The biggest problem with this country

Correct, and don't forget dixie how you used to claim to talk to JAYSUS in the shower everyday.

LOL I remember that. Its too bad those old boards aren't up anymore. He contradicts himself like nobody I've ever met.

Just like how now he's running around claiming is open love letter to Bush was intended as satire.
PMP has the most infantile debating tactics. Oh I messed around with what you said in mock confusion until it said something else! This is humor!
We were detective. Billy's talking about HER disappointment.

Lets start simple for you, baby steps.

Here's a riddle for you:

What is.......1 + 1?

Take your time.
Beefy, it's too bad you're as old as you are. You'd make one hell of a youngin.
It'll happen to you too fool. One day, you'll wake up and be middle aged, and some clown born in the '00s will be callin' you out. I'll be savoring the day my friend.
I'd imagine I'll still be too cool to be associated with the lil ones. I'm pretty much the coolest guy I know.