The Death of Dilbert and False Claims of White Victimhood

Leftists are generally stupid and undereducated, and you are a shining example.

Try again, and this time post into this thread only the portion of the bill in question, not a link to the entirety of the bill.

Intelligence would be your friend if you wouldn't reject it outright.

People who are unintelligent think what you do as they are too stupid to research the FACTS before speaking and thus express only their FEELINGS.

Sadly for them (and you) facts do not care about your feelings.

People who are unintelligent think what you do as they are too stupid to research the FACTS before speaking and thus express only their FEELINGS.

Sadly for them (and you) facts do not care about your feelings.
Less education = ignorance. Ignorant people are easier to manipulate with fearmongering and lies since they don't know the difference.

The solution? A better educated public. Not just throwing money at people and forcing ideologies down their throats. Teach people how to think.

Once armed with thinking skills, they'll be better able to solve problems in their lives to a more satisfactory conclusion.

Give it up. This is the standard stupid, undereducated leftist's desperation when his/her dishonesty is exposed.


ThatOwlCoward claimed that the bill stifles free speech by forcing bloggers to be regulated as lobbyists.

I think ThatOwlCoward is being totally dishonest, as usual, so I mentioned that she did not post in this thread the part of the bill that she claims accomplishes this.

In a very dim-witted way, you posted a link to the text of the entire bill, inviting me to search for text that I know doesn't exist.

So I throw it back at you and ask you to post the section of the bill that forces bloggers into lobbyist regulation.

You then bitch and moan and whine and gripe and throw your little temper tantrum that I'm somehow too lazy to cover for your dishonesty.


Post the text of the bill of which you speak in this thread or acknowledge that ThatOwlCoward is once again pulling shit out of her mouth.

READ the part of the bill where the green font was used to help you and the other dummies, or just admit that you're trolling. I'm not required to pander to your laziness. The only dishonest person here is Y O U, because you don't want to acknowledge creeping authoritarianism by your masters.
READ the part of the bill where the green font was used to help you and the other dummies,
POST the part of the bill you want people to believe exists.

If you're happy with the presumption that this text simply doesn't exist, then I'm happy if you're happy.
People who are unintelligent think what you do
Stupid people believe they are mind readers who know what other people think. So, since you are in this category, tell me more about what I think.

... as they are too stupid to research the FACTS
Stupid people don't even know what constitutes a "fact." How embarrassing. They think a "fact" is an absolute truth ... which happens to be their opinion coincidentally.

Well, since you are in this category, tell me what FACTS I was too stupid to reserach.

Not only was everything you wrote incorrect, you had no point to begin with. You simply engaged in emotional flailing. You really shouldn't have slept through high school.
POST the part of the bill you want people to believe exists.

If you're happy with the presumption that this text simply doesn't exist, then I'm happy if you're happy.

I know the text exists because I read it with my own eyes. If you don't care to read it, that's on you. I'm not required to pander to your laziness.
I know the text exists because I read it with my own eyes. If you don't care to read it, that's on you. I'm not required to pander to your laziness.
Exactly right. If you're too lazy to perform a simle copy-paste while you are already there looking at the text, even knowing that not doing so is tantamount to acknowledging that the text in question doesn't actually exist, and you're happy with the general presumption that you are acknowledging the nonexistence of said text, ...

... then I'm happy if you're happy. Don't tax yourself with any unnecessary copy-pastes just to make your point on a political forum.
Less education = ignorance. Ignorant people are easier to manipulate with fearmongering and lies since they don't know the difference.

The solution? A better educated public. Not just throwing money at people and forcing ideologies down their throats. Teach people how to think.

Once armed with thinking skills, they'll be better able to solve problems in their lives to a more satisfactory conclusion.


We could start by killing all the lawyers... :awesome:
Stupid people believe they are mind readers who know what other people think. So, since you are in this category, tell me more about what I think.
Stupid people think you cannot tell what someone thinks by reading the words they just said.

Smart people however know they can.

I replied to the words you said and that is how i know what you think. The words you said were stupid and you proved again to be stupid by not knowing that.
Stupid people don't even know what constitutes a "fact." How embarrassing. They think a "fact" is an absolute truth ... which happens to be their opinion coincidentally.

Well, since you are in this category, tell me what FACTS I was too stupid to research.

Not only was everything you wrote incorrect, you had no point to begin with. You simply engaged in emotional flailing. You really shouldn't have slept through high school.
No. I quoted FACTS. Education rates are searchable facts. They are not opinion.

Republican voters are less educated and more stupid and your grand leader loves you for exactly that reason.


Trump is speaking to you. The problem we have is the 'poorly educated' by virtue of being poorly educated and dumb, are unable to comprehend data, such as education rates (something Trump understands), and thus people like you say 'herr durr those are not facts'.
At least the ones who focus on making money and not fighting for justice. Which political party do the former group belong? LOL

Well, figuring out which .001% aren't focused on money would be hard to do... Better to just kill 'em all and let God sort things out...
Stupid people think you cannot tell what someone thinks by reading the words they just said.
Stupid people think that they are mind-readers, that their speculations about what others are thinking are, in fact, absolute truth.

I replied to the words you said and that is how i know what you think.
That's brilliant! Your response is how you know what I think? I guess there's nothing I need to add here.

[I didn't understand your words] and [thus] you proved again to be stupid by not knowing that.
Got it.

No. I quoted FACTS.
Did you just use the word "facts" when you should have written "data/statistics" except that you are a typical stupid, undereducated leftist who doesn't know the meanings of the words he uses? Let's read on and see ...

Education rates are searchable facts.
Aaaah, I was correct! You meant to write "Education rates are searchable statistics."

They are not opinion.
They are dishonesty. The base underlying questions are subjective and open to interpretation. This leads to most political and social statistics, especially leftist-originating statistics, having to be discarded as invalid.

Republican voters are less educated
Leftists are the stupidest, greediest, intellecutually laziest and most dishonest people on the planet. They allow others to do their thinking for them because they find thinking to be too much work, and thus spend their miserable existences hating on command and regurgitating other people's stupid crap.
I know the text exists because I read it with my own eyes. If you don't care to read it, that's on you. I'm not required to pander to your laziness.

I get it. You BELIEVE profoundly the text exists. You were told to believe that you saw it with your own eyes. You were also ordered to make every lame excuse in the book to justify your sudden inability to copy-paste some text, despite your previous ability to post a link, because there is no such text for you to copy-paste.

So that's your story, eh? Your point isn't worth the effort of a copy-paste to make, right?

L - A - M - E
Sure they are. The DNC pays them a king's ransom for the political activism they provide.

I love your conspiracy theories, Sybil. Everything is a conspiracy to you.

Having your own socks thank you is a really great way to drive up your count. :thup:

They ARE in it for the money.

Besides the complete retards who only read and don't post, who you think you are fooling with your sock puppets? Mason? Legion? LOL