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The atheist has to respond that Jesus was obviously either lying or insane, because there is no God.
FIrstly: we don't really know what Jesus said. So we can't really rely on this CS Lewis Gambit.
If someone claims to be God then I do NOT consider them to be speaking the truth. So I don't have a problem with that. But since we don't REALLY know what Jesus said or thought about his own "divinity" it really doesn't matter either does it?
The analogy only works for a highly committed atheist. There's nothing historical about Santa Claus
Oh yes there is! Saint Nicholas was a 3rd Century Turkish saint! A very real person with a tomb and everything!
, he is and was always intended to be a fairy tale.
This is nothing more than special pleading.
Billions of people accept that the historical Jesus was God in human form
And they must be correct, right? With numbers like that why is there any other religion at all?
, as reported in written sources. . I don't know if they're right, but I'm not going to tell them they are idiots who believe in fairytale. I'll leave that job to you.
They believed in a fairy tale.