There's no point pussy footing around this. The genuine and bold skeptic or atheist is not going to sugar coat this by calling it a mistake.
Either the disciples were mass hallucinating, or they were all mentally ill, or they conspired to lie.
I personally have my own rational explanation.
Herodotus based his claims on ancient fossils found in Egypt; certain marine fossils resembled flying snakes. Makhtesh Ramon is cited by some as a source for his belief. Marine fossils are found on the upper slopes of Mt. Ararat and the Himalayas, and in the Americas as well, which is why Great Flood stories are all over the planet, and nobody had to steal other peoples' stories to develop their own.
Makhtesh Ramon - Wikipedia
So Herodotus was MISTAKEN? Are you sure? I mean we are being told the Disciples who (somehow) were involved with the writing of the Gospels were never mistaken and that anyone who disagrees with the Gospels must think they were all LYING ABOUT IT.
He wasn't lying, he was going by observation, so no he wasn't 'mistaken'.,
and you're drama queen tantrums aren't going to scare anybody, so give them up, dork. Maybe you can actually read the books instead of babbling some idiot crap your peer group fed you.
Herodotus was not a disciple, moron.
Yes he was MISTAKEN. There are no FLYING SNAKES. The point was NOT to make some attack on Herodotus, it was to point out that ancients can and did make claims that were NOT CORRECT.
More inane babbling, and even lying about it's attempted conflation of Herodotus's scientific theory with Christian disciples, none of whom ever claimed to have seen Jesus rising from the dead.The point I'm making to Cypress is that just because something is written in the Gospels does not mean it is correct and by the same token it does NOT MEAN THAT IT IS A LIE.
Good Lord, you are stupid. TRY TO KEEP UP, moron. I never said he was a disciple. I referenced it to make a larger point....oh're a moron. No need to bother explaining anything to YOU>
The current existence of pain and suffering (especially in the U.S.) is a direct result of all of biden'sI generally agree, though, that the existence of pain and suffering are difficult to square with the concept of a loving God.
The current existence of pain and suffering (especially in the U.S.) is a direct result of all of biden's
Leibniz tried to solve it with the "Best of all Possible Worlds" concept.
I generally agree, though, that the existence of pain and suffering are difficult to square with the concept of a loving God.
Much of the New Testament canon was written by eyewitness to the eyewitnesses. That is basically as good as it gets in historical analysis of antiquity. Paul knew the disciples Peter, John, and Jesus' brother James. Gospel of Mark is plausibly the attestation of Peter to his secretary Mark.Yes they are.
It is clear you really don't like atheists. You don't get to define what others think just because you don't like that philosophy.
That only matters if the Disciples wrote the Gospels. Which I don't think there's many who actually believe that.
Yes I've read it and that's fine so far as it goes. There's no reason it COULDN'T be as you think it was. But it WOULD by your own metric make the Disciples liars or Conspiracists.
I obviously prefer my explanation because it doesn't require anyone to be a liar or running some conspiracy.
Professional atheists on this board used to say that these stories about Jesus were much later fabrications written down 70 to 80 years after Jesus died.
No, some of the writing in the epistles probably dates to the 30s and 40s, just a few years after the crucifixion.More like 30-40 years later.
The only thing I've defended is that multiple independent sources attest to the crucifixion, and to the disciples' belief they had seen Jesus after the crucifixion.That's a long time in the olde days. The average lifespan of a male in Palestine at about this time was 35 years.
What I find most interesting is you are vehemently defending the accuracy of books which describe a man walking on water, casting demons out of pigs, raising the dead, healing leprosy and blindness and who ultimately himself raised from the dead and ascended into heaven. These books ALSO contain jarringly different versions of the same event/item and yet you think there is little chance the authors of these books could have been mistaken about the divinity of a person.
Same reason people believe Trump is a great man.The only question the professional atheist has to answer is why the disciples believed this - was it mass hallucination, was it mental illness, did they conspire to lie,
Summarizing his position...
What relief does atheism provide the victims of the holocaust?Summarizing his position...
God does nothing to prevent suffering on Earth, and in fact adds himself/his son into the suffering, because he's going to judge us after we die.
Swell. I'm sure that's a great relief to the 10 year old girl having cigarettes put out on her back by her drug addicted, physically abusive mom, right now.
More like 30-40 years later.
That's a long time in the olde days. The average lifespan of a male in Palestine at about this time was 35 years.
What I find most interesting is you are vehemently defending the accuracy of books which describe a man walking on water, casting demons out of pigs, raising the dead, healing leprosy and blindness and who ultimately himself raised from the dead and ascended into heaven. These books ALSO contain jarringly different versions of the same event/item and yet you think there is little chance the authors of these books could have been mistaken about the divinity of a person.
They're dead, so experiencing relief is impossible at this point.What relief does atheism provide the victims of the holocaust?
Right, so in atheism there is no hope, no meaning, and no ultimate justice in the victims' deaths. That kind of nihilism is why genuine atheism will never be more than a few percent of the population. Whether it's true or not, it's just not very psychologically appealing.They're dead, so experiencing relief is impossible at this point.
Sure. There's nothing inherently bad about creating stories in your mind to make yourself feel better. That doesn't make the stories any more real.Right, so in atheism there is no hope, no meaning, and no ultimate justice in the victims' deaths. That kind of nihilism is why genuine atheism will never be more than a few percent of the population. Whether it's true or not, it's just not very psychologically appealing.
I watched my mother and brother die painful deaths, and what gave them hope, peace, and comfort was their spiritual beliefs. Why would I take that away from them?
What relief does atheism provide the victims of the holocaust?