The Benefits of Globalization and phony "Free" Trade Policies!

Well I guess the Neos are right on one issue then. Amazing, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

We have been very eager victims on several issues recently.
Still buying lots of Chinese stuff.
Still buying gas guzzlers.
Re-elected Bush in 04.


No. they're wrong. Like you. you're just full of so much hate you get off on seeing america go down the toilet.
I am full of hate ?

I love to see America go down the tubes ? why was I so distraught when I discovered we were going to invade Iraq then ?
You were so full of hate at that time and so eager to go to war....
I am full of hate ?

I love to see America go down the tubes ? why was I so distraught when I discovered we were going to invade Iraq then ?
You were so full of hate at that time and so eager to go to war....

Yes. You like it. You feel we need to be punished for electing bush.

You were distraught because you're locked into this simplistic, "everything republicans do is bad" mindset, except of course, when it comes to the most important issue of our day, following china down the tyranny hole. you're all for that, because you hate americans for not listening to you, you egomaniac.
Only about 25 % of america elected Bush. I think those that brought bush to power should long be reminded of their incredibly stupid actions.
But hate ? tha it a bit strong.

Egomaniac ?? Me ???

Of course if you say so :)

becuase obviously you are a "decider".