The Benefits of Globalization and phony "Free" Trade Policies!

Changing the meaning of words to suit your argument is not intellectualism, dumbass. It's stupidity. I'm anti-stupidity.

Bantering semantics isn't what I see as an anti-intellectual streak in you.

Unjustified elitism, and ultimately destructive moral relativism, based on nihilism, is also stupidity. I'm still just anti-stupidity.:)
Please learn the proper usage of a question mark. I think you're using it to imply incredulity or sarcasm.

A question mark used in such a sense is an internet colloquialism to indicate as you say.
Please learn the proper usage of a question mark. I think you're using it to imply incredulity or sarcasm.

A question mark used in such a sense is an internet colloquialism to indicate as you say.

You don't need to innovate when you use the innovations financed by the american public. You're a leach, that doesn't mean your system is superior.
Unjustified elitism, and ultimately destructive moral relativism, based on nihilism, is also stupidity. I'm still just anti-stupidity

Where do you get elitism from? Am I part of the global elite conspiracy and no-one has told me?

And as for nihilism being stupid, are you sure you just mean you don't agree with it?
You don't need to innovate when you use the innovations financed by the american public.

What are you babbling about? Medicine? The UK is a world leader in medical research, we don't need to leach from the US. In fact we send our people to the US to help you guys...
Unjustified elitism, and ultimately destructive moral relativism, based on nihilism, is also stupidity. I'm still just anti-stupidity

Where do you get elitism from? Am I part of the global elite conspiracy and no-one has told me?

And as for nihilism being stupid, are you sure you just mean you don't agree with it?

I get elitism from your continual unjustified elitism.

No. nihilism as you use it MAKES you stupid. your thoughts remain very shallow and simple, because you can never make decisions upon which to build more thoughtful edifices. The only complexity in you are the bizarre and transparent gyrations you go through to redefine words and justify nihilism in the abstract.
You don't need to innovate when you use the innovations financed by the american public.

What are you babbling about? Medicine? The UK is a world leader in medical research, we don't need to leach from the US. In fact we send our people to the US to help you guys...

Yepper, who was it that discovered the bad flu vaccine a few years ago ?
Who owns much of our pharma industry ?
Americans are gouged on drugs. We finance the innovation that benefits the world.
Americans currently pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. Canadians, Europeans, and even citizens of Mexico pay only about one-half to as little as one-tenth the price paid by Americans for the very same chemicals. Drug companies actually import many of the raw materials used in pharmaceuticals from other countries, meaning that some U.S. medicines are already sourced from countries like the U.K. and Germany.
We are to blame for embracing cheap chinese stuff. If we had not bought it it would not be on our shelves today.
Our gummit is supposed to take care of us ? Wow! what a radical idea.

I have learned to take care of myself....

I am one of those mobile work force types the Republicans love so much. I am so mobile I might just take my job with me and leave :)
Our gummit is supposed to take care of us ? Wow! what a radical idea.

I have learned to take care of myself....

I am one of those mobile work force types the Republicans love so much. I am so mobile I might just take my job with me and leave :)

To a degree. Why do you parrot neocon talking points when it comes to the china issue?
I was not aware that I was :shock:
But even Neocon talking points havt to have a trace of truth in them to keep the suckers following along.
Yes. They blame the victims and posit market forces as the highest good. Just like you.

Well I guess the Neos are right on one issue then. Amazing, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

We have been very eager victims on several issues recently.
Still buying lots of Chinese stuff.
Still buying gas guzzlers.
Re-elected Bush in 04.
