APP - The BBC asks "where's global warming?"

But he did prove that he's a bigot.
""How could I be accused of being an illegal Cuban alien? Do I look Cuban? Do I sound Cuban?"

I guess because he's English, he doesn't realize that Cubans come in all shapes and colors.

Yep, it's well known that there is an enclave of Scousers named O'Grady in Cuba.
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Consideration for the environment should be based on real science, not al gore's lies. These lies are embraced by corporatists (right wingers), and america haters (left wingers) alike. The only oversimplified analysis I see is yours. That's because you're a simple person. You don't really get the complexities of modern living.

Consideration for the environment is a phrase that doesn't work without qualification. My environment is not necessarily the same as your environment. What we all 'should' do is act for our own conscience. Respect that which gives us life and sustenance and do not destroy that which does not need to be destroyed.
If you can't see across the bay for airborne particulates you (society) have done something wrong and need to put it right. If we watch as the last Bengal tiger fights for its existence, we have done something wrong and need to put it right. If we alter local climates by cutting down mile upon mile of forest we have done something wrong and need to do something about it.
This has nothing to do with Al Gore or Al Bowley, this has to do with you and me.

and what might 'the complexities of modern living' be? Pollution is not solely an American problem. American lifestyle needs to be addressed as do all lifestyles.
Don't look for problems - look for solutions.
Consideration for the environment is a phrase that doesn't work without qualification. My environment is not necessarily the same as your environment. What we all 'should' do is act for our own conscience. Respect that which gives us life and sustenance and do not destroy that which does not need to be destroyed.
If you can't see across the bay for airborne particulates you (society) have done something wrong and need to put it right. If we watch as the last Bengal tiger fights for its existence, we have done something wrong and need to put it right. If we alter local climates by cutting down mile upon mile of forest we have done something wrong and need to do something about it.
This has nothing to do with Al Gore or Al Bowley, this has to do with you and me.

and what might 'the complexities of modern living' be? Pollution is not solely an American problem. American lifestyle needs to be addressed as do all lifestyles.
Don't look for problems - look for solutions.

You're a totally ignorant stooge.
Do black people in the UK call themselves African British/Brits?

I can tell you that many people are shocked when they see Chinese speaking with a heavy British accent, Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis, Blacks etc.

It took me a while to get used to it. When I was a freshman in high school, Harry Potter 4 had just come out, and a few people casually asked my English teacher a question based upon the assumption that Cho Chang must be a foreign student from China, because obviously English people are white.

No matter the race, though, British (along with South African) accents are the hottest one's on planet Earth. French-Canadian are alright too.
It took me a while to get used to it. When I was a freshman in high school, Harry Potter 4 had just come out, and a few people casually asked my English teacher a question based upon the assumption that Cho Chang must be a foreign student from China, because obviously English people are white.

No matter the race, though, British (along with South African) accents are the hottest one's on planet Earth. French-Canadian are alright too.

White people call black people 'People'. Black people call white people 'People'.
White people call themselves 'people'. Black people call themselves 'people'.
What, in heaven's name do Americans call each other?
However, within that generality, we call people from Liverpool 'scousers' and people from Newcastle-on-Tyne 'geordies'. Most people we don't call; we hope they will go away. Accents are quite interesting and Professor Higgins is alive and well and living all over the country.
For my sins I speak with a southern accent quite close to RP. It tends to cause a few problems should I dare to travel into the wild and woolly north.
There is a rather strange British chat show host and comedian by the name of Paul O'Grady aka Lily Savage. He flew into Miami airport in August, I think, and was detained for two hours because the immigration official that he had a funny accent and could be a communist Cuban terrorist.
He is from Liverpool!
I mention this to further underline the stupidity of some Americans who seem hard wired into McCarthyism and cannot accept that the last communist regime ceased to be about twenty years ago.
I mean look at this bunch. Obama's health plan is 'Socialist'. 'Liberals' is to them a swear word. The bush tourist/terrorist joke is taken as deadly serious so that they are scared shitless by anyone who isnt a clone of them. And of course, the strangest thing of all, and the one thing that Europeans cannot come to terms with..... They are free to walk the streets just as if they are normal people!

Low, there is no way I'm going to defend the actions of the neocons who went hog wild for 8 years...or for the idiocy you describe here. Fortunately, there are those of us who are fighting the good fight here.

What I will call you on is your European snobbery that has a tendency to go into overdrive. England has never been immune to the excesses that America has currently been internationally vilified for the last 8 years....Margaret Thatcher, the National Front...that's just for starters. What I'm trying to say is that your shit stinks just let's keep it all in perspective.
wrong......the left wing approach to all issues is to make a lot of noise about problems, never to solve them....if they actually took steps to solve a problem they would lose a campaign I recall, Clinton took the Kyoto accord home and never presented it to his left wing controlled Congress, because he knew he could never get ratification.....

Slick Willy was the best thing that happened to the of the reasons why I didn't vote for his second term. Maybe he was still wary of another GOP walkout?

But your accusations are hilarious....because every blessed time the "left wing" offers solutions, the "right wing" fights like hell to ignore, demonize or prevent them from implimentation (or even rational discussion). And remember, the "left wing" weren't the spearhead or leaders on the S&L Scandal, or the Iran/Contra Scandal, or the Enron Scandal, or the Wall St. bailout.
Low, there is no way I'm going to defend the actions of the neocons who went hog wild for 8 years...or for the idiocy you describe here. Fortunately, there are those of us who are fighting the good fight here.

What I will call you on is your European snobbery that has a tendency to go into overdrive. England has never been immune to the excesses that America has currently been internationally vilified for the last 8 years....Margaret Thatcher, the National Front...that's just for starters. What I'm trying to say is that your shit stinks just let's keep it all in perspective.

I concur
AGU presentation backs up McIntyre’s findings that there is no late 20th century hockey stick in Yamal
30 09 2009

If you are just joining us, the story is this. After 10 years of data being withheld that would allow true scientific replication, and after dozens of requests for that data, Steve McIntyre of Climate Audit finally was given access to the data from Yamal Peninsula, Russia. He discovered that only 12 trees had been used out of a much larger dataset of tree ring data. When the larger data set was plotted, there is no “hockey stick” of temperature, in fact it goes in the opposite direction.

where are the warmers?
Cypress? Mott? What's up? Do you guys understand now? You've been duped because you failed to understand how statistics were being used to lie to you. LOL and you call me an idiot.