The biggest problem with this country

I'd estimate that it would take a 12 pack and a pint of bourbon and half a jar of viagra before I'd hit it....but I'm not much of a drinker.

That's what I admire about Cap'n Billy.....He'd hit it!

Good ol Cap'n Billy.

If he couldn't hit it, no one could.:clink:
I actually agree with part of what you said. People who believe in an invisible man who watches over you, are stupid.

Correct, and don't forget dixie how you used to claim to talk to JAYSUS in the shower everyday.

The problem is, most religious people don't believe in an invisible man, and that's not what they pray to.


What's 19%+33% dixie? I know you might have trouble adding 33% :)

You are under a false and rather childlike understanding of what God is, and apparently, you are incapable of comprehending God in any other way but as a physical entity or being. I don't know of anyone who believes in a physical being they define as God. Such an entity can't exist, it defies all logic.

Once again, dont' tell me what I am unable to comprehend when only a year or so ago, you were, as I stated earlier, talking to JESUS in the SHOWER. and he helped you with business decisions.

However, if you can manage to expand your mind a bit, and think outside of the physical realm you are comfortable with, you realize the universe around us has order and organization. The miraculous life that surrounds us is meticulously complex and interdependent, the chemistry and physics are predictable, nothing is random. The possibility this all happened by pure chance, is very slim. This leaves the possibility it happened because of some divine intervention we don't understand, a very realistic consideration. Not an invisible man, but something not of the physical realm we are aware of.

If you were able to expand your mind a bit, you would realize none of this is evidence of god. I have two words for you:
Anthropic principle

To argue that is not a possibility, is to close your mind and maintain ignorance.

you keep moving the goal posts on what defines god to the point where the concept of god loses all meaning. You've gone from talking to jesus in the shower to basically being at the point where god might be the wind or a happy feeling.

blah blah blah lots of dumb shit. Is is coincidence that humans also possess the behavior of spiritual belief? If this were any other species, we would certainly conclude the two are somehow related to one another, there is some connection.

Spirituality is not the ONE thing that separates us from monkeys dixie. It all comes with the territory of having highly developed brains and cognitive abilities. It's a shame we put all that to waste.

My personal belief doesn't facilitate prayer to God,

It used to.

because I don't believe God has human attributes,

you used to.

I don't "believe" in God, I personally know and understand the spiritual guiding force of the universe, I have felt it, I have experienced its presence. For someone to try and tell me that doesn't exist, is like me telling you that your own mother doesn't exist.

LOL this is what I am referring to, pure unadulterated delusion. You KNOW god exists because you "felt something" and that something IS GOD!

I am going to bring you back to your opening statement. You agreed with me that people that believe in a invisible man that watches over you are stupid. And yet, you then go on to claim that those that believe in a universal force that you can FEEL and personally know, are not stupid.

Why is that dixie?
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Are you telling me your own mother is stupid?

Yes, she is a stupid prole.

As I said, most of the intelligent people you are referring to are merely lying and slightly self deluded. If you were to lock them in a room they would eventually admit they don't really believe in god.
Yes, she is a stupid prole.

Then how comes she keeps outsmarting you? Come on Grind! Let's be honest here. What this discussion is about is you have sour grapes that you're momma keeps guilting you into going to XMas Mass.

Now if you really have the courage of your convictions and the balls God gave a bull tit mouse you'd tell her straight up, when she tries to guilt you into going to Mass, "Fuck it, I'm not going!".

But you won't and you will go to Mass meaning your Mother has pwned your youngun ass!

So who's the stupid prole now? :p
Then how comes she keeps outsmarting you? Come on Grind! Let's be honest here. What this discussion is about is you have sour grapes that you're momma keeps guilting you into going to XMas Mass.

Now if you really have the courage of your convictions and the balls God gave a bull tit mouse you'd tell her straight up, when she tries to guilt you into going to Mass, "Fuck it, I'm not going!".

But you won't and you will go to Mass meaning your Mother has pwned your youngun ass!

So who's the stupid prole now? :p

I don't want to start a big argument on christmas. I am protecting her irrational feeble brain from breaking down.
Correct, and don't forget dixie how you used to claim to talk to JAYSUS in the shower everyday...Once again, dont' tell me what I am unable to comprehend when only a year or so ago, you were, as I stated earlier, talking to JESUS in the SHOWER. and he helped you with business decisions.

Nope... I never made any such statement, you are incorrect. I was lead by some force I can't explain, to make a financial move that I had not considered before that morning in the shower, when the thought came into my head. I never mentioned Jesus. I can't explain what that force was, or why it intervened in my personal finances, but it did, and I shared the story here. You have completely misconstrued the account, to fit what you want to mock and ridicule, but that's your issue, not mine, I just posted the testimony of the incident. You can take it for what it's worth.


What's 19%+33% dixie? I know you might have trouble adding 33% :)

So when are you going to show me something that says Christians and Muslims pray to an "invisible man?" That is what I challenged, and you've not supported the allegation. Yep, lots of people believe in a spiritual God of some kind, that isn't an "invisible man" by any definition of "invisible" or "man!"

If you were able to expand your mind a bit, you would realize none of this is evidence of god. I have two words for you:
Anthropic principle

I didn't claim it was "evidence of God" did I? I only pointed out the obvious, that the universe, physics, and even principles like the one you cited, are not "random" at all, there is order, there is organization. Nothing about nature operates on chance or randomness, it all functions with predictable results, like a well-designed watch. Could a well-designed watch just mysteriously pop into existence by random chance? How can you presume that our entire universe did?

you keep moving the goal posts on what defines god to the point where the concept of god loses all meaning. You've gone from talking to jesus in the shower to basically being at the point where god might be the wind or a happy feeling.

No, you perceive the goal posts being moved because I won't agree to your analysis of what I personally believe, and continue to correct you on it. I never talked to Jesus in the shower, I don't even acknowledge Jesus as the living son of God, much less consider him God. My concept of God is far beyond your comprehension, and it's far more than a thought or wind. However, when you look outside and see leaves moving across your yard, do you conclude the leaves are moving because they were not happy with their location? You can't "see" the force moving them, so how can you conclude there is a force?

Spirituality is not the ONE thing that separates us from monkeys dixie. It all comes with the territory of having highly developed brains and cognitive abilities. It's a shame we put all that to waste.

We share 96% of the same DNA as chimpanzees, and we are comprised of the same materials as all other forms of life. From a purely biological perspective, it is odd that only humans are capable of "humanity" and also the only living creatures who practice "spirituality." Perhaps our advanced cognition and developed brains has something to do with our understanding of the spiritual realm? It would seem, from a purely scientific perspective, this would at least be a reasonable consideration.

LOL this is what I am referring to, pure unadulterated delusion. You KNOW god exists because you "felt something" and that something IS GOD!

I am going to bring you back to your opening statement. You agreed with me that people that believe in a invisible man that watches over you are stupid. And yet, you then go on to claim that those that believe in a universal force that you can FEEL and personally know, are not stupid.

Why is that dixie?

Because an "invisible man" who has humanistic attributes, is pretty silly and ridiculous, and I agree with you, if people believed in that, it would be really stupid. Trouble is, that's not what most people understand as God or have spiritual faith in at all. It's what you have defined as "God" and formed an opinion around, and I agree with your opinion, if only that were an accurate assessment of God.... but it's not.
I'd estimate that it would take a 12 pack and a pint of bourbon and half a jar of viagra before I'd hit it....but I'm not much of a drinker.

That's what I admire about Cap'n Billy.....He'd hit it!
It'd take me 5 1/2 minutes. 2 minutes for a pick up line, 3 minutes to disappoint her, and 30 seconds to get dressed and leave (If you couldn't tell, my pick up line would be me naked and her in awe of me).
Nope... I never made any such statement, you are incorrect. I was lead by some force I can't explain, to make a financial move that I had not considered before that morning in the shower, when the thought came into my head. I never mentioned Jesus. I can't explain what that force was, or why it intervened in my personal finances, but it did, and I shared the story here. You have completely misconstrued the account, to fit what you want to mock and ridicule, but that's your issue, not mine, I just posted the testimony of the incident. You can take it for what it's worth.

Hey, Dix, old pal. How are you?

Eh, were you saying God gave you a good stock tip? Anything you want to share with your old buddy, Apple? :)
It doesn't matter what form your God takes. You want to make him seem cooler now; so fucking what? His form is far from the most ridiculous thing about him.
It'd take me 5 1/2 minutes. 2 minutes for a pick up line, 3 minutes to disappoint her, and 30 seconds to get dressed and leave (If you couldn't tell, my pick up line would be me naked and her in awe of me).

I'm confused.....if you were naked when you picked her up the disappointment would have been obvious, why did it take three minutes?......