Tell me about yourself?


Long story short, many Catholics (but not all, just too many) vote conservative over the abortion issue, and in the process do tremendous damage to social programs by enabling GOP agenda.

Since the Democrat social agenda has done more to destroy black families then their former policies of slavery and segregation I vote against Democrats for that reason as well...
Correct me if I am wrong, but you are a Catholic, yes? You have clear humanistic leanings yet you support the conservative movement in most instances. (I am not accusing you, I am laying some groud work.)

Christiefan and myself are both Catholic also, as well as Damned Yankee, so no simple conclusions can be drawn from the known, self admitted Catholics on this board, other than excusing Damned Yankee from the exercise as brain damaged, since he does not vote conservatard solely for anti-abortion reasons.

Long story short, many Catholics (but not all, just too many) vote conservative over the abortion issue, and in the process do tremendous damage to social programs by enabling GOP agenda.

Why do they do this? I practice my own Christianity free of Catholic priests yet read more than enough to realize that they (illegally) use their podium to influence the voting of their flock (interesting accepted word for parishioners, no?).

In summation abortion law is well established, and if anything only becoming more solidified, in fact, it is Rome that needs to change it's stance on birth control if they truly wish to reduce abortions. Therefore, single issue voters are doing a disservice to their stated agenda at this time and enabling the corrupt GOP practices all for a nonstarter, illegally pressed upon them by fat child molesters who rely upon evil doers to stay relevant.

^^ The bolded, so true. I've been having a real problem with the faith as being preached by conservative Catholics who use abortion as a religious litmus test and ignore all the other social teachings and life issues. I'd never expect Catholic teaching on abortion to change but also don't appreciate being condemned by those who support capital punishment or would happily kill in the name of war. In the early days of the Iraq war I used to bring up Aquinas's Just War theory and how it went against the bush doctrine and conservative Catholics ignored it.

I'm sure you know about the survey from a few months ago, Catholics being asked to write their opinions on Church teachings and practices etc. When the Pgh. results were published, changing the stance on contraception was at the top of the list followed by letting divorced Catholics remarry in the Church. Too many nitpicking rules that follow the letter of the law but not the spirit.
Hilarious that Dune claims The Church is politicking illegally while Cuntie cheer-leads, then admits that they follow the letter of the law. LMAO
Rune, you obviously have underestimated just how immoral abortion is. There is not much hope for people who won't even acknowledge it. I can't think of a swifter way to condemn oneself in this age. You think you can compare the politics of limited government (i.e. America) to the overt acts perpetrated by the left.

Lots of Catholic immigrants came to America and wound up being recruited by the Democratic Party machines. They proceeded to give life to a party that had no right to survive the Civil War. They condoned slavery, treason, segregation, internment, and now abortion. The Church has finally taken a stand on this one. Obviously it has embarrassed itself enough that it's likely too little, too late. In the end, it's just going to come down to individuals making the right choices. That abortion is legal isn't an argument - people need to take responsibility for their own actions.
Hi kaya, I'm cawacko. I'm going to Cabo for a bachelor party this weekend. I work in real estate and I'm not going to rule out the possibility that I do some due diligence on the interior of a Mexican prison cell. If you would be so kind would you mind remaining on call this weekend so I may use my one jail house call to reach you in hopes of getting bailed out? I appreciate your generosity and welcome to JPP!
Hi kaya, I'm cawacko. I'm going to Cabo for a bachelor party this weekend. I work in real estate and I'm not going to rule out the possibility that I do some due diligence on the interior of a Mexican prison cell. If you would be so kind would you mind remaining on call this weekend so I may use my one jail house call to reach you in hopes of getting bailed out? I appreciate your generosity and welcome to JPP!

I been to Cabo once. It was awesome. When we got to our room there was a CD in the player left by the former occupant labelled "Hagar Mix." LOL.
Rune, you obviously have underestimated just how immoral abortion is. There is not much hope for people who won't even acknowledge it. I can't think of a swifter way to condemn oneself in this age. You think you can compare the politics of limited government (i.e. America) to the overt acts perpetrated by the left.

Lots of Catholic immigrants came to America and wound up being recruited by the Democratic Party machines. They proceeded to give life to a party that had no right to survive the Civil War. They condoned slavery, treason, segregation, internment, and now abortion. The Church has finally taken a stand on this one. Obviously it has embarrassed itself enough that it's likely too little, too late. In the end, it's just going to come down to individuals making the right choices. That abortion is legal isn't an argument - people need to take responsibility for their own actions.

Threedee? The war was illegitimate based on Catholic doctrine. The only condition that applied even remotely to the Iraq invasion is "there must be serious prospects of success", a no-brainer when weighing the US's military strength against Iraq's.

The just war doctrine of the Catholic Church - sometimes mistaken as a "just war theory"[SUP][16][/SUP][SUP][17][/SUP] - found in the 1992 Catechism of the Catholic Church, in paragraph 2309, lists four strict conditions for "legitimate defense by military force":[SUP][18][/SUP]

  • the damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of nations must be lasting, grave, and certain;
  • all other means of putting an end to it must have been shown to be impractical or ineffective;
  • there must be serious prospects of success;
  • the use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated (the power of modern means of destruction weighs very heavily in evaluating this condition).
Rune, you obviously have underestimated just how immoral abortion is. There is not much hope for people who won't even acknowledge it. I can't think of a swifter way to condemn oneself in this age. You think you can compare the politics of limited government (i.e. America) to the overt acts perpetrated by the left.

Lots of Catholic immigrants came to America and wound up being recruited by the Democratic Party machines. They proceeded to give life to a party that had no right to survive the Civil War. They condoned slavery, treason, segregation, internment, and now abortion. The Church has finally taken a stand on this one. Obviously it has embarrassed itself enough that it's likely too little, too late. In the end, it's just going to come down to individuals making the right choices. That abortion is legal isn't an argument - people need to take responsibility for their own actions.
Damn boy
Read my post again slower this time.
Hilarious that Dune claims The Church is politicking illegally while Cuntie cheer-leads, then admits that they follow the letter of the law. LMAO

No she didn't and no they don't.
Freedom of religion is a 2 way street.
Priests absolutely DO NOT have the right to tell thr flock how to vote.
Hi kaya, I'm cawacko. I'm going to Cabo for a bachelor party this weekend. I work in real estate and I'm not going to rule out the possibility that I do some due diligence on the interior of a Mexican prison cell. If you would be so kind would you mind remaining on call this weekend so I may use my one jail house call to reach you in hopes of getting bailed out? I appreciate your generosity and welcome to JPP!

Now I am going to worry about you! Mercy, have fun, but not too much fun!