When you say the New Testament authors don't tell the truth, the stories are fabricated, that's lying by any other name. Why sugar coat it?
If you genuinely believe the New Testament authors fabricated the stories about Jesus, what's wrong with calling them liars?
Because there's a real possibility the folks who actually put the story down to paper were NOT lying but mistaken. Taking oral stories from years earlier and forcing them into a prophetic/religious framework. I mean it's pretty obvious when you read the Gospels that each differs according to the focus of the intended audience.
Look at this forum as an example. We have posters saying completely batshit wrong things all the time. And many of them actually believe it. There are people on here who believe things that are COUNTER TO REALITY. And they are honest about their belief.
Need I remind you that people are mistaken in their beliefs literally all the time. This is not unheard of. 900+ people killed themselves because they truly believed that Jim Jones was telling them the truth. Many people perished with David Koresh because they honestly believed in him.
It is possible to make DECLARATIONS and be MISTAKEN.
At the risk of writing too much (given your distaste for reading too much) I will make a brief comparison to a couple other religions: Scientology and Mormonism.
We know with 100% knowledge that Scientology is 100% made up. We know who made it up and we know the time and place. We know there is nothing to it but the imagination of L. Ron.
Mormonism we have a pretty good idea that it was 100% made up as well. One dude with a record of fraud and religious dabblings made up a story and gilded the lily repeatedly (like his "translation" of the Papyrus) so we know it's made up. But millions of people believe it is true. Even though we know kind of a lot about the origins.
Then let's talk about Islam: older, again, one dude in a cave says he saw an angel and the story begins. Billions believe in this guy. It is buried in the distant past so things are a bit more difficult. We don't really know as much but we can ASSUME Mohammed did what others later did. But the feeling is less "sure".
Go back even further to Christianity. This one arose at a time when few would have been writing anything about any of these characters. We don't even really have DIRECT evidence of the existence of many if any of the characters. Maybe some inferences like the Ossuary of James. But the rest of it rose up out of a desert full of illiterate farmers and fishermen desperate for some relief from Roman occupation. And the place was CRAWLING with itinerant apocalyptic preachers like Jesus.
I mean ancients believed and wrote things we KNOW are not true. Presumably Herodotus BELIEVED that there were flying snakes in the world. Other authors BELIEVED there were people with their faces in their chests in parts of the world. People can be MISTAKEN AS WELL.
I think it's possible to INFER that the stories about Jesus were largely made up. He may very well have been a real person but he wasn't God and he wasn't even magical or miraculous. People made up the stories of miracles or thought they saw something they didn't see (honestly believed the miracle....like some of the folks at Fatima).
I know you don't like to read so you probably stopped several paragraphs ago, but basically the point is that:
When we know the details about the origins of any given religion they are always made up by humans. In cases where we DON'T know for certain all the details we can INFER that they likely are made up.
But in the ancient world it would be NO BIG THING for people to HONESTLY BELIEVE in a man walking on water and raising the dead and flying up into heaven. And they would not be LYING if they wrote about it as if it were real.