The Benefits of Globalization and phony "Free" Trade Policies!

I am pointing out your high taxes and government run healthcare is a serious problem

You should fix your problems befpre lecturing us on our so called short comings

Are they problems? They don't seem to damage the UK economy, which, as I said, for a country probably smaller than the state you are living in has one of the largest economies in the world.

I would point to the many people in the US who don't have access to decent medical attention because, even though your economy is larger than ours, you don't have the foresight to provide universal healthcare, as a problem....
I am pointing out your high taxes and government run healthcare is a serious problem

You should fix your problems befpre lecturing us on our so called short comings

Are they problems? They don't seem to damage the UK economy, which, as I said, for a country probably smaller than the state you are living in has one of the largest economies in the world.

I would point to the many people in the US who don't have access to decent medical attention because, even though your economy is larger than ours, you don't have the foresight to provide universal healthcare, as a problem....

Our hospitals do not send out memos NOT to wash sheets and pillow cases due to lack of money as YOUR hospitals have done
When Reagan took office from Pres Peanut Carter, the US had double digit inflation, double digit interest rates, and near double digit unemployment. The top tax rate was 70% and the economy was in deep trouble. That is when the Misert Index was invented - the Pres Peanut legacy

Pres Reagan came in, cut the top rate to 28% and the revenues to the US government DOUBLED in 8 years

I lived through Pres Peanuts and Pres Reagan's economy

Pres Reagan proved tax cuts work - as Pres Bush is doing right now

You still believe that malarkey ?

Regan raised taxes.
Our hospitals do not send out memos NOT to wash sheets and pillow cases due to lack of money as YOUR hospitals have done

There are problems, sure, largely due to 15 years of underfunding by the Conservatives and recent privatisation of hospital cleaning and laundry but at least everyone has access to medical care free at the point of need.

No-one suffers because they can't afford treatment.
Our hospitals do not send out memos NOT to wash sheets and pillow cases due to lack of money as YOUR hospitals have done

There are problems, sure, largely due to 15 years of underfunding by the Conservatives and recent privatisation of hospital cleaning and laundry but at least everyone has access to medical care free at the point of need.

No-one suffers because they can't afford treatment.


The reason any social program fails is to lack of funding

Hillarycare fails eveywhere it is tried
Our hospitals do not send out memos NOT to wash sheets and pillow cases due to lack of money as YOUR hospitals have done

There are problems, sure, largely due to 15 years of underfunding by the Conservatives and recent privatisation of hospital cleaning and laundry but at least everyone has access to medical care free at the point of need.

No-one suffers because they can't afford treatment.
Here too there is access if you truly have need. Long ago an executive order was signed, and since all hospitals take government funding they all must follow it, that nobody can be turned away for lack of funding.

This is a myth.

The problem lies in pointing this out to others who will ignore it and argue that we do no such thing. It has been a long, long time since people needed to worry about the essential care, the basics of which you speak.

The US is not just a place to eat and sleep, it is more than just "the basics".
Here, the medical system is hardly "free market" in the sense that it's an odd mixture of vendor cartels, and regulation. For instance, a doctor cannot charge less to accomodate uninsured patients, he must charge full price, even though insurance companies rarely pay their full published rates anyway. So the published rate guarantees the indigents don't get a break, but the doctors don't get it either. The combination of insurance company policy, and the collective bargaining and corruption which results from collective policy making. people need to be shopping on a price basis per procedure basis for the benefits of free market to kick in. As it is now, it's a fascist system, not socialist. I'm still not sure that universal government paid health care is a solution though. There is some merit to the argument that there needs to be a profit motive to spur innovation.
There is some merit to the argument that there needs to be a profit motive to spur innovation.

Innovation? We have some of the best medical research facilities in the UK, and we don't have a profit motive???

Apart from that, and misusing the term fascist, I agree with AHZ! Must be a first...
His anti-intellectualism is still disturbing....

Yes, but he has improved....
Give him time.

Btw Any, I have noticed that this last outbreak in Gaza and such has not made hardly a whisper on the "evening news" over here. I have to watch BBC America to find out much of anything about it...
That's not good. If the US people, Israel's largest backer aren't fully aware of the situation there is a serious problem.
There is some merit to the argument that there needs to be a profit motive to spur innovation.

Innovation? We have some of the best medical research facilities in the UK, and we don't have a profit motive???

Apart from that, and misusing the term fascist, I agree with AHZ! Must be a first...

Please learn the proper usage of a question mark. I think you're using it to imply incredulity or sarcasm. Please correct this defect in your posting style and then get back to me.
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That's not good. If the US people, Israel's largest backer aren't fully aware of the situation there is a serious problem.

Yes it is serious, I guess it is just that darned "liberal" media again....
Paris Hussy not wanting to go to jail gets more air time over here lately than Palenstine / Lebanon / Israel problems....
Changing the meaning of words to suit your argument is not intellectualism, dumbass. It's stupidity. I'm anti-stupidity.

Bantering semantics isn't what I see as an anti-intellectual streak in you.