Scut Farkus
Who is that asshole, medicare is not SS.
It's the same dynamic at play, shitknob.
Who is that asshole, medicare is not SS.
It's the same dynamic at play, shitknob.
Because if you opt out, then we definitely won't have the money to fund the baby boomer's and they are the generation who paid for the so-called "greatest generation" to retire, and they have been paying into it all of these years, and don't deserve to get screwed, because you 20 somethings have decided it's all about you.
Jarod, do you understand what a radical libertarian is?
If he could get any of this through congress, and he could not, but if he could, this is what he would do:
Elimiate the income tax and the irs.
Eliminate SS
Eliminate Medicare
Eliminate Medicaid
Eliminate child welfare
Eliminate section 8
Eliminate any and all social safety net programs
Eliminate labor laws
Eliminate labor regulations
Eliminate business regulations
You should read about him specifically, and libertarians in general. Most of them are out of their freaking minds, ron paul is literally bug fuck nuts, and if you can't see it in his eyes when he is talking, you should be able to.
there are many libertarians who are not radical, and actually have some humanity in them, he is not one of them.
Not if it comes in the same package as a economic one, and am I mistaken or is Mr. Libertarian ron Paul, anti-choice, I believe that he is.
We can have a social liberal, sounds delicious to me.
Nothing wrong with a liberal.
ITs not a pirmid scheem... It does not depend on an expanding base to remain solvent.
It does hurt when you have a shrinking base, but that will ballance out over time. If the base stays a constant average size, ss will survive.
Yes it does, that or massive tax increases. the base has to keep growing, staying the same won't cut it. Think rationally.
ITs not a pirmid scheem... It does not depend on an expanding base to remain solvent.
It does hurt when you have a shrinking base, but that will ballance out over time. If the base stays a constant average size, ss will survive.
Or changed his views over the years, or, the Republican party moved away from him over the years. That does happen you know.
You are wrong, if the base stays same the imput and output are ballanced.
It was designed to ensure that nobody ever got a return on their investment. Unless they are rich beyond our dreams there is no way they are getting what they paid out of it in the few years it was designed to cover.It is a pyramid scheme in that you are taking money from one person in order to pay another. A pyramid scheme does not have to have an expanding base.
The whole point is that in the rob peter to pay paul scheme, especially when relying on demographics that are constantly changing is retarded. Because eventually you end up exactly where we are now.... with a very large part of the population getting ready to retire (the boomers) and not enough people entering the workforce to take their place. That in and of itself is a problem.
But it gets worse. When social security was first created, the average life expectancy was around 67 years of age. It was designed to cover people for a few years, not a few decades. Nothing has been done to address this. So not only are the boomers going to be a strain on SS because of their size, but also because of their increased life expectancies.
A pyramid scheme does not have to have an expanding base.
It is a pyramid scheme in that you are taking money from one person in order to pay another. A pyramid scheme does not have to have an expanding base.
The whole point is that in the rob peter to pay paul scheme, especially when relying on demographics that are constantly changing is retarded. Because eventually you end up exactly where we are now.... with a very large part of the population getting ready to retire (the boomers) and not enough people entering the workforce to take their place. That in and of itself is a problem.
But it gets worse. When social security was first created, the average life expectancy was around 67 years of age. It was designed to cover people for a few years, not a few decades. Nothing has been done to address this. So not only are the boomers going to be a strain on SS because of their size, but also because of their increased life expectancies.
Probably why you don't hear the Dims claiming to be the party of JFK anymore...
I agree you need to adjust SS, but its not a pyramid scheem. A pyramid scheem requires an expanding base by its defination, think of the shape a pyramid takes???
We need to adjust to account for increasing life expectancy, for example we should raise the retirement age to account for the increased life span of the average user. There are times when the base paying for the service will shrink compared to those using it, but that is temporary. There will also be times when the base will grow compared to those using the program. SOmetimes there will be shortfalls and other times there will be surplus.
It's more like Amway than a pyramid scheme. In Amway the base isn't constantly expanding because if you reach a certain level you are taken as a downline. In this case they sell all those people crappy product because they feel beholden and are convinced it "makes them money" to buy the second-rate rubbish. It is very much the same thing.Yes. It is a pyramid scheme and it requires a continually expanding base to survive, if tax rates and pay out remain constant. that's odd.
If I had said half the things this GOP Prez candidate said, topper (and other closet rightwing Bush fans) would have been on here skewering me for being a cuban communist, and a class warfare poser.
Maybe if I just changed my registration to (R), I could get away with talking about standing up for american workers, without running a guantlet of "socialist!" insults from topper and other closet bush fans.
It's more like Amway than a pyramid scheme. In Amway the base isn't constantly expanding because if you reach a certain level you are taken as a downline. In this case they sell all those people crappy product because they feel beholden and are convinced it "makes them money" to buy the second-rate rubbish. It is very much the same thing.