The Alliance of Thoughtful Threadstarters.

What is it,I missed it!

It's funny that anyone keeps track of something like that. I might notice those types of things but I have clinical OCD and notice way more then I want to all the time. Is she clinically obsessed or just emotionally and bitterly obsessed? I don't think it's clinical because it's more quirky and less stuck up.
It's funny that anyone keeps track of something like that. I might notice those types of things but I have clinical OCD and notice way more then I want to all the time. Is she clinically obsessed or just emotionally and bitterly obsessed? I don't think it's clinical because it's more quirky and less stuck up.

It's funny that anyone keeps track of something like that. I might notice those types of things but I have clinical OCD and notice way more then I want to all the time. Is she clinically obsessed or just emotionally and bitterly obsessed? I don't think it's clinical because it's more quirky and less stuck up.

You don't have clinical OCD. You're just plain crazy. Grow up Jaded. Seriously. Just grow up.

The other night I couldn't sleep so I went to a grocery store for whatever and there was a family (mom, 2 girls under 10 and a boy maybe 10) and they asked me for help. My first thought was F off, but the boy looked at me and he said he would come with me.

$60 dollars later.... Yeah I know, probably too much... And this asshole cop comes up and evicts them from their location. Legally, probably entitled to.

Did I do a good thing Jade? Didn't feel like it.
You don't have clinical OCD. You're just plain crazy. Grow up Jaded. Seriously. Just grow up.

The other night I couldn't sleep so I went to a grocery store for whatever and there was a family (mom, 2 girls under 10 and a boy maybe 10) and they asked me for help. My first thought was F off, but the boy looked at me and he said he would come with me.

$60 dollars later.... Yeah I know, probably too much... And this asshole cop comes up and evicts them from their location. Legally, probably entitled to.

Did I do a good thing Jade? Didn't feel like it.


indeed. it costs time and money to put on a show.

And I do not want to seem ungrateful -you and I know how crappy it is to lose a forum like @ DCJ
( although everything happens to work out).

I simply found it ironic to hear about "threadworthy-ness" when basic steps are seemingly not taken.
But then again maybe they are..and here we are as well..All Those Years Ago

IMHO they do a pretty good job here, I like & appreciate it & I know you do as well..

There are things I or you, or anyone would do differently/same :dunno: but it works here.

From time to time I notice things happen & not happen for the betterment of the board. The fact that it goes on mostly unnoticed is a + :)