is hard right.
I'd say opposing embryonic stem cell research is hard right.
I'd say his opposition to anti pollution laws in his own state is hard right.
I'd say his suggestion to quarentine AIDS patients is hard right.
I'd say his support of illegal immigrants as a sourch of cheap labor that under cuts wages is hard right.
I'd say his comment "I feel homosexuality is an aberrant, unnatural, and sinful lifestyle, and we now know it can pose a dangerous public health risk" is a hard right position.
I'd say suggesting that we increase an all ready bloated military by 50% is hard right position.
I'd say that supporting regressive tax schemes, such as the "Fair Tax", which places the burden of taxation on the middle and working classes is a hard right position.
I'd say that wanting to eliminate the IRS and the Dept of Education are very hard right positions.
I'd say his support of Bush's immoral war in Iraq and his comments that "opposition to the war in Iraq is dangerous" is extremely hard right.
I'd say his stance on using military force on Iran is not only hard right but down right scary.
I'd say his position that the US must defend Israel because it was promised to the Jews by God is not only hard right but it is insane.
I'd say that his position that Palestinians do not have a place in Jeruselum when they have been living there for over a thousand years is not only hard right, it's down right inhuman.
I'd say his comments to ammend the US Constitution to meet God's laws is not only hard right but is the sign of a religious zealot and a fanatic.
Based on those public positions I'd have to say only someone who is hard right themself can make an asinine comment about Huckabee being just a religious populist.