APP - The BBC asks "where's global warming?"

I get the impression that you haven't travelled very far and certainly not overseas, I bet you believe in Roswell.

His 'Life of Johnson' was a good read.

He doesn't like 'furrinland', they're all totalitarian.... or commie ... or nazi ... or fascist .. or brown ... or yellow .. or .. or .. or

He should, by rights, have been born a Yorkshireman!
His 'Life of Johnson' was a good read.

He doesn't like 'furrinland', they're all totalitarian.... or commie ... or nazi ... or fascist .. or brown ... or yellow .. or .. or .. or

He should, by rights, have been born a Yorkshireman!

All foreign lands are not totalitarian. China is though.

Once again you're conflating your love of totalitarianism with some kind of intellectual superiority. I see it as a sign of your idiocy.
You're getting dog-piled by the Nancy Boys!

You lucky stiff you!

OH behave!

Well done, little chap. You have correctly spelled 'nazi'. I'm sure that will come as a surprise to others here who find their screens polluted by your presence.


You're really stuggling, as of late. :palm:

You need to ask your Chinese masters for some fish, to go with your daily bowl of rice.
It is brain food, you know. :good4u:

You're really stuggling, as of late. :palm:

You need to ask your Chinese masters for some fish, to go with your daily bowl of rice.
It is brain food, you know. :good4u:

A clear sign that you are beat, little man.
I know you like a good laugh. BTW are you still trying to bite your ear?
Damn, man, you really don't read a word I write. I have accepted that there is a anthropogenic component to CO2 forcing. The problem I have is that every unknown forcing models or studies can not explain by things we think we know gets lumped into either CO2 forcing or specifically Anthropogenic CO2 forcing. There are so many dynamics of the climate we do not understand fully and it's poor science to treat models as if they are accurate enough to use to prove assumptions built into them.

You can't use a climate model that is based on CO2 theory to PROVE the same theory!!

And no one is doing that...that is what YOU are trying to foster in order to continue stating your erroneous claims.

It's not about "forcing", it's a about the REDUCTION of the very NATURAL mechanisms that change CO2 to Oxygen, and then introducing the anthropogenic component. Capice?

Basic, observable facts. Rain forest reduced to one third it's emissions, industrial smoke stacks and urbanization increases by 1/3. Get the picture? So if you're STILL going to try to pretend that the CO2 levels are of little to no consequence...go ahead. If you're STILL going to stubbornly contend that those CO2 levels are NATURAL and the man-made additions are negligible, go ahead. It's a silly notion in face of the physical evidence, but then again that's about all you've got at this stage.