The ATF Expansion of the Gun Registry Turns Law-Abiding Gun Owners into Felons

I'm 64....I don't consider people in their mid 20's and 30's "kids". That's because I'm not some bitter old fogey yelling "hey you kids, get off my lawn!" like you! I respect them...and since our gov't thinks that 18 year olds have enough maturity to decide to join the military and be deployed into combat, I dare say they are not considered "kids" either.

You did JUST AS I SAID YOU WOULD! You're such a preposterous figure on this site, it's a guilty pleasure just to humiliate you and then watch you bray like an ass how you are just the opposite. Pity for you most readers are rational, objective and HONEST.

Carry on, bunky.

RQAA. It's already been shown to you. Stop asking this question repetitively like a moron.
There are over 20,000 gun laws on the books. Every criminal who uses a gun in the commission of a crime is breaking a number of them, yet crime is on the rise.
Liberals just don't get it that one (or more) new laws will not make a difference in the increasing crime. Maybe if they taught their kids some respect and responsibility,
crime might be reduced. And, maybe if a few criminals were shot by responsible gun owners (and the fucking libturd DA's don't charge them), maybe criminals would think
twice about committing crimes.

Many of those gun laws are themselves unconstitutional.
Your first sentence says it all .... you're mentally a petulant child wailing about not being able to have his toy bear (i.e., gun).

40 years ago you had gun laws that varied from state to state...NYC had the toughest then as now. So WTF are you babbling about? And each decade brings new problems, don't ya know. Before you were born, there was the Roaring Twenties. In your lifetime, the occasional lynching still happened (Jim Crow ended around 1968). Again, you offer nothing by your silly opinions and dubious recollections. Please refrain from trying to substitute your mental flatulence for fact.

I don't know if you're just another preposterous troll or just some crank with delusions of intelligence. Either way you're strangely entertaining. Carry on, toodles.

So you are making up shit now.

It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon, including any gun.
It is unconstitutional to compel registering for any weapon, including any gun.
You gonna be point man, bitch?

I don’t need to idiot

The country has police, ATF, FBI and national guard

Stupid programmer of yours forgets to update you with what you are told here all the time

So you say the same stupid things over and over
I don’t need to idiot

The country has police, ATF, FBI and national guard

Stupid programmer of yours forgets to update you with what you are told here all the time

So you say the same stupid things over and over

You absolutely do if you want to be part of that "we". :tongout:
...and there were not 20 million schools shot up.

Paradox. Irrational.

Oh, well no problem until we hit 20 million. Of course 350,000 kids have been in schools where shooting happened. I have a pretty good idea of how they feel about guns. Little kids cowering under desks as shots are fired and friends are dying. Let them die, you want your ARs. You will lose this in the long run.
I don’t need to idiot

The country has police, ATF, FBI and national guard
The police, and the national guard aren't going to take anybody's guns. They will side against you. They aren't going to attack their own communities and families.
The ATF is unconstitutional. They are far outnumbered.
The FBI will mostly side to stop anyone from taking guns away. The few that remain will be far outnumbered.

Now since you want to start a civil war, and you have a bad case of hoplophobia, you will lose, and badly.
Stupid programmer of yours forgets to update you with what you are told here all the time
So you say the same stupid things over and over
You are describing yourself again.
Oh, well no problem until we hit 20 million. Of course 350,000 kids have been in schools where shooting happened. I have a pretty good idea of how they feel about guns. Little kids cowering under desks as shots are fired and friends are dying. Let them die, you want your ARs. You will lose this in the long run.

No, YOU will. You are afraid of guns. If civil war does come, YOU will be on the losing side...and STILL you want to start one.
We add 20 million weapons a year to the guns in America. That is what changed. The people who want guns can get them now. You really could not figure that out?

It is harder to get a gun now than it was 30 years ago. And before that, you could mail order a rifle from Sears and buy a military surplus M-1 Garand (a semi-auto .30-06) at a hardware store.
It is harder to get a gun now than it was 30 years ago. And before that, you could mail order a rifle from Sears and buy a military surplus M-1 Garand (a semi-auto .30-06) at a hardware store.

It's the quality of people that has declined. Largely due to leftist influence in the education system.
Nobody is taking your guns away. The NRA won. However military weapons designed for the battlefield have no place in society. A weapon that is designed for spraying bullets to kill as many people as possible, has no place in society.
It is harder to get a gun now than it was 30 years ago. And before that, you could mail order a rifle from Sears and buy a military surplus M-1 Garand (a semi-auto .30-06) at a hardware store.

Explain to the reading audience how returning to that way of doing things will help the current situation. More important, why do YOU think that practice was discontinued?
Explain to the reading audience how returning to that way of doing things will help the current situation. More important, why do YOU think that practice was discontinued?

We are adding over 20 million guns a year to America. Our enemies do not have to attack us. We are doing it by ourselves. They can watch us self-destruct as our weapons get stronger and stronger.