The biggest problem with this country

it's important to note that this is not a fringe person. This is what the vast majority of conservatives think in this country. They are all as stupid as this woman. This religious trash is holding us back.
This is as laughable as it is disturbing. I am a Christian and while it is an important part of my life, it does not influence my vote to the extent that character and principles do. If I had to choose between an atheist who would cut spending and uphold the Constitution or a Christian socialist, I'd choose the atheist without a second thought.
That woman is so sad. This is a prime reason the general public scares me. The ignorance that abounds in our population can be turned, twisted and used to create a fascist or dictator state.
Mr Kerlee certainly struck lucky there. You can't beat a woman whose facial expressions seem to be the product of a team of Disney animators working a 72-hour shift with the help of copious amounts of amphetamine sulphate.

I can only assume she must be positively depraved in the bedroom.
My brothers wifes lord have mercy.
She looks and acts like 90% of the women from the small town area I grew up in. Just another over fed, under loved, God fearen country girl who is utterly clueless about how to run a government for a nation of 300 million people.
it's important to note that this is not a fringe person. This is what the vast majority of conservatives think in this country. They are all as stupid as this woman. This religious trash is holding us back.
What do you expect in a nation where people expect our teachers to be PhD's in nuclear physics that are just thrilled to work for your little paste eaters for minimum wage.
Yup. I guess I have been right all these years. Fat, stoo-pid, barely eddimacated yanks who honestly believe they are qualified to rule the world.
One is too many and you have millions of 'em.
You really should have copied China's one child policy a year before that stupid woman was conceived.

Now don't be goin all nationalistic on us Low. It aint like America's cornered the market on mouth breathers cause I've met my fair share of Limey mouth breathers too duckey.

Like the ones who can't comprehend why most Americans don't have a passport.

I've also noticed that many Brits don't have the balls God gave a bull tit mouse when it comes to questioning authority or else why would ya'll be spending that ungodly kind of money making sure good ole Harry has a decent wedding?

If I knew my tax dollars was being spent like that his wedding would consist of a JoP, a box of cracker jacks and a copy of Gideons Bible cause, other then that, he can afford to pay for his own damned wedding!
Mr Kerlee certainly struck lucky there. You can't beat a woman whose facial expressions seem to be the product of a team of Disney animators working a 72-hour shift with the help of copious amounts of amphetamine sulphate.

I can only assume she must be positively depraved in the bedroom.
Charver you god damned city boys think you know it all. You ever have a mule up and die on ya? How the hell you gonna plow the back 40 with a dead mule?? Well son I'm here to tell ya a woman like that can come in right handy if ya'lls got a dead mule on your hands and it's time to plant your corn and you need someone to pull the plow!

I tell ya....danged city fellers don't know doodley squat!
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Now don't be goin all nationalistic on us Low. It aint like America's cornered the market on mouth breathers cause I've met my fair share of Limey mouth breathers too duckey.

Like the ones who can't comprehend why most Americans don't have a passport.

I've also noticed that many Brits don't have the balls God gave a bull tit mouse when it comes to questioning authority or else why would ya'll be spending that ungodly kind of money making sure good ole Harry has a decent wedding?

If I knew my tax dollars was being spent like that his wedding would consist of a JoP, a box of cracker jacks and a copy of Gideons Bible cause, other then that, he can afford to pay for his own damned wedding!

What's a JoP, is it a Jar of Pickles?
Now don't be goin all nationalistic on us Low. It aint like America's cornered the market on mouth breathers cause I've met my fair share of Limey mouth breathers too duckey.

Like the ones who can't comprehend why most Americans don't have a passport.

I've also noticed that many Brits don't have the balls God gave a bull tit mouse when it comes to questioning authority or else why would ya'll be spending that ungodly kind of money making sure good ole Harry has a decent wedding?

If I knew my tax dollars was being spent like that his wedding would consist of a JoP, a box of cracker jacks and a copy of Gideons Bible cause, other then that, he can afford to pay for his own damned wedding!

Consider this, the money spent on the wedding will persuade many more Americans to get passports and come over to quaint old England for the wedding, you could call it stimulus money.
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Economic, political, and social culture in America is staggering under the sheer weight of its white underclass, which now numbers some sixty million. Generally unable to read at a functional level, they are easily manipulated by corporate-political interests to vote against advances in health and education, and even more easily mustered in support of any proposed military conflict, aggressive or otherwise. One-third of their children are born out of wedlock, and are unemployable by any contemporary industrialized-world standard. Even if we were to bring back their jobs from China and elsewhere -- a damned unlikely scenario -- they would be competing at a wage scale that would not meet even their basic needs...
...Just look at the way we showed up in force during the 2000 elections, hyped up on inchoate anger and ready to be deployed as liberal-ripping pit bulls by America's ultra-conservative political machinery. Snug middle-class liberals were stunned. Could that many people actually be supporting Anne Coulter's call for the jailing of liberals, or Rush Limbaugh's demand for the massive, forced psychiatric detention of Democrats? Or, more recently, could they honestly believe President Obama's proposed public healthcare plan would employ 'death panels' to decide who lives and who dies? Conservatives cackled with glee, and dubbed them the only real Americans."

I'm really surprised she held back the N word. You know it was on the tip of her tongue.

Belief in a higher power is more important than her husband having a job???? What a fucking idiot.

I used to have faith in the intelligence of the American voter, no more. Brainwashed lemmings brought to the edge of destruction by right wing propaganda, who like this cow, votes against her own self interest.

Because of her stupidity her children will live in poverty.
Now don't be goin all nationalistic on us Low. It aint like America's cornered the market on mouth breathers cause I've met my fair share of Limey mouth breathers too duckey.

Like the ones who can't comprehend why most Americans don't have a passport.

I've also noticed that many Brits don't have the balls God gave a bull tit mouse when it comes to questioning authority or else why would ya'll be spending that ungodly kind of money making sure good ole Harry has a decent wedding?

If I knew my tax dollars was being spent like that his wedding would consist of a JoP, a box of cracker jacks and a copy of Gideons Bible cause, other then that, he can afford to pay for his own damned wedding!

Wai' wai' wait, Hoopy, owd son. I didnt say ALL americans, I said America has millions of idiots like this.
Britain's 'mouth breathers don't even know what a 'politics' is and are more concerned with destroying their livers with cheap 2 for 1 booze.
There was a prog a year or two ago called 'Laddettes to Ladies' (or similar) If ever you want to see Britain at its worst try to find it.
Tom might assist.