Hello Dutch,
And you support mandatory medical procedures against a person's will. I do not.
That sounds like rephrasing things to make them sound more extreme.
At least we know the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment was legal.
Same for the CIA's Project MKUltra. The State can do whatever the State deems best for everyone.
Complete exaggeration.
I agree with the Supreme Court decision of 1905.
I would support it if our federal government issued a general vaccine mandate.
Sometimes the interest of the country has to come before the interest of the individual. A pandemic is such a case.
Have you been following the progress of the pandemic? You know I maintain the
Corona Virus Peak Watch Thread.
I watch the numbers. I see the trend the pandemic is taking.
We just reached our second peak in the number of Active Cases at the beginning of October. And since then, our numbers have been falling. That's good. But the problem is we are not reducing the numbers very much. Sure, we saw the total reach a high point and then begin to drop, but the drop has not been very much. The peak was over 9.9 million cases but we can't even get it to drop below 9 million cases. We are staying up high. It's still over 9.2 million Active Cases going on.
We are not out of the woods.
That's not much of a recovery.
We have to get as many people vaccinated as possible. We have tried explaining the need. We have tried explaining the situation. We have tried explaining the consequences if we don't get enough people vaccinated.
But still, we do not have enough people vaccinated. People are not paying attention. Most people are not very well informed. They don't see the danger. They don't look at the numbers. Most people could not even tell you the names of their own representative or Senators. Or even tell you how many people represent their interest in Congress! The simply do not understand the situation nor the danger.
And there's something else about the numbers.
The world just bottomed out. The worldwide number of New Daily Cases just bottomed out and is on the rise again.
We are not getting this thing under control yet.
There is great danger to our citizens. And we do not know if a new stronger more resistant variant is coming.
We have to do whatever we can to fight this. If that includes mandatory vaccinations, then yes. I support that.