Tea Party Sustainability

Who, other than you, said anything about the ACLU in this thread?

You aim at the wrong target and because of that you fail. I spoke of a very real fact, there is a coordinated effort placing billboards across the nation specifically against Nativity displays. There was no mention of the ACLU.

Nor am I specifically promoting any such display, it isn't my religion. I am however, more approving of inclusive rather than exclusive policy. Let all religions have their display, including evangelical atheists.

The 'war on Christmas' is fabricated propaganda perpetrated by Evangelicals like Pat Robertson and parroted by public liars like Bill O'Reilly. Bringing up the ACLU is pertinent because they always get dragged into it.

David Silverman, the president of American Atheists and the man behind the billboard in NYC said: “Every year, atheists get blamed for having a war on Christmas, even if we don’t do anything, this year, we decided to give the religious right a taste of what war on Christmas looks like.”

O'Reilly's War on Christmas: Truth Takes a Holiday Again


The Right's Phony War on Christmas


O'Reilly's Lies about Christmas

The 'war on Christmas' is fabricated propaganda perpetrated by Evangelicals like Pat Robertson and parroted by public liars like Bill O'Reilly. Bringing up the ACLU is pertinent because they always get dragged into it.

David Silverman, the president of American Atheists and the man behind the billboard in NYC said: “Every year, atheists get blamed for having a war on Christmas, even if we don’t do anything, this year, we decided to give the religious right a taste of what war on Christmas looks like.”

O'Reilly's War on Christmas: Truth Takes a Holiday Again


The Right's Phony War on Christmas


O'Reilly's Lies about Christmas


Oh the PERSECUTION!!! One more whiny-baby Rightie and his feet stamping tantrum:

The 2010 edition of the "War On Christmas"
isn't merely playing itself out in obscure Smithsonian exhibitions. It's also opened up a front in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where a scheduled holiday parade parade is making Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) have a sad because of the way it reminds him of the existence of other holidays and other people who participate in other religions. Per Jillian Rayfield, at TPM:

Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe (R) says he won't participate in Tulsa's annual Holiday Parade Of Lights until the "forces of political correctness" put "Christmas" back in the title. "I'm not going to ride in a Christmas parade that doesn't recognize Christmas," he said.

"Last year, the forces of political correctness removed the word 'Christmas' and replaced it with 'Holiday' instead," the Tulsa World reports Inhofe said. "I am deeply saddened and disappointed by this change."

Indeed: why is no one making an "It gets better" YouTube clip for the "saddened and disappointed" Inhofe? What does the insensitive monster who runs Tulsa have to say about it?

Tulsa mayor Dewey Bartlett acknowledged the reality of the situation. "If it was up to me, I'd call it a Christmas parade, but I also understand that we have a diverse community, and I'm sensitive to the importance of the many cultures and traditions that make up our city," he said.

You know, as a Christian in America, I got to tell you: we have it so good here! It pretty much rules: not only do I get all sorts of time off from work at Christmastime, I get radio stations full of Christmas carols and a teevee full of Christmas specials, one of which has been reciting the Gospel of Luke on network television for forty-five years. Pretty soon, I will have the opportunity to zoom around on Creationist roller-coasters, or something, in Kentucky. On top of that, Christmas is dominant design aesthetic everywhere you go in America, beginning in about mid-October, annually. Everywhere I look, my love of Christmas and my personal religious faith is being overwhelmingly jammed down my throat -- whoops, sorry, I meant "validated."

I don't know if I'll have the chance to talk to the fancy new space bacteria that NASA has discovered, but I look forward to the opportunity to field this question: "Doesn't this 'War On Christmas' actually cheapen the actual instances of brutal religious persecution that have occurred throughout your planet's history?" I'll reply, "Oh, did NASA not brief you guys on that time where we decided to totally flip out and lose all sense of perspective?"

The whole article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/02/jim-inhofe-is-the-latest-_n_791157.html

I speak solely in political terms not as in radicalized religion, it is quite doofusie to purposefully misunderstand like this. Radicals, politically, want to change laws rather than preserve the current laws.

LMFAO... I've never seen so much "doofusie" spin to walk back a boneheaded statement. When you call someone a "religious radical" it most certainly implies they are radicalized religiously. I understand that could not possibly be what you really meant to say, which is why I called you out on it, but now you are trying to say you didn't say it, even though it's your own words. Too funny!

Lot's of people who are not radicals, religious or otherwise, want to change laws! What you are saying makes no sense to me... the only way to not be considered a "radical" is to just accept whatever they decide is the law? So we can either be "sheep" or we are "radical?"
Roughly one third, 36%, to 42%[2] of the American public self-identify as "conservative." Conservatives commonly outnumber liberals in the general public with both ideological groupings being outnumbered by centrists.[6] The military-industrial complex in particular remains a conservative bastion.[13][14] A 2003 survey by the Military Times found that the "military considers itself clearly more conservative and Republican." In a December 2006 poll, 46% of active personnel identified as Republican, down from 60% in 2004.[15] In the 2000, 2004 and 2006 elections CNN exit polls found that roughly 80% of self-described conservatives voted Republican.[8][9][10] A study by the Pew Research Center, where research assigned typological classifications based on responses to policy and ideological questions, found that a significant percentage of Democratic voters were social conservatives who only voted for the Democratic party due to their more left-leaning economic methods, as well as their long time affiliation with the party especially among Dixiecrats and blacks. This study divided conservatives into four groups: Enterprisers, Social Conservatives, Pro-Government Conservatives, and Conservative Democrats. Of the conservative groups, Conservative Democrats were the most common typological group comprising 14% of respondents while Enterprisers and Pro-Government Conservatives were the least common among the conservative groups at 9%. Enterprisers had the second highest percentage of college graduates (46%) behind Liberals, and were tied with Liberals percentage wise on those who have household incomes of $75,000 or more (41%), while actually having a higher percentage of people who have household incomes of $50,000 or more (62%). All conservative demographics were religious with less than 10% of respondents identifying as "secular," compared to 22% among liberals.[4]

Political ideologies in the United States - Wikipedia, the free [email]encyclopedia

Now, if you equate Social Conservative with "Religious" Conservative, and I am sure most of you do... then this study bears out what I stated, in fact, it looks like about 90% of Conservatives are Social Conservative.... in the REAL world, not in JPP-land, where pinhead Libertarians dominate the board!
Which has never made sense to me, this being a "Christian" nation and all! Social Conservatives = Satan
The 'war on Christmas' is very real and rears its ugly head every year...
The soldiers of the war whine about the greeting "Merry Christmas" and nativity scenes every year....for 200 years it was live and let live, celebrate or don't...no one got upset if you said Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas...today they DEMAND you use the greeting they approve of and banish any and all displays of Christianity from stores, malls, diners, and any public land...
Oh yes, the war is real..........
The 'war on Christmas' is very real and rears its ugly head every year...
The soldiers of the war whine about the greeting "Merry Christmas" and nativity scenes every year....for 200 years it was live and let live, celebrate or don't...no one got upset if you said Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas...today they DEMAND you use the greeting they approve of and banish any and all displays of Christianity from stores, malls, diners, and any public land...
Oh yes, the war is real..........
No it isn't Bill o'Really, go sit on your thumb and pull out a plum! It is ridiculous. Why would you want Jesus in a consumer driven holiday that was originally pagan to begin with?
The 'war on Christmas' is very real and rears its ugly head every year...
The soldiers of the war whine about the greeting "Merry Christmas" and nativity scenes every year....for 200 years it was live and let live, celebrate or don't...no one got upset if you said Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas...today they DEMAND you use the greeting they approve of and banish any and all displays of Christianity from stores, malls, diners, and any public land...
Oh yes, the war is real..........

Oh yeah...Christians are sooooooooo persecuted for wanting to say Merry Christmas:

You know, as a Christian in America, I got to tell you: we have it so good here! It pretty much rules: not only do I get all sorts of time off from work at Christmastime, I get radio stations full of Christmas carols and a teevee full of Christmas specials, one of which has been reciting the Gospel of Luke on network television for forty-five years. Pretty soon, I will have the opportunity to zoom around on Creationist roller-coasters, or something, in Kentucky. On top of that, Christmas is dominant design aesthetic everywhere you go in America, beginning in about mid-October, annually.

Oh yeah...Christians have it so bad...
Oh yeah...Christians are sooooooooo persecuted for wanting to say Merry Christmas:

You know, as a Christian in America, I got to tell you: we have it so good here! It pretty much rules: not only do I get all sorts of time off from work at Christmastime, I get radio stations full of Christmas carols and a teevee full of Christmas specials, one of which has been reciting the Gospel of Luke on network television for forty-five years. Pretty soon, I will have the opportunity to zoom around on Creationist roller-coasters, or something, in Kentucky. On top of that, Christmas is dominant design aesthetic everywhere you go in America, beginning in about mid-October, annually.

Oh yeah...Christians have it so bad...
Zappa, this is the way I see it, they claim to always be persecuted, but like you stated, it seems our culture is pretty steeped in Christianity and those of us who aren't are the ones who receive the persecution, but I really don't feel persecuted, at times just different and when you say you don't believe, well, that opens up all kinds of trouble! I choose just not to mention it most of the time!
The 'war on Christmas' is fabricated propaganda perpetrated by Evangelicals like Pat Robertson and parroted by public liars like Bill O'Reilly. Bringing up the ACLU is pertinent because they always get dragged into it.

David Silverman, the president of American Atheists and the man behind the billboard in NYC said: “Every year, atheists get blamed for having a war on Christmas, even if we don’t do anything, this year, we decided to give the religious right a taste of what war on Christmas looks like.”

O'Reilly's War on Christmas: Truth Takes a Holiday Again


The Right's Phony War on Christmas


O'Reilly's Lies about Christmas

Yet, what I have stated is very real. Shall I take a photo of the billboards? Would that be enough for you to simply face reality?
You don't even believe in Jesus, why do you care?
Again, because I believe that we should be inclusive rather than exclusive. Celebrate diversity rather than attempt to dilute it. Let them all have a plate and sit at the table rather than try to take away the food from one group specifically.

I'm reminded of that Father Niemoller here. Just because I'm not a believer doesn't change that I think we all should have a part in this rather than just a deny tactic for that of the majority.
Yet, what I have stated is very real. Shall I take a photo of the billboards? Would that be enough for you to simply face reality?

How many billboards you think are out there from coast to coast?

Got a ballpark figure?

Because there's got to be several HUNDRED THOUSAND MILES OF ROADWAY in the continental USA.

So unless you can show there's a hundred thousand billboards all depicting the same message, what you're complaining about barely amounts to a hill of beans, let alone some "War on Christmas".
Oh the PERSECUTION!!! One more whiny-baby Rightie and his feet stamping tantrum:

The 2010 edition of the "War On Christmas"
isn't merely playing itself out in obscure Smithsonian exhibitions. It's also opened up a front in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where a scheduled holiday parade parade is making Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) have a sad because of the way it reminds him of the existence of other holidays and other people who participate in other religions. Per Jillian Rayfield, at TPM:

Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe (R) says he won't participate in Tulsa's annual Holiday Parade Of Lights until the "forces of political correctness" put "Christmas" back in the title. "I'm not going to ride in a Christmas parade that doesn't recognize Christmas," he said.

"Last year, the forces of political correctness removed the word 'Christmas' and replaced it with 'Holiday' instead," the Tulsa World reports Inhofe said. "I am deeply saddened and disappointed by this change."

Indeed: why is no one making an "It gets better" YouTube clip for the "saddened and disappointed" Inhofe? What does the insensitive monster who runs Tulsa have to say about it?

Tulsa mayor Dewey Bartlett acknowledged the reality of the situation. "If it was up to me, I'd call it a Christmas parade, but I also understand that we have a diverse community, and I'm sensitive to the importance of the many cultures and traditions that make up our city," he said.

You know, as a Christian in America, I got to tell you: we have it so good here! It pretty much rules: not only do I get all sorts of time off from work at Christmastime, I get radio stations full of Christmas carols and a teevee full of Christmas specials, one of which has been reciting the Gospel of Luke on network television for forty-five years. Pretty soon, I will have the opportunity to zoom around on Creationist roller-coasters, or something, in Kentucky. On top of that, Christmas is dominant design aesthetic everywhere you go in America, beginning in about mid-October, annually. Everywhere I look, my love of Christmas and my personal religious faith is being overwhelmingly jammed down my throat -- whoops, sorry, I meant "validated."

I don't know if I'll have the chance to talk to the fancy new space bacteria that NASA has discovered, but I look forward to the opportunity to field this question: "Doesn't this 'War On Christmas' actually cheapen the actual instances of brutal religious persecution that have occurred throughout your planet's history?" I'll reply, "Oh, did NASA not brief you guys on that time where we decided to totally flip out and lose all sense of perspective?"

The whole article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/02/jim-inhofe-is-the-latest-_n_791157.html
This is just another way for the right to villanize anyone who doesn't think the way they do! Secular people are evil, secular = liberal and liberal = Satan, ungodly and terrorist!
This is just another way for the right to villanize anyone who doesn't think the way they do! Secular people are evil, secular = liberal and liberal = Satan, ungodly and terrorist!

Do you find it funny that for all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about the supposed "War on Christmas', that the only "war" ever fought is against those EEEEEEEEVIL Moslems and others who want a place at the "Holiday Table"?

How come we NEVER see Faux News taking on the blatant commercialization that occurs every year as part of the "War on Christmas"?
Do you find it funny that for all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about the supposed "War on Christmas', that the only "war" ever fought is against those EEEEEEEEVIL Moslems and others who want a place at the "Holiday Table"?

How come we NEVER see Faux News taking on the blatant commercialization that occurs every year as part of the "War on Christmas"?
Put it back in church where it belongs!
Put it back in church where it belongs!
We don't even know when the man named Jesus was born! And isn't Easter REALLY the major Christian holiday or should be, but because of the secular part of Christmas, it has become the major focus! It is all about the GIFTS, and not the baby, Jesus!
Oh yeah...Christians are sooooooooo persecuted for wanting to say Merry Christmas:

You know, as a Christian in America, I got to tell you: we have it so good here! It pretty much rules: not only do I get all sorts of time off from work at Christmastime, I get radio stations full of Christmas carols and a teevee full of Christmas specials, one of which has been reciting the Gospel of Luke on network television for forty-five years. Pretty soon, I will have the opportunity to zoom around on Creationist roller-coasters, or something, in Kentucky. On top of that, Christmas is dominant design aesthetic everywhere you go in America, beginning in about mid-October, annually.

Oh yeah...Christians have it so bad...

Yes, I feel so bad for those poor persecuted 90% minority!