APP - The BBC asks "where's global warming?"

totalitarianism does not automatically assume slave labour. India has child slave labour. It is not totalitarian. America had slave labour, it was not totalitarian. True they sometimes go together but they are not automatic partners.
but usually they are.
Then again one cannot say that an unskilled labourer earning a couple of dollars a day is an example of slave labour. Under some systems he would get free accomodation (rudimentary to say the least) and either free or subsidised food. Also that one dollar might purchase sufficient for him to live and keep his family.
The only thing you can safely say about totalitarianism is that, as a form of government, it does not allow opposition parties. Yes it is bad. No argument.

I say it usually goes with fascist dehumanizing work camps and slavery, without fail.
but usually they are.

I say it usually goes with fascist dehumanizing work camps and slavery, without fail.

But there are also times when a 'totalitarian' style of government might be the best way forward. I don't think you can automatically condemn anything in generalities.
Every man needs to be vigilant under every type of government. All governments lie.
If you havent done so, read my sig line.
But there are also times when a 'totalitarian' style of government might be the best way forward.
Yes. THis is a popular but failed and idiotic argument.
I don't think you can automatically condemn anything in generalities.
Every man needs to be vigilant under every type of government. All governments lie.
If you havent done so, read my sig line.

Totalitarianism can and should be condemned, in general.
totalitarianism does not automatically assume slave labour. India has child slave labour. It is not totalitarian. America had slave labour, it was not totalitarian. True they sometimes go together but they are not automatic partners.
Then again one cannot say that an unskilled labourer earning a couple of dollars a day is an example of slave labour. Under some systems he would get free accomodation (rudimentary to say the least) and either free or subsidised food. Also that one dollar might purchase sufficient for him to live and keep his family.
The only thing you can safely say about totalitarianism is that, as a form of government, it does not allow opposition parties. Yes it is bad. No argument.

So you're saying that China is a totalitarianism, even though they still have slavery (even Hong Kong).
Yes. THis is a popular but failed and idiotic argument.

Totalitarianism can and should be condemned, in general.

China is basically totalitarian. Since 1988 it has pulled itself from a nation of extreme poverty and personal restrictions, where most enterprises were state run to a thriving capitalist economy rivalling that of Japan and soon to rival that of the US.
This could not have happened under democracy or under any other 'cracy' or 'ism'. Just about every one of the 1.3 billion population is better off than they were, some more than others, and now with manufacturing moving further and further into the hinterland, more and more people will be able to live in a form of luxury they never dreamed of under communism.
Give it 25-50 years and it will be ready for a more democratic form of government but not now.
I would ask you what progress the American people (or the British, French, German or anyone) have made since 1988. 20 years! within the lifetime of everyone, I would guess, on this forum.
China is basically totalitarian. Since 1988 it has pulled itself from a nation of extreme poverty and personal restrictions, where most enterprises were state run to a thriving capitalist economy rivalling that of Japan and soon to rival that of the US.
This could not have happened under democracy or under any other 'cracy' or 'ism'. Just about every one of the 1.3 billion population is better off than they were, some more than others, and now with manufacturing moving further and further into the hinterland, more and more people will be able to live in a form of luxury they never dreamed of under communism.
Give it 25-50 years and it will be ready for a more democratic form of government but not now.
I would ask you what progress the American people (or the British, French, German or anyone) have made since 1988. 20 years! within the lifetime of everyone, I would guess, on this forum.

Uh, we developed the HTTP, which I would consider the most revolutionary invention in history.
Uh, we developed the HTTP, which I would consider the most revolutionary invention in history.

Internal combustion engine? jet engine? http? that is ... what exactly? something to do with computers? Wouldn't the internet itself top that?
Anyway, you seem to have missed the point. It was not about who invented what, it was about different systems for different circumstances. Horses for courses if you like.
Neither America nor Europe has come anywhere near the progress the Chinese have made. That is a fact - not debatable, not arguable. I say it not for the same reason you might wish to brag about America but simply to reinforce my contention that totalitarianism, whilst being generally unpleasant to those of us who 'have', isn't necessarily unpleasant to a starving peasant if it puts food on his table.
Now if you wish to discuss individual inventions then that's a different matter.
Internal combustion engine? jet engine? http? that is ... what exactly? something to do with computers? Wouldn't the internet itself top that?
Anyway, you seem to have missed the point. It was not about who invented what, it was about different systems for different circumstances. Horses for courses if you like.
Neither America nor Europe has come anywhere near the progress the Chinese have made. That is a fact - not debatable, not arguable. I say it not for the same reason you might wish to brag about America but simply to reinforce my contention that totalitarianism, whilst being generally unpleasant to those of us who 'have', isn't necessarily unpleasant to a starving peasant if it puts food on his table.
Now if you wish to discuss individual inventions then that's a different matter.
HTTP is what drives the internet, it is how we find this site. If you look at you url at the top, tell me what it begins with...
HTTP is what drives the internet, it is how we find this site. If you look at you url at the top, tell me what it begins with...

Oh, up there. I'm one of those strange people who no longer has the desire to know how computer stuff works. Many years ago I got very enthusiastic about getting 'BASIC' to say 'hello', but no longer.
I thought it meant 'How to talk to perverts' so, since I talk to some strange people here I thought it might be interesting.
But seriously one can hardly say the world would not have progressed with out it for something else would have been developed. A bit like saying that progress can be defined by the knife and fork.
China is basically totalitarian. Since 1988 it has pulled itself from a nation of extreme poverty and personal restrictions, where most enterprises were state run to a thriving capitalist economy rivalling that of Japan and soon to rival that of the US.
This could not have happened under democracy or under any other 'cracy' or 'ism'. Just about every one of the 1.3 billion population is better off than they were, some more than others, and now with manufacturing moving further and further into the hinterland, more and more people will be able to live in a form of luxury they never dreamed of under communism.
Give it 25-50 years and it will be ready for a more democratic form of government but not now.
I would ask you what progress the American people (or the British, French, German or anyone) have made since 1988. 20 years! within the lifetime of everyone, I would guess, on this forum.

It did not pull itself anywhere. Jew bankers decided to make CHINA the number one exporter around the world, to monopolize world production in a totalitarian system they control.

Their success is due to currency manipulation. Banker tricks.
I don't think jews should have anything done to them mind you. I do not agree with any kind of "final solution". Stuff like that is too Olam Ha Ba for me. We should all just collectively say no to their keynesian control system of abusiveness. Will they cry and scream if we dare to defy god's people on earth? Probably a little bit. But they'll shut up and act normal after a while.
oh. And human slavery. China is successful from these three things.

1.Human Slavery
2.Currency Manipulation
3.Illuminati operatives bribing amibitious politicians with fiat cash to accept the degradation of global human morality.
It did not pull itself anywhere. Jew bankers decided to make CHINA the number one exporter around the world, to monopolize world production in a totalitarian system they control.

Their success is due to currency manipulation. Banker tricks.

Don't be so bloody stupid. The Chinese eat Jews.
It did not pull itself anywhere. Jew bankers decided to make CHINA the number one exporter around the world, to monopolize world production in a totalitarian system they control.

Their success is due to currency manipulation. Banker tricks.

Yes. So? If your country had manipulated your currency to YOUR advantage maybe you would not now be so badly off.
They do what THEY need to do and, much like the US, dont give a shit for anyone else. No one is going to persuade the Beijing government to change the plans they have put in place to lift China into the number one position. If you dont like it, tough shit. Live with it.
You are the finest teachers in that regard.
oh. And human slavery. China is successful from these three things.

1.Human Slavery
2.Currency Manipulation
3.Illuminati operatives bribing amibitious politicians with fiat cash to accept the degradation of global human morality.

So? What is it to you?
Tidy your own back yard before you look at your neighbour's.
Yes. So? If your country had manipulated your currency to YOUR advantage maybe you would not now be so badly off.
They do what THEY need to do and, much like the US, dont give a shit for anyone else. No one is going to persuade the Beijing government to change the plans they have put in place to lift China into the number one position. If you dont like it, tough shit. Live with it.
You are the finest teachers in that regard.

LOL. You're delusional.

This dream of yellow controlled global fascism will fail.