Ted Cruz’s father: Same-sex marriage is about making government your God

Yet you state that the people in America are stupid and you think the Government should protect them from their stupid thoughts. Directly.

I know you don't answer questions, it's not your strong suit in debate........lol.........but....how does gay marriage affect you?

They are unquestionably stupid.
Yet you state that the people in America are stupid and you think the Government should protect them from their stupid thoughts. Directly.

I know you don't answer questions, it's not your strong suit in debate........lol.........but....how does gay marriage affect you?

If you are going to put words in my mouth then there is no point speaking with you. I can IA you like I IA others

Garriage doesn't harm me. It harms society as a whole.

And if I believed that it was really about that and that the queers really wanted to get "married" it would be a different discussion. But it isn't and they don't.

They are militant, left wing fucks using the issue to attack religion and move this country closer to statism.

That is my opinion so spare me your "prove it"
Then governmental recognition of marriage is a non-issue?

I think the gov't should not be in the marriage business at all. But since it is, it must do so without prejudice.

As long as the gov't grants benefits to married couples, then it must grant those benefits equally.
There are about 1,400 benefits bestowed on married couples (federal, state & local). Give those benefits to gay couples who commit and most would be fine.

Deal. Then we don't have to redefine marriage.

Now truth be told, I don't think the gobblement should be giving "benefits" to married couples either. That was never the intent of human beings forging the bond of marriage. That gobblement interfered is separate and apart.

If it is gobblement laws the queers want, we can address that and leave marriage alone right?

We have a deal?
I think the gov't should not be in the marriage business at all. But since it is, it must do so without prejudice.

As long as the gov't grants benefits to married couples, then it must grant those benefits equally.

But, then you could argue that single people are being discriminated against as well correct? Why is nobody bitching about that? There are lots more single people than queers, they are obviously numerically impacted to a greater extent.

If this is just about unfair preference toward marriage, then the argument shouldn't be about queers marrying.

But, as I said, this isn't about queers wanting to marry. This is about a left wing assault on religion and the family.

Remember Marxists believe that the only way to bring about their worldview is to tear down the traditional family and religion. That you allow yourself to be a tool in that destruction is on you. I am sure that you feel very self satisfied with your proclamations about "equality", but it makes you no less of a tool

Pastor Rafael Cruz, father of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told the audience at a conservative conference on Saturday that marriage equality is part of a government conspiracy, the Des Moines Register reported.

“Socialism requires that government becomes your God,” the elder Cruz said to the crowd at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa. “That’s why they have to destroy the concept of God. They have to destroy all loyalties except loyalty to government. That’s what’s behind homosexual marriage.”

While this guy is an idiot, my guess is he's only getting the publicity - and getting invited to the conference - because he's the father of Ted Cruz. This guy can think what he wants, he's not setting the laws.

But if his son feels the same way, then he's an idiot as well and, unfortunately, the son DOES have the power to affect laws.

But I think marriage equality has won; the majority realize how discriminatory it is to not allow same sex couples the same marriage license that other couples can get. Now we just have to get more states to change their laws and eventually have the Supreme Court make it the law throughout the country.
Deal. Then we don't have to redefine marriage.

Now truth be told, I don't think the gobblement should be giving "benefits" to married couples either. That was never the intent of human beings forging the bond of marriage. That gobblement interfered is separate and apart.

If it is gobblement laws the queers want, we can address that and leave marriage alone right?

We have a deal?

First of all, I think the impact on marriage is nonexistent.

But if you want to make a split between religious marriages and civil marriages, I have no problem with that. All couples who marry outside of a religious setting get a civil union, and all who marry in a religious setting get a marriage.
But, then you could argue that single people are being discriminated against as well correct? Why is nobody bitching about that? There are lots more single people than queers, they are obviously numerically impacted to a greater extent.

If this is just about unfair preference toward marriage, then the argument shouldn't be about queers marrying.

But, as I said, this isn't about queers wanting to marry. This is about a left wing assault on religion and the family.

Remember Marxists believe that the only way to bring about their worldview is to tear down the traditional family and religion. That you allow yourself to be a tool in that destruction is on you. I am sure that you feel very self satisfied with your proclamations about "equality", but it makes you no less of a tool

Once again you have to label someone in order to have a debate/discussion with them. I do not see gay marriage as destructive in any way. In fact, it creates family as much as straight marriage does.
Once again you have to label someone in order to have a debate/discussion with them. I do not see gay marriage as destructive in any way. In fact, it creates family as much as straight marriage does.

Well I say it does. You aren't changing my mind and you aren't having your mind changed. Sorta leaves us with name calling doesn't it?
Liberals are so compassionate and tolerant that they mock others sincerely-held religious tenets, as long as there's no risk involved.

Try it with a Muslim, libs.
dear fucking idiot,

do you think these assholes mock the lives and beliefs of others when they say they don't even have a right to exist?

Pastor Rafael Cruz, father of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told the audience at a conservative conference on Saturday that marriage equality is part of a government conspiracy, the Des Moines Register reported.

“Socialism requires that government becomes your God,” the elder Cruz said to the crowd at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa. “That’s why they have to destroy the concept of God. They have to destroy all loyalties except loyalty to government. That’s what’s behind homosexual marriage.”

saying gay people are gay so they can further socialism and create only loyalty to government isn't trashing people beliefs?

ONLY christainy people are allowed to trash other peoples beliefs huh?

fuck but you are stupid
If they want to call a "religious marriage" that, "holy marriage" or whatever, then they can. There is no reason for a change to our secular laws concerning the word "marriage" (other than to grant equality) as they were always supposed to be SECULAR laws defining a secular marriage, not a religious one. It's Rafael Cruz and the other bigots who want the government to become their God or a representative of their God. They can call secular marriage "garriage" in their own words or whatever other hateful thing they like. As long as it does not attempt to create a legal distinction through contractual or civil rights then the state has no interest.

What's interesting to me is the way the collectivists refuse to deal with the individual couples and families. Instead they have to cast it as being some bigger war against a group of evil and faceless Marxists. They mix in a bunch of conspiratorial nonsense about how it is all really part of some secret plot. But Castro was pretty hard on homosexuals. Russian culture appears to be showing some homophobia as well. And in both of those countries and China FAMILIES still exist (the Chinese are very pro family). These people are either completely insane or they are just using the spectre of Marxism to enlist support from knee jerk tools.

Now, this will upset many on the other side of this issue, but take out "Marxists" and insert "Monsanto" or the evil "corporations" and the same sort of tactics complete with silly conspiracies and plots are used to create hysteria and knee jerk reactions.
they are the fucking stupidest voting block this country has ever produced.

I hate Reagan for courting this base in the first place with his phonied up christianiness and his race bating welfare Queen in a caddy crap.

they should have been left in the snake dancing churches where they belonged
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This is what happens to homosexuals in Muslim nations, liberals:


Why aren't you taking the fight for tolerance to the perpetrators of these heinous acts?
ONLY christainy people are allowed to trash other peoples beliefs huh?

fuck but you are stupid

you got it. they only want their own view of the world to be around. No one can possibly speak against them, but they can insult and lecture everyone else.

But what's fun to watch (in a sick way) is when they tear into each other. Ask a JW about Catholics... ask any of the evangelists about Mormons... watch them eat their own...