The Alliance of Thoughtful Threadstarters.

That's what he WANTS you to think Jade.

No, I know who his socks are. He's gotten angry with me for mentioning them even though he makes them obvious at times. I don't intend to mention anything anymore. If people can't figure it out themselves I don't really feel like teaching.
No, it would fall under the "pain in the ass" category.......:)
indeed. it costs time and money to put on a show.

And I do not want to seem ungrateful -you and I know how crappy it is to lose a forum like @ DCJ
( although everything happens to work out).

I simply found it ironic to hear about "threadworthy-ness" when basic steps are seemingly not taken.
But then again maybe they are..and here we are as well..All Those Years Ago
Ask Top and her bitch USF!

I<3Possums - Stop being dumb Mason

Posted by I<3Possums

Post #30
Mason I'm just gonna give all your alts a tag so I don't have to constantly look and confirm. You've got at least 10 names at this point and we're probably gonna delete them. Thread closed.

1. Mason (Norman Dezman, Mason Michaels,Mason Margot, Anne and Margot, Trigger Happy, Margot Frank) / Join Date 10-02-2017

2 . Master Fang / Join Date 10-13-2017

3. Margot (Larry Longtree, Brunette, Norma Jean Wilson) / Join Date 10-19-2017

4. Nose Picker / Join Date 10-21-2017

5. Crazy Cat Lady / Join Date 11-10-2017

6. Wyvgard / Join Date 11-25-2017

7. Troll (Billie) / Join Date 12-03-2017

8. TeachersTouchHearts4Ever (2TeachIs2TouchKidz) / Join Date 12-22-2017

9. TrueCompanion / Join Date 12-28-2017

10. Cancel 2019.1 (Shallon Peterson, Shallon Margot,Ronald Ragin, Anne Frank) / Join Date 01-20-2018

11. Gotcha68 / Join Date 01-29-2018

12. Pot (Fender) / Join Date 02-02-2018

13. RonH / Join Date 05-05-2018

14. dUIgRRL / Join Date 05-15-2018

15. GamerGod / Join Date 05-20-2018

16. DebraDoesDonald /Join Date 05-22-2018

17. Crocodile (Jar Jar Binks) / Join Date 10-18-2018

18. StraightFlush (KrustyKathy) / Join Date 11-03-2018

19. John Barron / Join Date 02-21-2019

20. Miss Margot Frank (Frank Sisters,Angel of Death, Judy Jone, Sylvia Stonehedge, Jackie Johnston) / Join Date 03-08-2019

21. Mason Jar Of Pickles (Trump Suckers Everywhere, Seriously Not Mason, Yurt Is Butt Spur, Masonic Overlord, Legion's Last Brain Cell, Rule 12B) / Join Date 03-20-2019

22. New NosaM (Sox Sanders) / Join Date 07-07-2019

23. Buck Tucker / Join Date 08-05-2019

24. Muse / Join Date 08-05-2019

25. Steven VanderMolen / Join Date 08-05-2019

26. Lilith / Join Date 08-06-2019

No, I know who his socks are. He's gotten angry with me for mentioning them even though he makes them obvious at times. I don't intend to mention anything anymore. If people can't figure it out themselves I don't really feel like teaching.

Excellant conclusion.
Phantasmal should re-name his/her self Phan-dismal, because their posts are usually quite dismal. NOT a lot of brain activity going on there.

Steven: "Phantasmal should re-name his/her self Phan-dismal, because their posts are usually quite dismal."
Jack: Steve O'buddy. This is NOT how you ingratiate yourself with a MODERATOR. (just a tip from a friend)
Excellent conclusion.
Stone does claim to be very knowledgeable, with "law enforcement level evidence" to back it up...He can end all the "controversy" by just identifying the creator of each account... only three people involved;)
Why protect those who don't protect him?
Stone does claim to be very knowledgeable, with "law enforcement level evidence" to back it up...He can end all the "controversy" by just identifying the creator of each account... only three people involved;)
Why protect those who don't protect him?

You and I both know it's all part of the 'Fun & Games' at the JPP Family Fun Forum. (:
Stone does claim to be very knowledgeable, with "law enforcement level evidence" to back it up...He can end all the "controversy" by just identifying the creator of each account... only three people involved;)
Why protect those who don't protect him?

When you assume.