Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Will you GTFU!?!? Yes, "invented" is the correct term. Ooo-boy, ya got me on that one! guess that invalidates everything I have to say on the OP

Only to the most moronic MAGA/NRA troll.
Like it or not, cartoons & movies can and have historically made mince meat of propaganda and mind sets and topics that are detrimental to the general population. That's why the syndicated strip Doonesbury was temporarily re-labled as a pure political cartoon and regulated to a tiny space in newspapers OP Ed section by the Nixon Administration because of it's deadly accurate lampooning of Tricky Dick's antics. Or the documentary 1982 movie "If You Love This Planet" was labeled "foreign propaganda" AND BANNED by the DOJ during the Reagan years because of it's truth revealing facts regarding nuclear reactors and the reality of a potential nuke missile exchange. That's why corporate sycophants like you carry on so.
Case in point....this lame ass parroting by you gun flunkies about "enforcing the current laws". Who says they aren't being enforced? And how on God's green Earth would they PREVENT the release and marketing of assault weapons that make it much easier for gun ignorant folk like me to become a more accurate and deadly shooter, as we've seen since the sunset of the 1994 AWB?
Yeah, you'll always have criminals in a competitive society with limited resources and opportunities....rift with corruption and biases. That doesn't mean we do stupid things like keep putting better killing machines into the hands of the general public with abandon.
Here's the thing, toodles; gun flunkies like you scream bloody murder at the very idea of treating guns like cars (training, licensing and registration) because of some paranoid clap trap handed down to you. God forbid some joker slams his car into your house or your car or into you and they DON'T have a license or insurance or the not the owners of the car. You'd have a conniption and want that person jailed, fined and sued. AND YET THE SAME CLOWN CAN WALTZ INTO A SHOP, BUY SOME SERIOUS FIRE POWER WITH NO TRAINING, NO LICENSING...just a bill of sale..walk out, shoot up some school and you're like "we'll have to live with that". Now you sure as hell are not carrying on about the "unreasonable, unconstitutional" laws and rules about car ownership...because there's a greater chance of that directly affecting you. Yet asking for reasonable laws and rules FOR MACHINES SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO KILLS is somehow beyond the pale for you.
Unreal that makes sense to you.
Oh, and you want to now use the latest Trump trope about NY Dist. Att. Bragg to justify your callous indifference to others lives so you can indulge your wet dreams about guns? Tell you what, bunky....when YOU and your like minded brethren are equally outraged about Dump pardoning grifters and treasonous types, let me know. Until then, go blow this smoke up the flabby asses of your buddies.