Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Item: when the 1994 AWB was allowed to sunset via GOP majority vote in 2004, the sale of the formerly banned AR-15 style weapon was significant. Subsequently, this type of weapon was used in the majority of mass shootings....it performed EXACTLY as advertised. The majority of these shootings were done by ADULTS.
When the 1994 AWB was in place, there were STILL a plethora of handguns, rifles and shotguns available to the law abiding general public. Crime did NOT sky rocket, as NRA propaganda predicted, and no subsequent laws of confiscation (general or otherwise).
MAYBE if guns were treated as we do cars (licensing, pre-test qualifications, registration), there would be a diminishing of criminal obtainment of guns. MAYBE nut jobs would not be able to purchase weapons that weren't near assault style used by cops and military. And MAYBE what is in post #3 would diminish the ability of cranks and nut jobs ability to upgrade their weapons to be a better assault weapon.
Maybe, if reactionary clowns who are indifferent to others deaths and suffering would stop trying to justify the status quo that is not exactly working to their beliefs.
Hope springs eternal.