The Big Liar

I don't. I see them as a fringe overreaction to the Republican party getting trampled when led by RINO's. It's like a pendulum. If it swings too far in one direction, it will soon swing too far in the other. Eventually it will return to center though.
So which Republican leaders do you respect? Which do you think will lead their Party and the country to MAGA?

You have a purty mouth.
The claim that the 2020 elections weren't fraught with fraud and massive incompetence can only be made in a vacuum of reality and the truth.

Isn't Billy Barr conservative enough for you? In private he told Trump that claims of widespread illegality were bullshit. In public he just said they hadn't found enough fraud to have any impact on the result. Then he quit.

This is a man who happily did Trump's errands for a couple of years - but even he has his limits.
So which Republican leaders do you respect? Which do you think will lead their Party and the country to MAGA?

Not sure. I think Trump will continue to have influence within the Republican party, but he won't be the standard bearer. I suspect one or another Republican governor will step forward and be the 2024 candidate for president.
An equally interesting question is Who will the Democrats select? Biden and Harris, if they continue as they are will be severely damaged goods. Biden won't be able to run a campaign from the shadows and in public he'll be a cognitive disaster. Harris is probably the most hateable politician on the national stage since Nixon. Sanders has gotten far too old. Running a Progressive of any sort is a sure loser.
I think 2024 is far more open to an unknown for both parties, and the one that runs a believable Centrist will be dominant. I don't think the Democrats have or can nominate someone like that now. Their Progressive Leftist wing has become too powerful within the party and until that changes and the Democrats move back towards the Center they're finished.
On the other hand, Trump was an anomaly. The Hildabeast was the WORST possible choice the Democrats could have made following eight years of Obama. Obama had a lock on the Black vote the Hildabeast couldn't duplicate and he was more personable than her on his worst day.
So, it comes back to the Republicans not nominating Trump (likely), but who they do nominate will really determine the outcome. The Democrat's only hope running a Progressive is that the Republican candidate is either a spineless jellyfish (aka Romney or McCain), or a galaxy sized asshole like Trump because any moderate to Right-of-Center Republican that is halfway likable with a spine is going to pummel the Leftist the Democrats run.
I don't give a fuck about trump as he isn't the one fucking America up the ass. The retard imbecile you morons elected last November is. Brandon doesn't know what fucking day it is but he's "in charge" of America. Holy fucking shit!

your meth is making you delusional
Isn't Billy Barr conservative enough for you? In private he told Trump that claims of widespread illegality were bullshit. In public he just said they hadn't found enough fraud to have any impact on the result. Then he quit.

This is a man who happily did Trump's errands for a couple of years - but even he has his limits.

Once again, if the elections were so perfect, why so much angst and resistance to actually look into the ballots and verify?

I know, you are A OK with fraudulent elections based on unverified mail in ballots. Of course, only until it is YOUR guy who loses as a result of them right?
Not sure. I think Trump will continue to have influence within the Republican party, but he won't be the standard bearer. I suspect one or another Republican governor will step forward and be the 2024 candidate for president.
An equally interesting question is Who will the Democrats select? Biden and Harris, if they continue as they are will be severely damaged goods. Biden won't be able to run a campaign from the shadows and in public he'll be a cognitive disaster. Harris is probably the most hateable politician on the national stage since Nixon. Sanders has gotten far too old. Running a Progressive of any sort is a sure loser.
I think 2024 is far more open to an unknown for both parties, and the one that runs a believable Centrist will be dominant. I don't think the Democrats have or can nominate someone like that now. Their Progressive Leftist wing has become too powerful within the party and until that changes and the Democrats move back towards the Center they're finished.
On the other hand, Trump was an anomaly. The Hildabeast was the WORST possible choice the Democrats could have made following eight years of Obama. Obama had a lock on the Black vote the Hildabeast couldn't duplicate and he was more personable than her on his worst day.
So, it comes back to the Republicans not nominating Trump (likely), but who they do nominate will really determine the outcome. The Democrat's only hope running a Progressive is that the Republican candidate is either a spineless jellyfish (aka Romney or McCain), or a galaxy sized asshole like Trump because any moderate to Right-of-Center Republican that is halfway likable with a spine is going to pummel the Leftist the Democrats run.

So you don't know or won't say. You infer you'll vote for Trump as the leader. Everyone else does in the Republican Party so why not go with the flock, eh? LOL

The cracks in the Democratic Party render them impotent. They'll go with tried and true, the no brainer solution. It'll be Harris in 2024...and probably even before November 2024. LOL It's the best move for them given the circumstances.

Hillary, literally, owned the DNC in 2020. The Clintons had bought, bribed and bullied their way to power. Remember how outraged Hillary was to lose to Barack? There was a great fear within the DNC that she'd burn the entire house down. She had to be begged to become Sec of State just to mend the fences :laugh:

I do recall respecting her for how hard she worked as Secretary of State. She was still full of shit (e.g. sniper fire) and she was still too arrogant for her own good much less the good of the nation. I was glad she lost in 2016. It broke the back of the DNC because Hillary was the DNC. She left a power vacuum for all the nutjobs to fill in.
Hello Dutch,

So you don't know or won't say. You infer you'll vote for Trump as the leader. Everyone else does in the Republican Party so why not go with the flock, eh? LOL

The cracks in the Democratic Party render them impotent. They'll go with tried and true, the no brainer solution. It'll be Harris in 2024...and probably even before November 2024. LOL It's the best move for them given the circumstances.

Hillary, literally, owned the DNC in 2020. The Clintons had bought, bribed and bullied their way to power. Remember how outraged Hillary was to lose to Barack? There was a great fear within the DNC that she'd burn the entire house down. She had to be begged to become Sec of State just to mend the fences :laugh:

I do recall respecting her for how hard she worked as Secretary of State. She was still full of shit (e.g. sniper fire) and she was still too arrogant for her own good much less the good of the nation. I was glad she lost in 2016. It broke the back of the DNC because Hillary was the DNC. She left a power vacuum for all the nutjobs to fill in.

Bernie made too much sense for the poorly informed.

America should have the things other nations have.

We will have those things one day.

Build Back Better is a good step towards making America greater.
Hello Dutch,

Bernie made too much sense for the poorly informed.

America should have the things other nations have.

We will have those things one day.

Build Back Better is a good step towards making America greater.

Bernie is so far out in Left field that dropping Ghandi into the middle of the American Civil War would have been a better match.
Hello Dutch,

Bernie is so far out in Left field that dropping Ghandi into the middle of the American Civil War would have been a better match.

Why shouldn't Americans have what citizens of other nations do?

Especially when their health care systems outperform ours.

They live longer than Americans by a matter of years.

The only reason Bernie seems so far left is because America is so far right.

It is a shame and a disgrace that Trump ever got elected.
Hello Dutch,

Why shouldn't Americans have what citizens of other nations do?

Especially when their health care systems outperform ours.

They live longer than Americans by a matter of years.

The only reason Bernie seems so far left is because America is so far right.

It is a shame and a disgrace that Trump ever got elected.

Conversely, why shouldn't nations in the Middle East be forced to live as Americans do? Off hand, I'd say that jamming foreign cultures down the throats of people tends to piss them off.

It's a growing process; be a gardener, not a mechanic.

When you force people, there is pushback. It's a natural, almost instinctual, reaction. The stronger willed the person, the harder the pushback.

Pushback can be passive-aggressive too in a thousand different ways. Remember when Kizzy spit in Missy Anne's cup in "Roots"? When Minny shit in Hilly Holbrook's pie in "The Help"?

Stalin and Mao did their best to stamp out religion, all they got was pushback. So much so in Russia that Putin now kowtows to the Church like New York mobsters did.

You can never really force a person's to change their thoughts for very long unless full control is exerted over them all the time. Full domination. If you don't, then eventually they'll start to think for themselves. It's human nature.

Ergo, be a gardener, not a mechanic who simply rips things out and slams in something different to see if it works. Certainly don't be an Enforcer. That never works in the long run.
Hello Dutch,

Conversely, why shouldn't nations in the Middle East be forced to live as Americans do? Off hand, I'd say that jamming foreign cultures down the throats of people tends to piss them off.

It's a growing process; be a gardener, not a mechanic.

When you force people, there is pushback. It's a natural, almost instinctual, reaction. The stronger willed the person, the harder the pushback.

Pushback can be passive-aggressive too in a thousand different ways. Remember when Kizzy spit in Missy Anne's cup in "Roots"? When Minny shit in Hilly Holbrook's pie in "The Help"?

Stalin and Mao did their best to stamp out religion, all they got was pushback. So much so in Russia that Putin now kowtows to the Church like New York mobsters did.

You can never really force a person's to change their thoughts for very long unless full control is exerted over them all the time. Full domination. If you don't, then eventually they'll start to think for themselves. It's human nature.

Ergo, be a gardener, not a mechanic who simply rips things out and slams in something different to see if it works. Certainly don't be an Enforcer. That never works in the long run.

Good advice.

We are planting seeds and nurturing ideas.

We know that eventually we will have what we are talking about because it takes about 20 years for the right to get used to new ideas.

Unfortunately, we are out of time on the climate. That one issue, we have been planting seeds for decades and it is time to move forward. The right can thank us later for being right, putting up with their nonsense, and saving the human habitat.

And on the pandemic we have also been extremely patient. Same thing. We cannot wait any more. We have to get aggressive. We have to put mandates in place because the right is never coming around on that one either. And same deal, they can thank us later. The ones that survive, anyway.

The country will be a lot better off when we get more people voting for progress and fewer voting for being a stick in the mud.
Hello Dutch,

Good advice.

We are planting seeds and nurturing ideas.

We know that eventually we will have what we are talking about because it takes about 20 years for the right to get used to new ideas.

Unfortunately, we are out of time on the climate. That one issue, we have been planting seeds for decades and it is time to move forward. The right can thank us later for being right, putting up with their nonsense, and saving the human habitat.

And on the pandemic we have also been extremely patient. Same thing. We cannot wait any more. We have to get aggressive. We have to put mandates in place because the right is never coming around on that one either. And same deal, they can thank us later. The ones that survive, anyway.

The country will be a lot better off when we get more people voting for progress and fewer voting for being a stick in the mud.
Good luck in your Eco-War.
Hello Dutch,

Mao said the world needs communism.

Agreed on fewer Big Liars.

It's rather challenging to have faith in the will of free people when the BS is hurting our country so bad, but I still do.

It's a battle of ideas.

We have constructive thoughts vs malicious rumors. That's how I think of progressives vs the Trump party.
Hello Dutch,

It's rather challenging to have faith in the will of free people when the BS is hurting our country so bad, but I still do.

It's a battle of ideas.

We have constructive thoughts vs malicious rumors. That's how I think of progressives vs the Trump party.

Half the human race is below average intelligence and 98% are below me. What's your plan?

Absolutely agreed about the clash of ideas. Also cultures doing what you and I discussed above regarding dominance; forcing it upon others. It gets back to the growing thing.

Trumpers are selfish, greedy fucks. Lazy, impotent Euro-American beta males seeking to take by force what they can't earn with their wits. Progressives remind me of the anecdotal Vietnam Major who said 'It became necessary to destroy the town to save it'.

You and I touched on that part above too. Forcing views to make it happen versus growing views.
Hello Dutch,

Half the human race is below average intelligence and 98% are below me. What's your plan?

Absolutely agreed about the clash of ideas. Also cultures doing what you and I discussed above regarding dominance; forcing it upon others. It gets back to the growing thing.

Trumpers are selfish, greedy fucks. Lazy, impotent Euro-American beta males seeking to take by force what they can't earn with their wits. Progressives remind me of the anecdotal Vietnam Major who said 'It became necessary to destroy the town to save it'.

You and I touched on that part above too. Forcing views to make it happen versus growing views.

Sometimes people have to be saved from themselves. Determining when that type of drastic action is necessary is not easy, and should not be undertaken lightly.

And then, how exactly does one go about saving deplorable from deplorable?

When it begins to threaten others would be a good measure.

Suppose you're sitting in an airliner and somebody freaks out so bad they move to open the emergency exit at 30,000 feet. It becomes imperative to subdue them and ensure the door stays closed. There comes a time.