The awesomeness of cycling

So, what you are saying is the tiny trinity needs a good beat down. That can be arranged. Come on out to CO and I will buy you drinks after you realize your folly.
You don't even need to beat them down. Just take them for the drinks and when they see how much more lady action you're getting then their fat out of shape pasty white asses are getting they might have a change of mind.
So, what you are saying is the tiny trinity needs a good beat down. That can be arranged. Come on out to CO and I will buy you drinks after you realize your folly.

You don't even need to beat them down. Just take them for the drinks and when they see how much more lady action you're getting then their fat out of shape pasty white asses are getting they might have a change of mind.

O R'lyeh? You two might be forgetting just who exactly the fuck I am.
It has nothing to do with the bikers and everything to do with pedestrians. It would be a constant game of frogger. The odds are substantially higher for a biker to hit a pedestrian who steps in front of them unaware of a bike coming up behind them than it is for a car to hit a cyclist. Most cyclists get hit either because they are not following the traffic laws or the drivers of cars are not.
Nearly ever serious biker I ever knew has Ben hit by a car t least once, that said in New Orleans we ave drive through bars.
Nearly ever serious biker I ever knew has Ben hit by a car t least once, that said in New Orleans we ave drive through bars.
My best friend just recenlty got t-boned while out on his bike. He lost his leg. Some 85 yo lady didn't see him coming down the road and pulled into her driveway at the exact moment he was passing her coming the opposite direction. How he didnt' get killed is beyond me.