The biggest problem facing monotheism.

I wouldn't know, that's not my source

Whether you know it or not you just restated it. Learn more theology.

Pascal's wager basically says in the case that you don't know if God exists or doesn't exist the most rational approach is to BELIEVE in God because the possible COST of getting the bet wrong is eternal damnation.

The primary theological problem is that this is GAMING the system. SURELY GOd would know you are merely "mouthing the right beliefs" in order to avoid punishment. HARDLY the loving relationship and need for salvation that engenders worship.

If God simply wants people to bow and pray PERFORMATIVELY then it is hardly a god worthy of worship. That's what Trump is. Just wants adoration.

That's why I think it is bad theology.

You really should learn more about the faith.
But Jesus Christ was probably NOT God.
Probably? You're drifting into agnosticism.

The atheist has to respond that Jesus was obviously either lying or insane, because there is no God.

The analogy only works for a highly committed atheist. There's nothing historical about Santa Claus, he is and was always intended to be a fairy tale. Billions of people accept that the historical Jesus was God in human form, as reported in written sources. . I don't know if they're right, but I'm not going to tell them they are idiots who believe in fairytales. I'll leave that job to you.