I would regard being treated like a fool by someone with your intellect as something of a compliment.
I have never taken a position on CO2 nor have I, here, taken a position on greenhouse gases. However the fact that what we label as greenhouse gases are having a detrimental effect on our environment is well documented. That doesn't mean to say that I am blaming the increase in the atmosphere of CO2 for the problems or possible problems that we appear to be facing.
What I do know, and what I do take a position on, is the irresponsible use of the planet purely for profit at the expense of the poor and the flora and fauna of the world.
We, the west, and particularly you, America, are guilty as charged of adding to the pollution of the planet with your obsessive use of hydrocarbons, your uniqely selfish attitude, your blind support of companies like Monsanto and GM foods. The amount of filth that your nation spews into the world is far greater, per capita, than any other nation in the world. For you, and people like you, to be trying to spin this major and significant problem by trying to take it apart and creating arguments about this particular chemical or this particular industry shows an ignorance and arrogance beyond the comprehension of the rest of the human population.
OK Moron?