The Alliance of Thoughtful Threadstarters.

We all play a part in the quality of this place.

Don't post to trash threads in CE.

If they didn't get any attention they would quickly scroll off into oblivion and die the death of indifference.
Grind,Top,USF claim I have dozens!
It must be true

I<3Possums - Stop being dumb Mason

Posted by I<3Possums

Post #30
Mason I'm just gonna give all your alts a tag so I don't have to constantly look and confirm. You've got at least 10 names at this point and we're probably gonna delete them. Thread closed.

1. Mason (Norman Dezman, Mason Michaels,Mason Margot, Anne and Margot, Trigger Happy, Margot Frank) / Join Date 10-02-2017

2 . Master Fang / Join Date 10-13-2017

3. Margot (Larry Longtree, Brunette, Norma Jean Wilson) / Join Date 10-19-2017

4. Nose Picker / Join Date 10-21-2017

5. Crazy Cat Lady / Join Date 11-10-2017

6. Wyvgard / Join Date 11-25-2017

7. Troll (Billie) / Join Date 12-03-2017

8. TeachersTouchHearts4Ever (2TeachIs2TouchKidz) / Join Date 12-22-2017

9. TrueCompanion / Join Date 12-28-2017

10. Cancel 2019.1 (Shallon Peterson, Shallon Margot,Ronald Ragin, Anne Frank) / Join Date 01-20-2018

11. Gotcha68 / Join Date 01-29-2018

12. Pot (Fender) / Join Date 02-02-2018

13. RonH / Join Date 05-05-2018

14. dUIgRRL / Join Date 05-15-2018

15. GamerGod / Join Date 05-20-2018

16. DebraDoesDonald /Join Date 05-22-2018

17. Crocodile (Jar Jar Binks) / Join Date 10-18-2018

18. StraightFlush (KrustyKathy) / Join Date 11-03-2018

19. John Barron / Join Date 02-21-2019

20. Miss Margot Frank (Frank Sisters,Angel of Death, Judy Jone, Sylvia Stonehedge, Jackie Johnston) / Join Date 03-08-2019

21. Mason Jar Of Pickles (Trump Suckers Everywhere, Seriously Not Mason, Yurt Is Butt Spur, Masonic Overlord, Legion's Last Brain Cell, Rule 12B) / Join Date 03-20-2019

22. New NosaM (Sox Sanders) / Join Date 07-07-2019

23. Buck Tucker / Join Date 08-05-2019

24. Muse / Join Date 08-05-2019

25. Steven VanderMolen / Join Date 08-05-2019

26. Lilith / Join Date 08-06-2019

When you assume you make a toxic ass out of Top

I<3Possums - Stop being dumb Mason

Posted by I<3Possums

Post #30
Mason I'm just gonna give all your alts a tag so I don't have to constantly look and confirm. You've got at least 10 names at this point and we're probably gonna delete them. Thread closed.

1. Mason (Norman Dezman, Mason Michaels,Mason Margot, Anne and Margot, Trigger Happy, Margot Frank) / Join Date 10-02-2017

2 . Master Fang / Join Date 10-13-2017

3. Margot (Larry Longtree, Brunette, Norma Jean Wilson) / Join Date 10-19-2017

4. Nose Picker / Join Date 10-21-2017

5. Crazy Cat Lady / Join Date 11-10-2017

6. Wyvgard / Join Date 11-25-2017

7. Troll (Billie) / Join Date 12-03-2017

8. TeachersTouchHearts4Ever (2TeachIs2TouchKidz) / Join Date 12-22-2017

9. TrueCompanion / Join Date 12-28-2017

10. Cancel 2019.1 (Shallon Peterson, Shallon Margot,Ronald Ragin, Anne Frank) / Join Date 01-20-2018

11. Gotcha68 / Join Date 01-29-2018

12. Pot (Fender) / Join Date 02-02-2018

13. RonH / Join Date 05-05-2018

14. dUIgRRL / Join Date 05-15-2018

15. GamerGod / Join Date 05-20-2018

16. DebraDoesDonald /Join Date 05-22-2018

17. Crocodile (Jar Jar Binks) / Join Date 10-18-2018

18. StraightFlush (KrustyKathy) / Join Date 11-03-2018

19. John Barron / Join Date 02-21-2019

20. Miss Margot Frank (Frank Sisters,Angel of Death, Judy Jone, Sylvia Stonehedge, Jackie Johnston) / Join Date 03-08-2019

21. Mason Jar Of Pickles (Trump Suckers Everywhere, Seriously Not Mason, Yurt Is Butt Spur, Masonic Overlord, Legion's Last Brain Cell, Rule 12B) / Join Date 03-20-2019

22. New NosaM (Sox Sanders) / Join Date 07-07-2019

23. Buck Tucker / Join Date 08-05-2019

24. Muse / Join Date 08-05-2019

25. Steven VanderMolen / Join Date 08-05-2019

26. Lilith / Join Date 08-06-2019

I<3Possums - Stop being dumb Mason

Posted by I<3Possums

Post #30
Mason I'm just gonna give all your alts a tag so I don't have to constantly look and confirm. You've got at least 10 names at this point and we're probably gonna delete them. Thread closed.

1. Mason (Norman Dezman, Mason Michaels,Mason Margot, Anne and Margot, Trigger Happy, Margot Frank) / Join Date 10-02-2017

2 . Master Fang / Join Date 10-13-2017

3. Margot (Larry Longtree, Brunette, Norma Jean Wilson) / Join Date 10-19-2017

4. Nose Picker / Join Date 10-21-2017

5. Crazy Cat Lady / Join Date 11-10-2017

6. Wyvgard / Join Date 11-25-2017

7. Troll (Billie) / Join Date 12-03-2017

8. TeachersTouchHearts4Ever (2TeachIs2TouchKidz) / Join Date 12-22-2017

9. TrueCompanion / Join Date 12-28-2017

10. Cancel 2019.1 (Shallon Peterson, Shallon Margot,Ronald Ragin, Anne Frank) / Join Date 01-20-2018

11. Gotcha68 / Join Date 01-29-2018

12. Pot (Fender) / Join Date 02-02-2018

13. RonH / Join Date 05-05-2018

14. dUIgRRL / Join Date 05-15-2018

15. GamerGod / Join Date 05-20-2018

16. DebraDoesDonald /Join Date 05-22-2018

17. Crocodile (Jar Jar Binks) / Join Date 10-18-2018

18. StraightFlush (KrustyKathy) / Join Date 11-03-2018

19. John Barron / Join Date 02-21-2019

20. Miss Margot Frank (Frank Sisters,Angel of Death, Judy Jone, Sylvia Stonehedge, Jackie Johnston) / Join Date 03-08-2019

21. Mason Jar Of Pickles (Trump Suckers Everywhere, Seriously Not Mason, Yurt Is Butt Spur, Masonic Overlord, Legion's Last Brain Cell, Rule 12B) / Join Date 03-20-2019

22. New NosaM (Sox Sanders) / Join Date 07-07-2019

23. Buck Tucker / Join Date 08-05-2019

24. Muse / Join Date 08-05-2019

25. Steven VanderMolen / Join Date 08-05-2019

26. Lilith / Join Date 08-06-2019

There's "new" name...did you see it? So very clever/witty;):laugh:
Guys, we need to talk

a lot of you, are simply retarded. you make really retarded threads.

I am not talking about political opinions, I am talking about the quality of your thought.

Now before anyone says all I do is make weed threads, thats' in off topic. that is the home for that stuff.

For example centerleft today made some retarded thread where it's literally just pictures of macron and trump and some really banal commentary on his part.

Can we just agree if we are going to make threads, in current events, ... that regardless of our political opinions, we try not to just post a bunch of pictures from Could we also try typing out a paragraph every now and then? Please, lets stop being retarded. thank you.

Welp, I just read this after my Ice Cream thread.... Hope I did not run afoul..... If I did, here is some sand to pound :)
:palm: Oh boy!

Steven. (shaking head here) I don't want to give away the Store here, but 'Wizard' (like in 'Grand Wizard of the Eternal Cyclops') is in Reality ... Leader of Red Team. Yes, I know, this is a SHOCKING revelation, but still ... True.
Now, for your further edification, there's a guy here called 'Captain Billy'. This is Wizard's 'Chief Enforcer' and Leader of the infamous 'Goon Squad' that roams around and terrorizes Blue Team into Submission.
PS: There's also this Woman. Always dresses in White (no cleavage exposed and very little skin exposed) that wanders around with this large oversized Bible and randomly tells you what the Constitution says. Like, you probably didn't know this, but did you know the Constitution guarantees that Muslim children can bring their Prayer Rugs to school? I could go on but I don't want to spoil it for you as you learn more about the Constitution. Her name is 'Miss Phantasmal'. Be Careful if she suddenly pops up out of nowhere. And Rule #1 ... don't mention ANYTHING about 'sex'. Now I avoid gossip as much as the next guy here at JPP, but there is something about her being kidnapped, taken to Alaska, where she was turned into a 'sex slave' and forced to make this guy a Brown Bag lunch everyday as he went to work ... plus, forced to clean his house when he was gone for the 8 hours. It's all clouded in mystery and secrecy, that's why I avoid speculating about it.

Take a long walk off a short pier, Mahalo.
The owner of this forum could fix this yesterday, but he is evidently content with a forum that never attracts new members, and is a haven for the rejects and dregs of the internet. I like the idea of "lightly moderated", but this place is a free for all.

You're a new member to me. So are others. Admit it, you like this board.

I followed Damocles here specifically because it is sorta like a free for all. I bet most early members did. We came from boards with the dumbest rules that were totally enforced at random and even then a mod could just make up a rule.

You should be thankful for this board. Damocles is a wonderful person from what I can tell of my decade plus interactions with him. He let's the board (for the most part) run itself, as any adult board should.
Indeed;) (But "some" seem to take it very seriously....yet are so misinformed;(

Indeed. Despite our many offers to help you with your disability regarding that, here you still are -- fantasizing about all the people you supposedly got banned, and the others still out there, escaping your vengeance because the mods are idiots who just won't listen to your "evidence"!

It's so not easy being green (with envy). Have you talked to Yurt or Grind about some medicinals? After you post your patented response that consists of a dead thread there only shows how obsessed you are with certain of us, please seek their wisdom and guidance. They are here for you, and so are we all. <kisses!>
You're a new member to me. So are others. Admit it, you like this board.

I followed Damocles here specifically because it is sorta like a free for all. I bet most early members did. We came from boards with the dumbest rules that were totally enforced at random and even then a mod could just make up a rule.

You should be thankful for this board. Damocles is a wonderful person from what I can tell of my decade plus interactions with him. He let's the board (for the most part) run itself, as any adult board should.

Fuck! Has the Polar Axis changed? Is the Sun rotating around the Earth now? When I have to agree with Yurt, something is definitely WRONG! :(
You're a new member to me. So are others. Admit it, you like this board.

I followed Damocles here specifically because it is sorta like a free for all. I bet most early members did. We came from boards with the dumbest rules that were totally enforced at random and even then a mod could just make up a rule.

You should be thankful for this board. Damocles is a wonderful person from what I can tell of my decade plus interactions with him. He let's the board (for the most part) run itself, as any adult board should.

Hahahaha-- playing the Seniority Card are we now? That's the happy thing about boards like this.... seniority really doesn't mean shit. You don't get extra respect or cred because you "followed Damo" and you knew so-and-so before the Great Flame War of '08 When There was a Massive Die-off of the Weak and other nonsense.
Hahahaha-- playing the Seniority Card are we now? That's the happy thing about boards like this.... seniority really doesn't mean shit. You don't get extra respect or cred because you "followed Damo" and you knew so-and-so before the Great Flame War of '08 When There was a Massive Die-off of the Weak and other nonsense.

No dumbfuck, I was merely pointing out I've been here longer so as to make my point. And others understood.

What is wrong with you?
Indeed. Despite our many offers to help you with your disability regarding that, here you still are -- fantasizing about all the people you supposedly got banned, and the others still out there, escaping your vengeance because the mods are idiots who just won't listen to your "evidence"!

It's so not easy being green (with envy). Have you talked to Yurt or Grind about some medicinals? After you post your patented response that consists of a dead thread there only shows how obsessed you are with certain of us, please seek their wisdom and guidance. They are here for you, and so are we all. <kisses!>

You're a nasty bitch. It is too bad Rana doesn't see it.
You're a new member to me. So are others. Admit it, you like this board.

I followed Damocles here specifically because it is sorta like a free for all. I bet most early members did. We came from boards with the dumbest rules that were totally enforced at random and even then a mod could just make up a rule.

You should be thankful for this board. Damocles is a wonderful person from what I can tell of my decade plus interactions with him. He let's the board (for the most part) run itself, as any adult board should.

Damo seems like a good guy, it's not personal. I just happen to disagree with the way he runs his forum. Is that okay? Am I allowed to have an opinion? Geez.
You're a new member to me. So are others. Admit it, you like this board.

I followed Damocles here specifically because it is sorta like a free for all. I bet most early members did. We came from boards with the dumbest rules that were totally enforced at random and even then a mod could just make up a rule.

You should be thankful for this board. Damocles is a wonderful person from what I can tell of my decade plus interactions with him. He let's the board (for the most part) run itself, as any adult board should.
Exactly why I'm here.