APP - The BBC asks "where's global warming?"

Just as I thought...I'm dealing with an intellectually bankrupt neocon, who once given a talking point endlessly parrots it, because he's incapable and unwilling to accept any other information.

Thanks for demonstrating how fools like you can only handle one idea at a time. No wonder the Shrub & company loved you so much....when they suppressed reports from the scientific community, you just squawked louder. How sad. Carry on.

And this thread topic was about CO2 theory and not about pollution despite the fact that you can not seperate the two concepts
Just read what Briffa himself has to say about the Yamal divergence problem.

"...we noted that the final years of the Yamal ring-width chronology (Briffa, 2000; Briffa et al., 2008) should be used cautiously on the basis that the values for the most recent part of this chronology are based on relatively few individual measurement series and this smaller available sample emphasises the faster growing trees."

Gee, Ya think? Yeah, a sample of 12 trees does seem rather tiny

You are a little behind on the recent developments in the climate world. Why don't you admit you are the ignorant one?
Right, I pretty much know what people define as a Neocon. Again, he needs to make it fit the accusation. Because I point out the similarity of phrases and his partisan "translation" factor I am suddenly a "neocon". I want to know what definition of that word that particular accusation fits within. It's not a difficult question I put before him. Nothing in any of my posts suggests I support preemptive war (mostly because I don't) and certainly not within the post he suddenly got all defensive about and started flinging poo like a capuchin. However, in his post and his reaction there is abundant evidence of his hacktacularly deep flowing hypocrisy.

Are you a former Liberal?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Damo, you're a liar....plain and simple. I detest liars. You throw a hissy fit every blessed time you're proven wrong. Grow up...or have the last disproven, repetitive word as it means so much to you.

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - The BBC asks "where's global warming?"

One thing's for sure....


Who do you need to thank for that?


So what exactly has been your contribution to this board apart from dripping poison at every opportunity? Froggie is a good person and she doesn't deserve the likes of you and the other shit stirrers attacking her. Why the fuck can't you grow up, you always telling everyone how beautiful you are but if people were to judge you from your posts they would say you were nasty, vindictive and ugly to the bone.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Damo, you're a liar....plain and simple. I detest liars. You throw a hissy fit every blessed time you're proven wrong. Grow up...or have the last disproven, repetitive word as it means so much to you.

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - The BBC asks "where's global warming?"

One thing's for sure....


Who do you need to thank for that?


Try again, moron.

It wasn't:


It was:


Surprised you didn't pick that up while you were lurking.
If anyone qualifies as an evil toad then it is her.

Jammy's always accusing others of lurking. Yet she was criticizing liberals for "harassing" a poster named Battleborne, who hasn't posted since March. Since she didn't sign up until April (at least under her old s/n), how would she know what happened in March or before if she wasn't lurking?
So what exactly has been your contribution to this board apart from dripping poison at every opportunity? Froggie is a good person and she doesn't deserve the likes of you and the other shit stirrers attacking her. Why the fuck can't you grow up, you always telling everyone how beautiful you are but if people were to judge you from your posts they would say you were nasty, vindictive and ugly to the bone.

I call bullshit. I have never said anything about being beautiful to anyone you full of crap creep. You have absolutely zero proof that I have ever said anything like that.

You contribute some and you spew crap as well and you have been ugly, distasteful, and an instigator many, many times yourself, so save it asshole.

Froggie invited Taichi and now everyone sees him for the insufferable asshole he is. He drives the effin' liberals nutz and if you don't like that I pointed it out too effin' bad. That's a fact Jack. Deal.

Newsflash dickhead. I couldn't give two shits what you think of me, do you understand? You are a man with way too much time on his hands who ingratiates himself in the middle of women's squabbles and you look like a pathetic fool.
Obviously, you're not comprehending what has transpired here...which would explain your foolish expectations.

You're the one following me here to whine about another post who's pathetic? Not only are you a liar, but you're also a sore loser as well. Grow the fuck up, will ya? No way for someone who runs a discussion board to act..I'm embarassed for you.

You are practically mimicking the idiocy of USFreedumb. Same tactics, same false claims.....that's pretty sad, man.
The only person who isn't "comprehending" something is the one who thinks my post was about what happened "here"... Other than your simpleton's accusation of "neocon" based on your direct example of hypocrisy being pointed out, what I spoke of in that post you quoted in your accusation, was a clear and direct "translation" of an equivalent statement made by Barack Obama in recent news (we talk about recent news here often, and sometimes things outside are brought into the discussion as an aside).

I asked a direct question, you attempted to divert with an accusation of "neocon".... I'm still waiting to find out how pointing out your direct and obvious partisan hypocrisy is a sign of "neocon"...

Once we get that we can start into how you think that a poster's statement here is "worse" than a branch of the government attacking the 4th institution.
Jammy's always accusing others of lurking. Yet she was criticizing liberals for "harassing" a poster named Battleborne, who hasn't posted since March. Since she didn't sign up until April (at least under her old s/n), how would she know what happened in March or before if she wasn't lurking?

The Loyal End is just damned pathetic. Ever since I kicked her sorry ass on the old AOL boards, all she does his just follow me around hiding behind others and throwing rocks. She has neither the brains or the courage to honestly debate me, but like the rest of the neocon parrots, she just can't shut up. Oh well, like death and taxes, she'll always be with us.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Obviously, you're not comprehending what has transpired here...which would explain your foolish expectations.

You're the one following me here to whine about another post who's pathetic? Not only are you a liar, but you're also a sore loser as well. Grow the fuck up, will ya? No way for someone who runs a discussion board to act..I'm embarassed for you.

You are practically mimicking the idiocy of USFreedumb. Same tactics, same false claims.....that's pretty sad, man.

The only person who isn't "comprehending" something is the one who thinks my post was about what happened "here"... Will stop acting stupid? This is the EXACT BS the neocon numbskulls of the old AOL boards pulled. You can't change what I said, and you can misrepresent it, because anyone with an 8th grade education can read what I wrote and see your lame attempt at distortion to favor your lies. Grow up, man. You can't win all the time, and you're not the smartest guy on the block on every subject. Jeez. Other than your simpleton's accusation of "neocon" based on your direct example of hypocrisy being pointed out, Again, a lie. You have Yet to explain how my responses to those other idiots was "hypocritical"....YOU inserted a different venue on that conversation, and then tried to build on that. Sorry mastermind, but I deconstructed your BS then....and that has NOTHING to do with this thread NOW! So when I done with you here, you can stomp and whine all you want, but the plain, recorded fact is that you couldn't BS your way past me. what I spoke of in that post you quoted in your accusation, was a clear and direct "translation" of an equivalent statement made by Barack Obama in recent news (we talk about recent news here often, and sometimes things outside are brought into the discussion as an aside).

Sorry Damo, but your lame ass attempt to win an argument that was already settled on another thread won't fly here. You can claim all types of fantastic BS here about ANOTHER thread, but on that other thread the evidence DOES NOT SUPPORT YOUR LIES. Like I told you, stop being a wussy and accept being bested on one small point...your ego is just getting the better of you, and making you look the fool. Again, YOUR INSERTION HERE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I WAS DISCUSSING ON THIS PARTICULAR THREAD.

I asked a direct question, you attempted to divert with an accusation of "neocon".... I'm still waiting to find out how pointing out your direct and obvious partisan hypocrisy is a sign of "neocon"...

See above response

Once we get that we can start into how you think that a poster's statement here is "worse" than a branch of the government attacking the 4th institution.

See above responses. Grow the fuck up, Damo.....and next time learn to express in writing what you are thinking of, as I'm not psychic. That way, you won't have to run behind me ranting about what you meant to say. :rolleyes:
And this thread topic was about CO2 theory and not about pollution despite the fact that you can not seperate the two concepts

The thread is about global warming, you simp! Trees an and plants and the ocean are THE major exchangers of CO2 to oxygen. You decrease the forementioned through pollution (ever hear of acid rain, mastermind?), deforestation, urbanization and then increase (industrial waste) CO2, you have problems that combine with the natural cycles of the planet. But please, continue to try an separate one from the other...because for the life of me I just can't understand how you dumbasses defend fucking up the environment you depend on so some businessman can keep it in the black. :rolleyes:
See above responses. Grow the fuck up, Damo.....and next time learn to express in writing what you are thinking of, as I'm not psychic. That way, you won't have to run behind me ranting about what you meant to say. :rolleyes:
I have expressed clearly, you have dodged and attempted to distract from your hypocrisy.

One more time.

What part of pointing out your partisan hypocrisy makes anybody, or more particularly myself, into a "neocon"?

It is a very simple question. Just one definition that includes such in it, even if it is choice 4 or 5 will do.
I have expressed clearly, you have dodged and attempted to distract from your hypocrisy.

One more time.

What part of pointing out partisan hypocrisy makes anybody, or more particularly myself, into a "neocon"?

Damo, you're pathetic. I exposed your dodgy bullshit and convoluted logic on the other thread...and like a frustrated little child not happy with being disciplined, you just keep whining the SOS. I pity you. I called you out here in the previous post...and you prove my point here again. Whatever....I'll respond on another thread when you grow up and honestly debate an issue. But I suspect you're a little grudge holder. can't take a little bloody nose, then you shouldn't be posting. Have the last repetitive word, for all the good it will do you. Or maybe you can gain sympathy from the intellectually challenged neocon peanut gallery here (Tinfoil, the Loyal End, Freedumb, Tutu Blabba, Dixie, Southie, etc.).
Damo, you're pathetic. I exposed your dodgy bullshit and convoluted logic on the other thread...and like a frustrated little child not happy with being disciplined, you just keep whining the SOS. I pity you. I called you out here in the previous post...and you prove my point here again. Whatever....I'll respond on another thread when you grow up and honestly debate an issue. But I suspect you're a little grudge holder. can't take a little bloody nose, then you shouldn't be posting. Have the last repetitive word, for all the good it will do you. Or maybe you can gain sympathy from the intellectually challenged neocon peanut gallery here (Tinfoil, the Loyal End, Freedumb, Tutu Blabba, Dixie, Southie, etc.).
You've exposed nothing except your propensity to dodge simple questions and attempt to distract.


What part of pointing out your hypocrisy would make any person at all, or more particularly myself, into a "neocon"?
You've exposed nothing except your propensity to dodge simple questions and attempt to distract.


What part of pointing out your hypocrisy would make any person at all, or more particularly myself, into a "neocon"?

It's the voices in his head, that make him act the way he does.