The Colorado Shooter Just Sealed the Fate of New AR Sales

You mentioned your lever guns. I am a sucker for lever action rifles. If someone had one to trade or deal I’m probably willing. I also love hunting with a bow. Got to have time to do it properly and now that I’m semi-retired I have the time.

I don’t have a problem with background checks and have to go through one every time I buy a gun here in Oklahoma. I don’t even have a problem with re-registration requirements when guns are traded as long as it isn’t expensive. I have acquired several guns during hunting trips on trades. I’d hate to see that taken off the table or priced out of reach. It shouldn’t be difficult.

I completely agree with all of this paragraph.

I will keep my eyes open of someone has one to trade or for sale I will let ya know. My wife now wants one in 22LR or 22wmg, Henry makes a good one but I will do some hunting around before I get it, they do make quality pieces but I never pick up one for myself since I was insistent on being able to load through a side gate, loading tubes always makes me nervous being that you hand is near the business end of the rifle, plus you cannot top off whenever you want.

Agree, I don't want private sales to end up like having to go through n FFL, I have several that I got from friends and coworkers through trading or simply buy them, not sure how they could ever really enforce it.

Yeup, the world has changed, some for the better and some for the worse, getting up there now, mid 60's but still in good shape, and I really hope we get our act together eventually, though I doubt I will see the day, that or we will just blow it all up. As the song goes, You Don't Know What You've Got Till It Gone....
no it wouldn't

and yet you have no problem when the government uses violence to solve a problem.

you are no libertarian. you're a pro police state liberal masquerading on this board as a libertarian to troll people.

you're dismissed. i will no longer entertain your bullshit
When people lie about another, it means the liar is in the wrong. Your lies about me work against you. Your attitude is all you have and your attitude is taking you down a dark path of self-destruction.

Where do you think you'll be in ten years? If it's a fantasy about taking down the US government by force then you'll end up dead or in prison. Probably dead since a 65 year old man doesn't like facing ten years in prison for attacking a federal building. Suicide would be the most likely result.
dutch thanks for voting for biden and now complaining about what hes doing and even with you knowing he would at the first chance he got.

that's called stupid in my book

Bob, if you weren't such a rickety old geezer with dementia, I might become upset about your constant lies about me.

As it is, I hope you pass peacefully in your sleep and are not tortured by all of your sins against others.
I have not fired a 12 gauge in over a decade and have no need for them to protect my home.

For those who need weapons to protect their home, there are many options which do not involve military style assault rifles.

U.S. small arms military doctrine is to maim as many enemy soldiers as possible. Maiming enemy combatants drains enemy resources and capabilities faster than lethal hits. The ARs .223 and 5.56 cartridges associated with military style Rambo wannabe rifles are not guaranteed to put an intruder down. On the other hand, a hit at close range from a 12 gauge is a fight-stopper and guaranteed to knock the target on his ass and put him down.
I couldn't care less what you think is needed or not needed to protect your home. I'll use what I think best to protect mine. A shotgun is not what I prefer.

Again, how many times do we have to tell you idiots that "assault rifles" are strictly controlled. Could I use my M1-A for home defense? Absolutely, but myself, I chose not to.

I know why we went to smaller calibers, the bullets are smaller (the soldier can carry more) and cheaper than the traditional .30 cal. Yep, overwhelming the enemy's medical resources is one motive.
A hit from my .45 is a "fight stopper" and guaranteed to knock a target on his ass ...permanently.
Such a law would be unconstitutional based on the 14th Amendment.

You've lied about me, lied to me and you're hiding your true thoughts yet you think I'm the one who doesn't understand what is going on?

You claim everybody lies about you dutch you sound just like a tv evangelist . whats next will you grasp your hands together and start crying and say I have sinned .
I, on the other hand, am an owner of nine firearms who's never shat a living creature of any kind,

except for a few human beings who were shooting back,

and I was coerced into doing that by our war-profiteering supporter government many decades ago.

I love animals and wish that I were a vegetarian but I'm not.
I do draw the line, however, at doing my own wet work.

50-75 deer? I've got to say, that's pretty disgusting from my perspective.
I hope that you at least eat what you shoot.

I own over 20 firearms, but only shoot 4 or 5 regularly and a few (M1 & M1-A) occasionally.
I am a hunter, have been since I was a kid. With the exception of coyotes, fox (both predators)
and groundhogs (Farmer's headache) I won't hunt anything I don't eat. Vegetarian? Not a chance!

I'm a meat hunter. I'm not interested in going to a caged, managed private woodlot and sit in a heated
treehouse waiting for a bated trophy to walk within 20 yards of me and shoot it with a .300 Rem. Mag.
Hell, the biggest rack I ever shot, my Basset hound chewed 2 points off of it. I hunt to fill my freezer.

Yeah, that's quite an estimate. Myself, I've shot, in the last 48 years, 36 maybe 38. And missed a few.
Every respectable hunter strives for a painless kill. The thrill isn't the kill, it's the chase...and the tasty
grilled steak or ring of bologna a good butcher makes from your success.
Right or wrong, depending on your stand on the issue of AR's, the shooter in Colorado just put the nail into the sale of AR's in the near future. He did this far too soon after the Florida shootings and killed too many People, including a Police Officer, for the Republicans to defend not banning them. Last night I was thinking that was what the result of this shooting would be if he used a AR style rifle and he did.

Not more than 10 minutes ago President Biden went on air to talk about the shooting and there it was, a call to pass the new Background Check Law already passed in the House and to ban AR's and high capacity mags. Guess what, it will end up getting passed, if not this week it will be soon, as in the next month or two at the very most.

So, If you want one I would suggest you get it now, that is if you can even find one at any price, they were already being over priced because of the shortage and this will drive the prices even higher, I assure you the gun stores will be very busy today and until they run out of everything. Same goes for Mags and Parts and Ammo which is already hard to get and expensive when you find it.

For those that already own them, you are probably safe, they will never be able to ban ownership if you already legally bought it but they can ban the new sales of them.

For those of that wanted them banned, this is your moment, enjoy it for while it lasts, because if the Conservatives ever get enough power in Washington the first thing will do is kill the ban, count on it.

Is What It Is Folks.

Yet AR15 sales are so high we can't make them fast enough.
Realistically, there is no need to have a military-style assault rifle with high capacity magazines, except to compensate for small penises.
Buzzword fallacy. Define 'military style assault rifle'. You need to get a handle on your sexual fantasies.
You do not need a 30 round magazine to shoot deer.
You don't get to declare how big a magazine someone may want. You are not the king.
You certainly do not need a high capacity mag for recreational target shooting.
You don't get to declare how big a magazine someone may need. You are not king.
The best weapon to defend your home is a shotgun,
WRONG. You do not get to declare the weapon used to defend a home, farm or ranch. You are not the king.
which is designed for short range fire power and for putting an intruder on their ass without even having to aim and track the target.
If you are shooting any gun without aiming, you are responsible for missing your target and maybe hitting innocents.
If you need to take out zombies, I suggest Molotov cocktails.
Get off your video games.
High capacity rounds are designed for one reason only - to kill and maim many humans very rapidly.
There is no such thing a 'high capacity round'. In mass shootings, the shooter generally is not shooting any more often than a gun built in the 1800's could fire. Reloading takes about a second after a bit of practice.
Either on the battlefield, or at the neighborhood Wal-Mart
AR15's aren't used in the battlefield.
You claim everybody lies about you dutch you sound just like a tv evangelist . whats next will you grasp your hands together and start crying and say I have sinned .
Incorrect, bob. I only point out lies from decrepit, demented drunks like you. You do have a problem with alcohol, don't you, bob? Please be honest.

You have sinned, bob. You sin daily here. Lord only knows what sins you do elsewhere.
Incorrect, bob. I only point out lies from decrepit, demented drunks like you. You do have a problem with alcohol, don't you, bob? Please be honest.

You have sinned, bob. You sin daily here. Lord only knows what sins you do elsewhere.

If you were in the habit of pointing out lies you must talk about your self a lot
If you were in the habit of pointing out lies you must talk about your self a lot

Quote a lie, bob.

Here's a lie from you:
dutch thanks for voting for biden and now complaining about what hes doing and even with you knowing he would at the first chance he got.

that's called stupid in my book
Everyone who gives a shit can see you lie daily, bob. Were you always a scumbag liar or did you only start lying when you became sick in the head?
Incorrect, bob. I only point out lies from decrepit, demented drunks like you. You do have a problem with alcohol, don't you, bob? Please be honest.

You have sinned, bob. You sin daily here. Lord only knows what sins you do elsewhere.

Hallucination. Attempted proof by religion.
That might work. The high price is probably due to the extraordinarily high demand for pretty much any gun right now.

I am rather particular in which 77/22 I want. I want the laminated stock and the long bull barrel with the recessed crown.. They are hard to find to begin with, now even harder. I was surprised I found this one.
It has a nice Tasco 4X-16X scope mounted on it, but I have a good Redfield scope I'd mount on it instead. I think I'll send the dealer an email tomorrow.