APP - The BBC asks "where's global warming?"

[ame=""]YouTube - Hitler vs AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming, ala "Man-made climate change")[/ame]
While a good deal of it is burned off as waste (which, BTW, also happens in naturally occurring forest fires) most of the wood is made into lumber, which is then turned in a variety of human constructions. A tree which dies naturally simply decays and releases its carbon back into the atmosphere as CO2 and methane.

Which is then replaced by a tree which sequesters more CO2.
The wood of a tree made into a house can last several hundred years beyond the lifetime of the trees from which it is made. Indirectly, making houses (and other long-lasting constructs) out of wood ends up sequestering carbon.

The minute amount sequestered by this process doesn't nearly make for the mass deforestation caused by human settlement.

Trees grow back after we cut them too. Maybe not in countries with populations that are ignorant or corrupt, but that's not the fault of everyone. We aren't the world's police. We Must all take care of our resources.

And stop believing lying scientists who Mann-ufacture studies. And stop believing scientists are anymore honest than anyone else in the world... they're humans... they're gonna be dishonest
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I posted data and charts with references. what did you post?

Proof that there is documentation that what I say is true...your problem is that you want to ignore it because it just places your charts and references in a proper perspective that doesn't support your beliefs. TFB, grow and learn to deal with the WHOLE truth....and stop being dazzled by charts, they only tell one story.
Trees grow back after we cut them too. Maybe not in countries with populations that are ignorant or corrupt, but that's not the fault of everyone. We aren't the world's police. We Must all take care of our resources.

Are you for real? Do you know how long it takes for forests to develop? You understand that trees that are over a 100 years old are secondary products from like trees before them? And they grew WITHOUT industrial pollutants dumping on them. Do you think the sprigs stomped in the ground in the 70's have fully grown, and the surrounding eco-system as well, to the same level that took CENTURIES to develop? If you do, then there's a bridge in Brooklyn I can let you have cheap.
And stop believing lying scientists who Mann-ufacture studies. And stop believing scientists are anymore honest than anyone else in the world... they're humans... they're gonna be dishonest anyone who has proof that contradicts your beliefs is a liar. You can't prove it beyond ONE disputed study....but that's okay for you. I note that you IGNORE that the Shrub & company SUPPRESSED any bonafide scientific research that contradicted the "business as usual" edict. But to your parrot like mind, that's not lying......Jeez, what's worse, your hypocrisy or willful ignorance?
You idiot, pollution has nothing to do with the faulty theory of CO2 concentration controlling climate changes.

WTF is wrong with you that you can't follow what the argument is about?

Adjust the tinfoil hat, you simpleton. Because only a simpleton would state that pollution has nothing to do with CO2 levels.

What do you think the whole issue regarding auto emissions has been about the last 30 years, master mind?

How in the fuck do you think oxygen is a part of our atmosphere if the oceans are polluted or the forest hit with acid rain? Do you know how oxygen/CO2 is part of the plants and oceans? Didn't you read the information in the link I provided to that imbecile Good Luck regarding ocean pollutions effect on plankton and algae? Because as GL squawked, the ocean is a part of the oxygen exchange.

Tinfoil, you are a fool. Grow up and learn how to do proper research and critically think.
Adjust the tinfoil hat, you simpleton. Because only a simpleton would state that pollution has nothing to do with CO2 levels.

What do you think the whole issue regarding auto emissions has been about the last 30 years, master mind?

How in the fuck do you think oxygen is a part of our atmosphere if the oceans are polluted or the forest hit with acid rain? Do you know how oxygen/CO2 is part of the plants and oceans? Didn't you read the information in the link I provided to that imbecile Good Luck regarding ocean pollutions effect on plankton and algae? Because as GL squawked, the ocean is a part of the oxygen exchange.

Tinfoil, you are a fool. Grow up and learn how to do proper research and critically think.

Dunce. He said pollution has nothing to do with the concept of co2 controlling climate. Learn to read.
Damo, you're a liar....plain and simple. I detest liars. You throw a hissy fit every blessed time you're proven wrong. Grow up...or have the last disproven, repetitive word as it means so much to you.

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - The BBC asks "where's global warming?"
LOL. I expect you'll use the "pants on fire" attack next post. :rolleyes:

You are pathetic.

And I would also note that you still have yet to give me a definition of "neocon" that fits your accusation.
LOL. I expect you'll use the "pants on fire" attack next post. :rolleyes:

You are pathetic.

And I would also note that you still have yet to give me a definition of "neocon" that fits your accusation.

Neocons are mostly former Liberals who decided that preemptive military action was the only way to solve the World's problems, some of them live in Colorado.
Neocons are mostly former Liberals who decided that preemptive military action was the only way to solve the World's problems, some of them live in Colorado.
Right, I pretty much know what people define as a Neocon. Again, he needs to make it fit the accusation. Because I point out the similarity of phrases and his partisan "translation" factor I am suddenly a "neocon". I want to know what definition of that word that particular accusation fits within. It's not a difficult question I put before him. Nothing in any of my posts suggests I support preemptive war (mostly because I don't) and certainly not within the post he suddenly got all defensive about and started flinging poo like a capuchin. However, in his post and his reaction there is abundant evidence of his hacktacularly deep flowing hypocrisy.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Damo, you're a liar....plain and simple. I detest liars. You throw a hissy fit every blessed time you're proven wrong. Grow up...or have the last disproven, repetitive word as it means so much to you.

Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - The BBC asks "where's global warming?"

One thing's for sure....


Who do you need to thank for that?

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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Adjust the tinfoil hat, you simpleton. Because only a simpleton would state that pollution has nothing to do with CO2 levels.

What do you think the whole issue regarding auto emissions has been about the last 30 years, master mind?

How in the fuck do you think oxygen is a part of our atmosphere if the oceans are polluted or the forest hit with acid rain? Do you know how oxygen/CO2 is part of the plants and oceans? Didn't you read the information in the link I provided to that imbecile Good Luck regarding ocean pollutions effect on plankton and algae? Because as GL squawked, the ocean is a part of the oxygen exchange.

Tinfoil, you are a fool. Grow up and learn how to do proper research and critically think

Dunce. He said pollution has nothing to do with the concept of co2 controlling climate. Learn to read.

You continually live up to your screen name. THINK, stupid, THINK.....if trees exchange CO2 for oxygen, and they are removed as industrial pollution increases CO2 levels, how does that NOT effect the climate? Same with the oceans. Only a stubborn fool would insist that atmosphere change has nothing to do with climate. Repeating your BS won't make it magically come true. Grow up.
Neocons are mostly former Liberals who decided that preemptive military action was the only way to solve the World's problems, some of them live in Colorado.

Damo's full of shit, Tom. He jumped in on a discussion and couldn't prove his accusation that I was a hypocrit, so he detours to another topic, and then lies about what I say or how things transpired. Now he decides that his demands are the topic of discussion. Fuck him. When he can't win on one end, he just flips the script to what he hopes will vindicate his ego. If you go back and read the posts, you'll note that I never said he was a neocon, but sure as hell duplicates their very actions. I pointed out how he does this....of which was his original accusation that he never provided proof of. You can give him six different definitions, he'll just deny any part of it. Unfortunately for him, his posts belie his assertions.
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You continually live up to your screen name. THINK, stupid, THINK.....if trees exchange CO2 for oxygen, and they are removed as industrial pollution increases CO2 levels, how does that NOT effect the climate? Same with the oceans. Only a stubborn fool would insist that atmosphere change has nothing to do with climate. Repeating your BS won't make it magically come true. Grow up.


You are lacking in the science, buddy. You are working on disproven premises.

CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
maybe it will sink in one of these times
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
LOL. I expect you'll use the "pants on fire" attack next post. :rolleyes:

You are pathetic.

And I would also note that you still have yet to give me a definition of "neocon" that fits your accusation.

Obviously, you're not comprehending what has transpired here...which would explain your foolish expectations.

You're the one following me here to whine about another post who's pathetic? Not only are you a liar, but you're also a sore loser as well. Grow the fuck up, will ya? No way for someone who runs a discussion board to act..I'm embarassed for you.

You are practically mimicking the idiocy of USFreedumb. Same tactics, same false claims.....that's pretty sad, man.

If you had bothered to actually read the source information I provided earlier, you would have noted that it has NOTHING TO DO WITH YAMAL OR THE HOCKEY STICK GRAPH. I never disputed your findings, master mind. I merely pointed out that it wasn't the be all end all regarding global warming, and I gave valid, documented evidence that proves what I earlier stated.

You are lacking in the science, buddy. You are working on disproven premises.

CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
maybe it will sink in one of these times
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated
CO2 effects have been overstated

Just as I thought...I'm dealing with an intellectually bankrupt neocon, who once given a talking point endlessly parrots it, because he's incapable and unwilling to accept any other information.

Thanks for demonstrating how fools like you can only handle one idea at a time. No wonder the Shrub & company loved you so much....when they suppressed reports from the scientific community, you just squawked louder. How sad. Carry on.