The ATF Expansion of the Gun Registry Turns Law-Abiding Gun Owners into Felons

Biden will take your guns anyway he can does not matter if it is unconstitutional. This will be stopped and once again Biden will look like the incompetent old fool he is


Obviously, IT ALREADY HAS! :laugh:

Have a nice life!

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Guns are dangerous in a home and in public.

It doesn't matter if they're safe or dangerous.
It matters that people apparently want them.
Enough people want them that, politically, there isn't a fucking thing to do about it.

If the world's too dangerous for kids, don't have kids.
Item: when the 1994 AWB was allowed to sunset via GOP majority vote in 2004, the sale of the formerly banned AR-15 style weapon was significant. Subsequently, this type of weapon was used in the majority of mass performed EXACTLY as advertised. The majority of these shootings were done by ADULTS.

When the 1994 AWB was in place, there were STILL a plethora of handguns, rifles and shotguns available to the law abiding general public. Crime did NOT sky rocket, as NRA propaganda predicted, and no subsequent laws of confiscation (general or otherwise).

MAYBE if guns were treated as we do cars (licensing, pre-test qualifications, registration), there would be a diminishing of criminal obtainment of guns. MAYBE nut jobs would not be able to purchase weapons that weren't near assault style used by cops and military. And MAYBE what is in post #3 would diminish the ability of cranks and nut jobs ability to upgrade their weapons to be a better assault weapon.

Maybe, if reactionary clowns who are indifferent to others deaths and suffering would stop trying to justify the status quo that is not exactly working to their beliefs.

Hope springs eternal.

Maybe if kids were taught responsibility...
America is a hopeless gun junkie,not a thing can be done to change that.
Even if guns were completely prohibited, it would work about as well as our Prohibition of Booze,Weed,and Drugs has worked.Capitalism will always supply what people want.

Your keyboard have a broken space bar?
Every single shooter is a law-abiding respectable gun owner until he pulls the trigger or provides a weapon to someone else who does it, there are thousands of respectable gun owners who will wind up killers.

True. Always dumb fuck democrats who end up killing one of their own family members because of lack of familiarity with the gun they bought. stupid fuck.
Every single shooter is a law-abiding respectable gun owner until he pulls the trigger or provides a weapon to someone else who does it, there are thousands of respectable gun owners who will wind up killers.

Such a pessimist. Gun owners prevent killings
I disagree. The mother that allowed her 6-year-old to get a gun said that. The parents of the kid that shot people in Michigan said that. We are respectable gun owners. Then the shooting started proving they were wrong. Many of them on this board say the same thing in gun debates. Guns are dangerous in a home and in public.

Until 4 hoodlums break into your house. They have illegal guns. What do you want to do, be at their mercy? They don't have any.

Get real, fucktard.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Item: when the 1994 AWB was allowed to sunset via GOP majority vote in 2004, the sale of the formerly banned AR-15 style weapon was significant. Subsequently, this type of weapon was used in the majority of mass performed EXACTLY as advertised. The majority of these shootings were done by ADULTS.

When the 1994 AWB was in place, there were STILL a plethora of handguns, rifles and shotguns available to the law abiding general public. Crime did NOT sky rocket, as NRA propaganda predicted, and no subsequent laws of confiscation (general or otherwise).

MAYBE if guns were treated as we do cars (licensing, pre-test qualifications, registration), there would be a diminishing of criminal obtainment of guns. MAYBE nut jobs would not be able to purchase weapons that weren't near assault style used by cops and military. And MAYBE what is in post #3 would diminish the ability of cranks and nut jobs ability to upgrade their weapons to be a better assault weapon.

Maybe, if reactionary clowns who are indifferent to others deaths and suffering would stop trying to justify the status quo that is not exactly working to their beliefs.

Hope springs eternal.

Maybe if kids were taught responsibility...

:rolleyes: I do wish you gunner flunkies would LEARN TO READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY (and stop being insipidly stubborn).

As I wrote previously, "... The majority of these shootings were done by ADULTS."

Got that now, toodles? Good, deal with it.
Hurt? Guns make a home less safe. You only shoot the one you love, unless you shoot yourself by accident.

Yes, but like it or not guns are a reality and a necessity. Once the genie was let out of the bottle when gun powder was discovered, history unfortunately took it's course. The cartoon in the Michael Moore movie "Bowling for Columbine" gives a good take on America's gun obsession.

I along with my siblings grew up with guns in the house without incident, as I'm sure millions of others have. Trying to enforce some type of national general ban and confiscation as you allude to would only create a more powerful "black market", much less new types of anti-gov't/anti-authority groups that would NOT be based on racial or ethnic bigotry.

Gun regulation laws are the best avenue thus far.