You mentioned your lever guns. I am a sucker for lever action rifles. If someone had one to trade or deal I’m probably willing. I also love hunting with a bow. Got to have time to do it properly and now that I’m semi-retired I have the time.
I don’t have a problem with background checks and have to go through one every time I buy a gun here in Oklahoma. I don’t even have a problem with re-registration requirements when guns are traded as long as it isn’t expensive. I have acquired several guns during hunting trips on trades. I’d hate to see that taken off the table or priced out of reach. It shouldn’t be difficult.
I completely agree with all of this paragraph.
I will keep my eyes open of someone has one to trade or for sale I will let ya know. My wife now wants one in 22LR or 22wmg, Henry makes a good one but I will do some hunting around before I get it, they do make quality pieces but I never pick up one for myself since I was insistent on being able to load through a side gate, loading tubes always makes me nervous being that you hand is near the business end of the rifle, plus you cannot top off whenever you want.
Agree, I don't want private sales to end up like having to go through n FFL, I have several that I got from friends and coworkers through trading or simply buy them, not sure how they could ever really enforce it.
Yeup, the world has changed, some for the better and some for the worse, getting up there now, mid 60's but still in good shape, and I really hope we get our act together eventually, though I doubt I will see the day, that or we will just blow it all up. As the song goes, You Don't Know What You've Got Till It Gone....