The ATF Expansion of the Gun Registry Turns Law-Abiding Gun Owners into Felons

:rolleyes: I do wish you gunner flunkies would LEARN TO READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY (and stop being insipidly stubborn).

As I wrote previously, "... The majority of these shootings were done by ADULTS."

Got that now, toodles? Good, deal with it.

Young adults. Deal with it, toodles.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I do wish you gunner flunkies would LEARN TO READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY (and stop being insipidly stubborn).

As I wrote previously, "... The majority of these shootings were done by ADULTS."

Got that now, toodles? Good, deal with it.

Young adults. Deal with it, toodles.

:rolleyes: What are you, 12 years old? You originally said "kids". The majority of the shooters were in their 20's and 30's ... According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, young adulthood is generally defined as 18 to 22 or 18 to 25 Later adulthood is generally defined as mid-20s and older.

Last time I checked, you are recognized in this country as legal adult when you hit 18, DEFINITELY at 21.

Now, be the MAGA wussy that you are and repeatedly harp on your hair splitting attempts to justify your foible. We'll watch and smile in amusement.
Yes, but like it or not guns are a reality and a necessity. Once the genie was let out of the bottle when gun powder was discovered, history unfortunately took it's course. The cartoon in the Michael Moore movie "Bowling for Columbine" gives a good take on America's gun obsession.

I along with my siblings grew up with guns in the house without incident, as I'm sure millions of others have. Trying to enforce some type of national general ban and confiscation as you allude to would only create a more powerful "black market", much less new types of anti-gov't/anti-authority groups that would NOT be based on racial or ethnic bigotry.

Gun regulation laws are the best avenue thus far.

Gun powder wasn't "discovered," you putz, it was invented. Cartoons and movies made by morons is merely speculation.
Trying to enforce regulation, registration and confiscation would only bring on a civil war. Many of those forced to enforce it won't go after the many family members who own guns.

Why not try to enforce the over 20,000 gun laws already on the books? What new law restricting us responsible gun owners will stop the rampant crime you liberals have created
with your "catch and release" DA's in your liberal run shithole cities? What makes you think us rural folks will comply anyway?
:rolleyes: What are you, 12 years old? You originally said "kids". The majority of the shooters were in their 20's and 30's ... According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, young adulthood is generally defined as 18 to 22 or 18 to 25 Later adulthood is generally defined as mid-20s and older.

Last time I checked, you are recognized in this country as legal adult when you hit 18, DEFINITELY at 21.

Now, be the MAGA wussy that you are and repeatedly harp on your hair splitting attempts to justify your foible. We'll watch and smile in amusement.

At my age, 30 yr. olds ARE kids, you ignorant fucktard.

Yes, it is easy to amuse simple minds like yours.

You want my guns? Come and get 'em.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Yes, but like it or not guns are a reality and a necessity. Once the genie was let out of the bottle when gun powder was discovered, history unfortunately took it's course. The cartoon in the Michael Moore movie "Bowling for Columbine" gives a good take on America's gun obsession.

I along with my siblings grew up with guns in the house without incident, as I'm sure millions of others have. Trying to enforce some type of national general ban and confiscation as you allude to would only create a more powerful "black market", much less new types of anti-gov't/anti-authority groups that would NOT be based on racial or ethnic bigotry.

Gun regulation laws are the best avenue thus far.

Gun powder wasn't "discovered," you putz, it was invented. Cartoons and movies made by morons is merely speculation.
Trying to enforce regulation, registration and confiscation would only bring on a civil war. Many of those forced to enforce it won't go after the many family members who own guns.

Why not try to enforce the over 20,000 gun laws already on the books? What new law restricting us responsible gun owners will stop the rampant crime you liberals have created
with your "catch and release" DA's in your liberal run shithole cities? What makes you think us rural folks will comply anyway?

Will you GTFU!?!? Yes, "invented" is the correct term. Ooo-boy, ya got me on that one! I guess that invalidates everything I have to say on the OP.

:rolleyes: Only to the most moronic MAGA/NRA troll.

Like it or not, cartoons & movies can and have historically made mince meat of propaganda and mind sets and topics that are detrimental to the general population. That's why the syndicated strip Doonesbury was temporarily re-labled as a pure political cartoon and regulated to a tiny space in newspapers OP Ed section by the Nixon Administration because of it's deadly accurate lampooning of Tricky Dick's antics. Or the documentary 1982 movie "If You Love This Planet" was labeled "foreign propaganda" AND BANNED by the DOJ during the Reagan years because of it's truth revealing facts regarding nuclear reactors and the reality of a potential nuke missile exchange. That's why corporate sycophants like you carry on so.

Case in point....this lame ass parroting by you gun flunkies about "enforcing the current laws". Who says they aren't being enforced? And how on God's green Earth would they PREVENT the release and marketing of assault weapons that make it much easier for gun ignorant folk like me to become a more accurate and deadly shooter, as we've seen since the sunset of the 1994 AWB?

Yeah, you'll always have criminals in a competitive society with limited resources and opportunities....rift with corruption and biases. That doesn't mean we do stupid things like keep putting better killing machines into the hands of the general public with abandon.

Here's the thing, toodles; gun flunkies like you scream bloody murder at the very idea of treating guns like cars (training, licensing and registration) because of some paranoid clap trap handed down to you. God forbid some joker slams his car into your house or your car or into you and they DON'T have a license or insurance or the not the owners of the car. You'd have a conniption and want that person jailed, fined and sued. AND YET THE SAME CLOWN CAN WALTZ INTO A SHOP, BUY SOME SERIOUS FIRE POWER WITH NO TRAINING, NO LICENSING...just a bill of sale..walk out, shoot up some school and you're like "we'll have to live with that". Now you sure as hell are not carrying on about the "unreasonable, unconstitutional" laws and rules about car ownership...because there's a greater chance of that directly affecting you. Yet asking for reasonable laws and rules FOR MACHINES SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO KILLS is somehow beyond the pale for you.

:palm: Unreal that makes sense to you.

Oh, and you want to now use the latest Trump trope about NY Dist. Att. Bragg to justify your callous indifference to others lives so you can indulge your wet dreams about guns? Tell you what, bunky....when YOU and your like minded brethren are equally outraged about Dump pardoning grifters and treasonous types, let me know. Until then, go blow this smoke up the flabby asses of your buddies.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
What are you, 12 years old? You originally said "kids". The majority of the shooters were in their 20's and 30's ... According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, young adulthood is generally defined as 18 to 22 or 18 to 25 Later adulthood is generally defined as mid-20s and older.

Last time I checked, you are recognized in this country as legal adult when you hit 18, DEFINITELY at 21.

Now, be the MAGA wussy that you are and repeatedly harp on your hair splitting attempts to justify your foible. We'll watch and smile in amusement.

At my age, 30 yr. olds ARE kids, you ignorant fucktard.

Yes, it is easy to amuse simple minds like yours.

You want my guns? Come and get 'em.

I'm 64....I don't consider people in their mid 20's and 30's "kids". That's because I'm not some bitter old fogey yelling "hey you kids, get off my lawn!" like you! I respect them...and since our gov't thinks that 18 year olds have enough maturity to decide to join the military and be deployed into combat, I dare say they are not considered "kids" either.

You did JUST AS I SAID YOU WOULD! You're such a preposterous figure on this site, it's a guilty pleasure just to humiliate you and then watch you bray like an ass how you are just the opposite. Pity for you most readers are rational, objective and HONEST.

Carry on, bunky.
Will you GTFU!?!? Yes, "invented" is the correct term. Ooo-boy, ya got me on that one! guess that invalidates everything I have to say on the OP

:rolleyes: Only to the most moronic MAGA/NRA troll.

Like it or not, cartoons & movies can and have historically made mince meat of propaganda and mind sets and topics that are detrimental to the general population. That's why the syndicated strip Doonesbury was temporarily re-labled as a pure political cartoon and regulated to a tiny space in newspapers OP Ed section by the Nixon Administration because of it's deadly accurate lampooning of Tricky Dick's antics. Or the documentary 1982 movie "If You Love This Planet" was labeled "foreign propaganda" AND BANNED by the DOJ during the Reagan years because of it's truth revealing facts regarding nuclear reactors and the reality of a potential nuke missile exchange. That's why corporate sycophants like you carry on so.

Case in point....this lame ass parroting by you gun flunkies about "enforcing the current laws". Who says they aren't being enforced? And how on God's green Earth would they PREVENT the release and marketing of assault weapons that make it much easier for gun ignorant folk like me to become a more accurate and deadly shooter, as we've seen since the sunset of the 1994 AWB?

Yeah, you'll always have criminals in a competitive society with limited resources and opportunities....rift with corruption and biases. That doesn't mean we do stupid things like keep putting better killing machines into the hands of the general public with abandon.

Here's the thing, toodles; gun flunkies like you scream bloody murder at the very idea of treating guns like cars (training, licensing and registration) because of some paranoid clap trap handed down to you. God forbid some joker slams his car into your house or your car or into you and they DON'T have a license or insurance or the not the owners of the car. You'd have a conniption and want that person jailed, fined and sued. AND YET THE SAME CLOWN CAN WALTZ INTO A SHOP, BUY SOME SERIOUS FIRE POWER WITH NO TRAINING, NO LICENSING...just a bill of sale..walk out, shoot up some school and you're like "we'll have to live with that". Now you sure as hell are not carrying on about the "unreasonable, unconstitutional" laws and rules about car ownership...because there's a greater chance of that directly affecting you. Yet asking for reasonable laws and rules FOR MACHINES SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO KILLS is somehow beyond the pale for you.

:palm: Unreal that makes sense to you.

Oh, and you want to now use the latest Trump trope about NY Dist. Att. Bragg to justify your callous indifference to others lives so you can indulge your wet dreams about guns? Tell you what, bunky....when YOU and your like minded brethren are equally outraged about Dump pardoning grifters and treasonous types, let me know. Until then, go blow this smoke up the flabby asses of your buddies.

Yes, it does.

Guns were easier to get 40 years ago, even 20 years ago than they are today. That is a fact you cannot dispute.

Go fuck yourself with the car registration bullshit. I will never register my guns. End of conversation.

No, here's the thing. When guns were so much easier to obtain, these shootings did not occur. Why didn't they?


You fucking imbecile...
I'm 64....I don't consider people in their mid 20's and 30's "kids". That's because I'm not some bitter old fogey yelling "hey you kids, get off my lawn!" like you! I respect them...and since our gov't thinks that 18 year olds have enough maturity to decide to join the military and be deployed into combat, I dare say they are not considered "kids" either.

You did JUST AS I SAID YOU WOULD! You're such a preposterous figure on this site, it's a guilty pleasure just to humiliate you and then watch you bray like an ass how you are just the opposite. Pity for you most readers are rational, objective and HONEST.

Carry on, bunky.

You? Humiliate me?


You're the one who wants registration, and competent minds know the ultimate goal of you pathetic libturds is confiscation because teaching respect and responsibility is something you don't believe in.

So, you carry on, you mindless twit.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Will you GTFU!?!? Yes, "invented" is the correct term. Ooo-boy, ya got me on that one! guess that invalidates everything I have to say on the OP

:palm: Only to the most moronic MAGA/NRA troll.

Like it or not, cartoons & movies can and have historically made mince meat of propaganda and mind sets and topics that are detrimental to the general population. That's why the syndicated strip Doonesbury was temporarily re-labled as a pure political cartoon and regulated to a tiny space in newspapers OP Ed section by the Nixon Administration because of it's deadly accurate lampooning of Tricky Dick's antics. Or the documentary 1982 movie "If You Love This Planet" was labeled "foreign propaganda" AND BANNED by the DOJ during the Reagan years because of it's truth revealing facts regarding nuclear reactors and the reality of a potential nuke missile exchange. That's why corporate sycophants like you carry on so.

Case in point....this lame ass parroting by you gun flunkies about "enforcing the current laws". Who says they aren't being enforced? And how on God's green Earth would they PREVENT the release and marketing of assault weapons that make it much easier for gun ignorant folk like me to become a more accurate and deadly shooter, as we've seen since the sunset of the 1994 AWB?

Yeah, you'll always have criminals in a competitive society with limited resources and opportunities....rift with corruption and biases. That doesn't mean we do stupid things like keep putting better killing machines into the hands of the general public with abandon.

Here's the thing, toodles; gun flunkies like you scream bloody murder at the very idea of treating guns like cars (training, licensing and registration) because of some paranoid clap trap handed down to you. God forbid some joker slams his car into your house or your car or into you and they DON'T have a license or insurance or the not the owners of the car. You'd have a conniption and want that person jailed, fined and sued. AND YET THE SAME CLOWN CAN WALTZ INTO A SHOP, BUY SOME SERIOUS FIRE POWER WITH NO TRAINING, NO LICENSING...just a bill of sale..walk out, shoot up some school and you're like "we'll have to live with that". Now you sure as hell are not carrying on about the "unreasonable, unconstitutional" laws and rules about car ownership...because there's a greater chance of that directly affecting you. Yet asking for reasonable laws and rules FOR MACHINES SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO KILLS is somehow beyond the pale for you.

Unreal that makes sense to you.

Oh, and you want to now use the latest Trump trope about NY Dist. Att. Bragg to justify your callous indifference to others lives so you can indulge your wet dreams about guns? Tell you what, bunky....when YOU and your like minded brethren are equally outraged about Dump pardoning grifters and treasonous types, let me know. Until then, go blow this smoke up the flabby asses of your buddies.

Yes, it does.

Guns were easier to get 40 years ago, even 20 years ago than they are today. That is a fact you cannot dispute.

Go fuck yourself with the car registration bullshit. I will never register my guns. End of conversation.

No, here's the thing. When guns were so much easier to obtain, these shootings did not occur. Why didn't they?


You fucking imbecile...

Your first sentence says it all .... you're mentally a petulant child wailing about not being able to have his toy bear (i.e., gun).

40 years ago you had gun laws that varied from state to state...NYC had the toughest then as now. So WTF are you babbling about? And each decade brings new problems, don't ya know. Before you were born, there was the Roaring Twenties. In your lifetime, the occasional lynching still happened (Jim Crow ended around 1968). Again, you offer nothing by your silly opinions and dubious recollections. Please refrain from trying to substitute your mental flatulence for fact.

I don't know if you're just another preposterous troll or just some crank with delusions of intelligence. Either way you're strangely entertaining. Carry on, toodles.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I'm 64....I don't consider people in their mid 20's and 30's "kids". That's because I'm not some bitter old fogey yelling "hey you kids, get off my lawn!" like you! I respect them...and since our gov't thinks that 18 year olds have enough maturity to decide to join the military and be deployed into combat, I dare say they are not considered "kids" either.

You did JUST AS I SAID YOU WOULD! You're such a preposterous figure on this site, it's a guilty pleasure just to humiliate you and then watch you bray like an ass how you are just the opposite. Pity for you most readers are rational, objective and HONEST.

Carry on, bunky.

You? Humiliate me?


You're the one who wants registration, and competent minds know the ultimate goal of you pathetic libturds is confiscation because teaching respect and responsibility is something you don't believe in.

So, you carry on, you mindless twit.


LaPierre and the gun manufacturers pushed that blather .... it got them a diminished membership and LaPierre nailed for being a hustler and crook.

"could be, might be, can be" are NOT FACTS, YOU FOOL! GTFU and deal with reality, you've been had.

You can't fault what I post, so you just stamp your widdle feet and parrot mantras. Pity for you the chronology of the posts will always be your undoing to the rational, objective reader.

You're done, bunky. Catch you on another thread.
Your first sentence says it all .... you're mentally a petulant child wailing about not being able to have his toy bear (i.e., gun).

40 years ago you had gun laws that varied from state to state...NYC had the toughest then as now. So WTF are you babbling about? And each decade brings new problems, don't ya know. Before you were born, there was the Roaring Twenties. In your lifetime, the occasional lynching still happened (Jim Crow ended around 1968). Again, you offer nothing by your silly opinions and dubious recollections. Please refrain from trying to substitute your mental flatulence for fact.

I don't know if you're just another preposterous troll or just some crank with delusions of intelligence. Either way you're strangely entertaining. Carry on, toodles.

Huh? I have more guns than I need.

Hmmm... now you're going to deflect to Jim Crow lynchings? What on earth does that have to do with me registering my guns?
Recollections? My recollections are that these shootings didn't occur when firearms (including military issued semi-automatics) were much easier to get. That is an undisputable fact.
I place a lot of the blame on the MSN for always bringing up what type of firearm these nut cases have been using. Maybe if they didn't spend days on end screaming "assault weapon,"
maybe these nut cases wouldn't use them as their "weapon of choice." Have you ever considered that? Probably not.

Lol! Delusions of intelligence? If you were as intelligent as I am, you wouldn't be a libturd. Think about that for a while...
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
A well chosen character for your LaPierre propaganda.

i'll bet you believe that the founders were just idiots, don't you?

:rolleyes: Why don't you go blow that smoke up your like minded brethren's flabby asses? I'm sure they'll appreciate it far more than I ever could.

The OP was factually proven to be false. GTFU and deal with it.
Yes, it does.

Guns were easier to get 40 years ago, even 20 years ago than they are today. That is a fact you cannot dispute.

Go fuck yourself with the car registration bullshit. I will never register my guns. End of conversation.

No, here's the thing. When guns were so much easier to obtain, these shootings did not occur. Why didn't they?


You fucking imbecile...

We add 20 million weapons a year to the guns in America. That is what changed. The people who want guns can get them now. You really could not figure that out?
Every single shooter is a law-abiding respectable gun owner until he pulls the trigger or provides a weapon to someone else who does it, there are thousands of respectable gun owners who will wind up killers.

Pulling the trigger is done all the time by law abiding respectable gun owners.
Did you know that self defense is LEGAL?!!
Will you GTFU!?!? Yes, "invented" is the correct term. Ooo-boy, ya got me on that one! I guess that invalidates everything I have to say on the OP.

:rolleyes: Only to the most moronic MAGA/NRA troll.

Like it or not, cartoons & movies can and have historically made mince meat of propaganda and mind sets and topics that are detrimental to the general population. That's why the syndicated strip Doonesbury was temporarily re-labled as a pure political cartoon and regulated to a tiny space in newspapers OP Ed section by the Nixon Administration because of it's deadly accurate lampooning of Tricky Dick's antics. Or the documentary 1982 movie "If You Love This Planet" was labeled "foreign propaganda" AND BANNED by the DOJ during the Reagan years because of it's truth revealing facts regarding nuclear reactors and the reality of a potential nuke missile exchange. That's why corporate sycophants like you carry on so.

Case in point....this lame ass parroting by you gun flunkies about "enforcing the current laws". Who says they aren't being enforced? And how on God's green Earth would they PREVENT the release and marketing of assault weapons that make it much easier for gun ignorant folk like me to become a more accurate and deadly shooter, as we've seen since the sunset of the 1994 AWB?

Yeah, you'll always have criminals in a competitive society with limited resources and opportunities....rift with corruption and biases. That doesn't mean we do stupid things like keep putting better killing machines into the hands of the general public with abandon.

Here's the thing, toodles; gun flunkies like you scream bloody murder at the very idea of treating guns like cars (training, licensing and registration) because of some paranoid clap trap handed down to you. God forbid some joker slams his car into your house or your car or into you and they DON'T have a license or insurance or the not the owners of the car. You'd have a conniption and want that person jailed, fined and sued. AND YET THE SAME CLOWN CAN WALTZ INTO A SHOP, BUY SOME SERIOUS FIRE POWER WITH NO TRAINING, NO LICENSING...just a bill of sale..walk out, shoot up some school and you're like "we'll have to live with that". Now you sure as hell are not carrying on about the "unreasonable, unconstitutional" laws and rules about car ownership...because there's a greater chance of that directly affecting you. Yet asking for reasonable laws and rules FOR MACHINES SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO KILLS is somehow beyond the pale for you.

:palm: Unreal that makes sense to you.

Oh, and you want to now use the latest Trump trope about NY Dist. Att. Bragg to justify your callous indifference to others lives so you can indulge your wet dreams about guns? Tell you what, bunky....when YOU and your like minded brethren are equally outraged about Dump pardoning grifters and treasonous types, let me know. Until then, go blow this smoke up the flabby asses of your buddies.

There is no such thing as an 'assault weapon'. It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon, including any gun. A gun is not a car. It is unconstitutional to require registering with any government to buy a gun or any other weapon.
And just like that..there was an epidemic of boat accidents in America and millions of guns lost in them. :laugh: