Tell me about yourself?

Actually, since my education is applied science, it puts me in an excellent position to review material, quickly determine what is fact, what could be fact and what is bullshit, and to form an opinion thus. You lbtards? Not so much. LMAO

You mean you CLAIM your education is applied science...unfortunately, you've supplied not a single SHRED of evidence to back up that claim, so how's about we just file it under" bullshit" with all your other baseless proclamations til you do.
You mean you CLAIM your education is applied science...unfortunately, you've supplied not a single SHRED of evidence to back up that claim, so how's about we just file it under" bullshit" with all your other baseless proclamations til you do.
I don't need to prove anything to you, retard.
No she didn't and no they don't.
Freedom of religion is a 2 way street.
Priests absolutely DO NOT have the right to tell thr flock how to vote.

Rat posted "Prove that they have done so."

Every October my priest tells people to vote for anti-abortion candidates so once again, Rat's a lying sack of dung.
Rune, you obviously have underestimated just how immoral abortion is. There is not much hope for people who won't even acknowledge it. I can't think of a swifter way to condemn oneself in this age. You think you can compare the politics of limited government (i.e. America) to the overt acts perpetrated by the left.

Lots of Catholic immigrants came to America and wound up being recruited by the Democratic Party machines. They proceeded to give life to a party that had no right to survive the Civil War. They condoned slavery, treason, segregation, internment, and now abortion. The Church has finally taken a stand on this one. Obviously it has embarrassed itself enough that it's likely too little, too late. In the end, it's just going to come down to individuals making the right choices. That abortion is legal isn't an argument - people need to take responsibility for their own actions.

1. Do you agree with Rome that no one should use birth control? Don't you think there would be far fewer abortions if birth control was readily available and approved for use by the church?
2. Do you understand that regardless of your beliefs abortion will stay legal in the US?
3. Do you understand that the conservative actions of the last 30 years have caused massive loss, pain and discomfort to all but the very wealthiest? Not even multi-millionaires have fared well.
4. Do you not know that the democratic party of today is the republican party of the Civil War?

Finally, what makes you think I have misjudged abortion?
Should I stand on principle, knowing I cannot affect change yet vote for opponents of abortion who have no hope of rescinding it, but will and do cause grave damage to the social fabric of the nation?