Ted Cruz’s father: Same-sex marriage is about making government your God

Again, your picture was from a US group campaigning to stop Iran from the practice of public hangings from cranes. There are those doing something about it. However, we have more influence over our local, state and national governments then we do in Iran. The economics ensure we are more likely to put our efforts in closer to home and that's the way it should be.

You don't care about those vistims. You are just a douchebag troll employing a red herring.

I'm looking forward to hearing of Patriot's efforts to stop overseas human rights abuse.

Oh wait, he doesn't make any?

Yes, Prof, you're right. He's a douchebag troll employing a red herring.
LOL, nice try at covering your chicken tracks. Someone with real convictions would be taking action, wouldn't they?

Again, what is it you suggest? As has been pointed out to you, there are those taking action on issues concerning the picture. So, apparently it's not enough for you. Can you summon the courage to give an honest answer of what it is you think is sufficent action?
Again, what is it you suggest? As has been pointed out to you, there are those taking action on issues concerning the picture. So, apparently it's not enough for you. Can you summon the courage to give an honest answer of what it is you think is sufficent action?

It's not that it's not enough for me.

It's not enough for the people who desperately need action, not words.

The people you profess to care so passionately about.

Remember them?
they are the fucking stupidest voting block this country has ever produced.

I hate Reagan for courting this base in the first place with his phonied up christianiness and his race bating welfare Queen in a caddy crap.

they should have been left in the snake dancing churches where they belonged

Reagan hated you too. He told me
It's not that it's not enough for me.

It's not enough for the people who desperately need action, not words.

The people you profess to care so passionately about.

Remember them?

What makes you think my actions locally are "enough for the people who desperately need action, not words?"

What would be enough? I am very doubtful that I can provide it and I may simply not want to, but your vague demands are of no use other than to create a diversion from the fact that you support the persecution and unequal treatment of homosexuals. What you really want is to create paralyses among your opponents by criticizing any action they take as ineffectual.

I can't change Iran. I have limited ability to change the US, my state, city or even the neighborhood I live in and every action I take comes with missed opportunity costs to achieve some other value or goal. That's life.
I'm looking forward to hearing of Patriot's efforts to stop overseas human rights abuse.

Oh wait, he doesn't make any?

Yes, Prof, you're right. He's a douchebag troll employing a red herring.

All he can do is wave his cane in the air telling the little black chillens to get off his grass.
Your childish semantic tricks and vulgar sophistry have failed. Invidious discrimination is the issue as you and everyone else knows. The government can not give benefits to one class while denying them to another without a rational basis. We can't deny Hispanics named Cruz the right to free speech or marriage even if they are part of a same sex couple.

Thats true...except for lower standards for women wanting to engage in traditionally male roles....fireman, policeman, soldiers, etc.
and of course the tenets of AA....lowering test standards for school admissions, set asides for minorities, etc.....