The Benefits of Globalization and phony "Free" Trade Policies!

Red, I'm certainly no liberal, and if you ask any liberal on the site they would agree with me.

The US median income hasn't grown pretty much at all since the 80's. I don't know what specific part of the economy has caused that, but obviously something is wrong.

And yes, I disagree with 70% or 90% (as it was in the fifties) taxation of anything. Even whenever I was a socialist I considered that an amazing amoung for America to have ever taxed anyone.
Red, I'm certainly no liberal, and if you ask any liberal on the site they would agree with me.

The US median income hasn't grown pretty much at all since the 80's. I don't know what specific part of the economy has caused that, but obviously something is wrong.

And yes, I disagree with 70% or 90% (as it was in the fifties) taxation of anything. Even whenever I was a socialist I considered that an amazing amoung for America to have ever taxed anyone.

All I have heard is how bad the US economy is - but damned if I see where. I am seeing moderate economic growth, increasing wages, low inflation, record closes on Wall street, good gaines in 401K's, and low interest rates

During the '04 election, the left was crying over a "jobless recovery" - that talking point fell flat

The US economy is doing well
All I have heard is how bad the US economy is - but damned if I see where. I am seeing moderate economic growth, increasing wages, low inflation, record closes on Wall street, good gaines in 401K's, and low interest rates

During the '04 election, the left was crying over a "jobless recovery" - that talking point fell flat

The US economy is doing well

The median wage was about 40K in 1980. It's about 45K, now, if we're lucky. That's a loss, according to inflation. And it ONLY stopped growing once the Republicans got in office, although it experienced it's greatest growth during the clinton years.
You've added 20 million illiterate minimum wage earners form Mexico, of course median wages haven't jumped with that and globalization.
Incomes have gone way up for the 25% college graduates and will continue to.
Ever hear work smarter not harder, never more appropriate.:clink:
So, let's say those "idiotic Mexicans" (Mexicans can't be anything but idiots, after all) all made nothing from 1980 to 2006. That would depress median wage growth by 10%. It wouldn't freeze it, Top.

Your other reason - the fact that people around the world can trade and communicate with each other faster - seems unlikely to be making up the other 90%. If anything it's the only thing keeping the median wage from bombing.
Good business is not "anything for a buck". That's called criminality.

You are attributing morality to the markets, which are amoral. Generating profit is the raison d'etre of business. If producing a 'moral' product is carried out, it is soley because that is where the profit is.

Hence why I believe that the markets can't be trusted to provide essential services such as healthcare, education, basic housing and welfare.
You've added 20 million illiterate minimum wage earners form Mexico, of course median wages haven't jumped with that and globalization.
Incomes have gone way up for the 25% college graduates and will continue to.
Ever hear work smarter not harder, never more appropriate

How long have capitalists been bleating on that the capitalist system works if you work hard?

But capitalism calls for freedom for all commodities, including labour. Industry has discovered that it can undermine the cost of labour by bringing in cheaper and cheaper resources, which makes the old capitalist adage nothing but propoganda.

It would be amusing, if it weren't so distressing, that so many in the US see capitalism as such a benign 'cure-all-ills'...
Good business is not "anything for a buck". That's called criminality.

You are attributing morality to the markets, which are amoral. Generating profit is the raison d'etre of business. If producing a 'moral' product is carried out, it is soley because that is where the profit is.

Hence why I believe that the markets can't be trusted to provide essential services such as healthcare, education, basic housing and welfare.

To liberals, a business should not be in business to make a profit - but to pay the maximum amount in taxes possible
To liberals, a business should not be in business to make a profit - but to pay the maximum amount in taxes possible

I think most liberals recognise that all a business is designed to do is create profit. It is the priority that 'business needs'is given over 'human needs' by government that concerns people.
To liberals, a business should not be in business to make a profit - but to pay the maximum amount in taxes possible

I think most liberals recognise that all a business is designed to do is create profit. It is the priority that 'business needs'is given over 'human needs' by government that concerns people.

To libs, they should not not only pay the most in taxes, but be more worried about the "common good" then their profits

great business plan for the bankruptcy lawyers
To libs, they should not not only pay the most in taxes, but be more worried about the "common good" then their profits

It is the government that should be concerned with the common good and have the ability to reign in business if needed.

As for tax, all tax should be according to ability to pay....
To libs, they should not not only pay the most in taxes, but be more worried about the "common good" then their profits

It is the government that should be concerned with the common good and have the ability to reign in business if needed.

As for tax, all tax should be according to ability to pay....

and where does the government get the money?

Again, $9 trillion later we are told we need to spend more
Good business is not "anything for a buck". That's called criminality.

You are attributing morality to the markets, which are amoral. Generating profit is the raison d'etre of business. If producing a 'moral' product is carried out, it is soley because that is where the profit is.

Hence why I believe that the markets can't be trusted to provide essential services such as healthcare, education, basic housing and welfare.

But behind every transaction is a human deciding it's morally acceptable to do the deal.

It's up to people to add the moral dimension to capitalism.
But behind every transaction is a human deciding it's morally acceptable to do the deal.

It's up to people to add the moral dimension to capitalism.

If you are waiting for people to add a moral dimension, when profit is involved, you have to be joking.

Look at Walmart / ASDA, which abuse the current trade arrangements to sell us jeans at £3 a pair. People shop there because it is cheap.

The markets don't consider morality.
It is up to the free market to decide

No wonder liberals hate capitalism and love socialism

Don't hate capitalism (hate?? Are you a teenager?), just don't trust it, and I certainly don't think that the free market should be accepted absolutely, as if it were some elixir for all societies ills.

If we let the free markets decide everything, we would exist in a Dickensian situation.

There is a reason why socialism came about, and it is because of the failings of market forces.
It is up to the free market to decide

No wonder liberals hate capitalism and love socialism

Don't hate capitalism (hate?? Are you a teenager?), just don't trust it, and I certainly don't think that the free market should be accepted absolutely, as if it were some elixir for all societies ills.

If we let the free markets decide everything, we would exist in a Dickensian situation.

There is a reason why socialism came about, and it is because of the failings of market forces.

Looking at the economy in th UK VS that of the US - I suggest you try and fix yours before telling us how to improve ours
Looking at the economy in th UK VS that of the US - I suggest you try and fix yours before telling us how to improve ours

Stunning retort.

Yes, compare the economy of a nation the size of a small US state that has the 4th/5th largest economy in the world... lol Yeah, we're doing

Does this reply mean that you have no arguments to the actual point I was making?
Looking at the economy in th UK VS that of the US - I suggest you try and fix yours before telling us how to improve ours

Stunning retort.

Yes, compare the economy of a nation the size of a small US state that has the 4th/5th largest economy in the world... lol Yeah, we're doing

Does this reply mean that you have no arguments to the actual point I was making?

I am pointing out your high taxes and government run healthcare is a serious problem

You should fix your problems befpre lecturing us on our so called short comings
It is up to the free market to decide

No wonder liberals hate capitalism and love socialism

Markets have no morality. So you're for the legalization of drugs, prostitution, kiddie porn, poison food etc?

Did unions ever have a place in u.s. history? DO you believe in child labor.

I used to be just like you RSR, so I know what I'm talking about when I say, you're an idiot.