The BIG liar is Joe Biden. The claim that the 2020 elections weren't fraught with fraud and massive incompetence can only be made in a vacuum of reality and the truth.
Mail in balloting is the single worst and greatest threat to election integrity in our lifetimes. Only the Fascistic Democratic Party of Laying Jackasses supports this type of un-secure type of election fraud is because they think they can win with it....which is basically how they pulled a decrepit, senile, unaccomplished, lying dumbass like Biden across the finish line.
Biden couldn't fill an auditorium with supporters. Trump brought in thousands. The notion that Trump could get 11,237,852 more votes than his first win and still lose requires the willing suspension of common sense.
The notion that Biden bested the far more popular Obama by 11,784,582 votes requires the suspension of common sense.
I find it difficult to believe that a election turnout for Obama was 57.1% and 9.2% lower than this election at 66.3%. That's the highest turnout for a boring candidate in the history of the Republic.
Turnout increased in every state and in 98 percent of the nation’s counties.
Yes indeed; it was the Biden Miracle. A guy who couldn't remember what office he was running for, stammers his way through his speeches and couldn't fill an auditorium did far better than anyone in the history of the Republic.