Ted Cruz’s father: Same-sex marriage is about making government your God

because first we have to fight you idiots at home

Who's "we", Wrinkles?

Why isn't there a steady swarm of white liberals clamoring to go to Muslim countries and right this great wrong?

Ever read Exodus, Wrinkles?

The Jews didn't sit around and post messages. They chartered ships, bought arms, and fought to get justice.

Guess libs aren't up to that.
what's fun to watch (in a sick way) is when they tear into each other. Ask a JW about Catholics... ask any of the evangelists about Mormons... watch them eat their own...

So you enjoy stirring up divisiveness, strife, and bigotry. Thanks for admitting it.
This is what happens to homosexuals in Muslim nations, liberals:

Why aren't you taking the fight for tolerance to the perpetrators of these heinous acts?

Marxism failed as a red herring now you are going to try Muslims? Religion is dangerous without a secular government.

How could we justify that when our own government engages in discrimination? Thanks to the Bush/Obama doctrine of torture and terror along with civil liberties abuses of our own citizens we don't have all that much moral high ground anyway. Those policies have been supported by the majority of Republicans.

Further, there have been calls on other nations to reform and pressure on the Obama administration to do more about it. In fact, this picture is taken from a campaign against trying to pressure Iran to reform their practices of public hanging from cranes. Who in the US supports public execution and seems to think they can never be to cruel?
Marxism failed as a red herring now you are going to try Muslims? Religion is dangerous without a secular government. How could we justify that when our own government engages in discrimination? Thanks to the Bush/Obama doctrine of torture and terror along with civil liberties abuses of our own citizens we don't have all that much moral high ground anyway. Those policies have been supported by the majority of Republicans. Further, there have been calls on other nations to reform and pressure on the Obama administration to do more about it. In fact, this picture is taken from a campaign against trying to pressure Iran to reform their practices of public hanging from cranes. Who in the US supports public execution and seems to think they can never be to cruel?

What are you doing about these injustices?
showing how stupid you are patriot. Thanks for your service proff B

LOL, you wonderfully tolerant liberals are so outraged over religious free speech that you want to force the practitioners of some religious sects to leave the country because they won't agree with you.

What hypocrisy.
Um - people in the US ARE fighting to get the US Govt to pressure other countries such as Uganda and Russia that have an abysmal record on LGBT rights. Why does Patriot think we aren't?

But surely he isn't suggesting we can only fight on one front at a time? And yes, it would be hypocritical to pressure other countries if we don't have full LGBT rights here at home - or weren't working on getting them.

Don't worry, Patriot, you can sign up with ANY LGBT organization and help them expose homophobes in other countries any day you want. Go ahead. Sign up today. We need you in the battle.
Um - people in the US ARE fighting to get the US Govt to pressure other countries such as Uganda and Russia that have an abysmal record on LGBT rights. Why does Patriot think we aren't? But surely he isn't suggesting we can only fight on one front at a time? And yes, it would be hypocritical to pressure other countries if we don't have full LGBT rights here at home - or weren't working on getting them. Don't worry, Patriot, you can sign up with ANY LGBT organization and help them expose homophobes in other countries any day you want. Go ahead. Sign up today. We need you in the battle.

LOL, liberals want the government to do everything.

Just as a rhetorical question, is the right to avoid being hung by the neck until dead a bit more pressing than any right you claim gays are denied in the USA?

What are you prepared to do to save the LGBT victims of Muslim bigotry, sugartits?

Besides post here, I mean?
LOL, you wonderfully tolerant liberals are so outraged over religious free speech that you want to force the practitioners of some religious sects to leave the country because they won't agree with you.

What hypocrisy.

go get where anyone said FORCE them to leave you lying sack of rat bile
LOL, liberals want the government to do everything.

Just as a rhetorical question, is the right to avoid being hung by the neck until dead a bit more pressing than any right you claim gays are denied in the USA?

What are you prepared to do to save the LGBT victims of Muslim bigotry, sugartits?

Besides post here, I mean?

Dear Tiny But Plug,

We have to stop the assholes like you in our own country first
Dear Tiny But Plug, We have to stop the assholes like you in our own country first

Why, Wrinkles? Have you no priorities?

Gays are dying in Muslim nations. Their blood cries out to you.

How are you going to "stop" religious people in the USA from expressing their belief that homosexuality is morally repugnant to God?

Be specific.
Why, Wrinkles? Have you no priorities?

Gays are dying in Muslim nations. Their blood cries out to you.

How are you going to "stop" religious people in the USA from expressing their belief that homosexuality is morally repugnant to God?

Be specific.

Who says we want to stop them? Just exposing their ideas to the light of day. You feeling naked without your sheet?
LOL, liberal hypocrites pretend that Mr. Cruz's words are more important than the Muslim noose around the necks of LGBTs to excuse their inaction.
LOL, liberal hypocrites pretend that Mr. Cruz's words are more important than the Muslim noose around the necks of LGBTs to excuse their inaction.

Again, your picture was from a US group campaigning to stop Iran from the practice of public hangings from cranes. There are those doing something about it. However, we have more influence over our local, state and national governments then we do in Iran. The economics ensure we are more likely to put our efforts in closer to home and that's the way it should be.

You don't care about those victims. You are just a douchebag troll employing a red herring.
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Again, your picture was from a US group campaigning to stop Iran from the practice of public hangings from cranes. There are those doing something about it. However, we have more influence over our local, state and national governments then we do in Iran. The economics ensure we are more likely to put our efforts in closer to home and that's the way it should be. You don't care about those vistims. You are just a douchebag troll employing a red herring.

LOL, nice try at covering your chicken tracks. Someone with real convictions would be taking action, wouldn't they?