The Death of Dilbert and False Claims of White Victimhood

It’s been said at this point so often that it’s a contender for a modern cliche: When you have had an exclusive stranglehold on the best of everything, anything that demands reconsideration, efforts to expand access, or insists on sharing feels like oppression rather than progress.

The only reason for some level of concern here is that Adams’ ideas do not, in fact, cast him into a remote and lonely zone. He is not simply one self-described rich white man pontificating on losses amid luxury. Adams is just one more white person who comforts himself in the face of a job loss, a denied school admission, or a promotion pass-over with the notion that his own shortcomings, an off day, bad luck, or the actual merit and superiority of other candidates could not possibly explain the outcome. He is one more person convinced that he is a victim of progress, pummeled by the very slow end of white America’s exclusive hold on the best of everything. But, a nation must grow more brutal and willingly out of touch with itself if it is to maintain a nearly all white and male power structure as its population grows more diverse. One need look no further than South Africa, home country of Adams defender, Elon Musk, for evidence.

Damn good article....a perfect deconstruction of Adam's tired old BS.
He has definitely bought into Trumpism and grievance politics, hasn't he? I had to laugh at his claim that his crappy Dilbert TV show was canceled because he's a white man. :rofl2:

Really? While I never really got the wild success of the strip, I thought the cartoon was actually funny. Oh well, there no accounting for taste. But given his revealed mindset, it's no surprise that he blames any set back or failure on "anti-white racism". A pathetic man.
Nope. The ACLU grovels to the DNC on bent knee. You are being dishonest.

If fact you're not telling the truth. We can provide you with the evidence, but you ignore it and repeat the lies. You should honestly just apologize and we should move on.
you mean polling companies get it wrong?

Imagine being so dumb you think what you posted was worthwhile

So you are in agreement with "leftists" that pollsters like Rasmussen are worthless. If that's the case, you need to contact EVERY RIGHT WING WEBSITE, NEWSPAPER, TV PROGRAM, PODCAST AND SUCH and tell them so. Could save everyone a lot of trouble.
So you are in agreement with "leftists" that pollsters like Rasmussen are worthless. If that's the case, you need to contact EVERY RIGHT WING WEBSITE, NEWSPAPER, TV PROGRAM, PODCAST AND SUCH and tell them so. Could save everyone a lot of trouble.

getting something wrong makes them worthless? cuckoo.

you seem like a waste of time
It's enough for the radical Left--like guano--to simply destroy someone for some alleged offense to them. Facts don't matter to the radical Left. Reality, science, and anything else rooted in measurable, objective terms is irrelevant to the radical Left. They are no different from religious zealots in their desire to warp reality to fit their fantasy.

When are you MAGA mooks going to realize that while you have the protected right to free speech, that freedom does not protect you from the ramifications of that speech. That's why we have laws regarding slander, defamation, inciting to riot, etc.

You clowns are always bitching about the rights of private industry....well, they're exercising their rights NOT to be associated with a racist asshole that is costing them subscribers and such. Adams is more than welcome to have his lawyer contest his contracts for wrongful termination. All above board, all legal. Grow up and deal.
I'm pointing out the reality of the article guano linked in the OP. It is nothing but gloating over Adams' fall for saying something the radical Left--persons like YOU--hate. Because Adams said something you don't like is sufficient reason to destroy him. No facts are needed, just emotion and dogma. That's how the Left rolls.

You should apply for a job at Fox....because your talent for revisionism is profound. The article SYSTEMATICALLY address all of Adams claims and reasoning using facts and logic, thus exposing it for the racist bilge that it is. You don't have the courage or the intellect to challenge ANY point in that article, so you just blather BS and will repeat it ad nausea.
People are defending the obvious--privately owned newspapers can publish or not publish whatever syndicated material that they wish.

My consternation about this entire issue pertains to this:

everybody wants to claim that a racist cartoonist got his just deserts, but I'm the only one who has shown any concern
for the people who enjoyed and will miss the cartoon itself.

Their feelings are just as important as those of the hypersensitive people who are offended by an obscure video that few people actually saw.

Cry me a fucking river! We're not talking about a life saving medical product being yanked because it's creator is making neo-Nazi podcasts. Somehow, the world will suck it up and move on.
Look at it this way. If you saw a woman, or a Jewish person, or an Italian gramma, or a dog being abused, would you just walk away or would you do something, even if it's just calling the police? That's what we so-called woke ppl are doing with asswipes like Adams. We are standing up against an abusive attitude -- one that has harmed a good percentage of our fellow citizens for years. We can't punch his face in, but we can withdraw our financial support by boycotting him. The newspapers that carried his comic are doing the same, as well as protecting their business from a similar boycott. It sucks for all of us who enjoyed Dilbert.[/QUOT

I sort of get it,
but being the target of somebody's idiotic verbal blathering
is not something that appears terrifying
to somebody who's been shot at in war
or even punched in the face in sport.

Tell that to the victims and their families of mass shootings that were inspired by absurd, biased blatherings by media pundits. Or cops hurt & killed by the yahoos of Jan. 6th.

Stop being stubborn, have no real valid "concern" other than some incessant need to try and counter what you perceive to be left wing censorship...of which you are wrong.
When are you MAGA mooks going to realize that while you have the protected right to free speech, that freedom does not protect you from the ramifications of that speech. That's why we have laws regarding slander, defamation, inciting to riot, etc.

You clowns are always bitching about the rights of private industry....well, they're exercising their rights NOT to be associated with a racist asshole that is costing them subscribers and such. Adams is more than welcome to have his lawyer contest his contracts for wrongful termination. All above board, all legal. Grow up and deal.
You had a really good post previously so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Would you mind explaining why you believe that "MAGA Mooks" somehow don't realize they are subject to the consequences of their actions? Did they somehow loot, burn and vandalize across the country and get away with it or something? Did they force businesses to shutter over a pandemic hoax and get away with it or something? Why do you believe that "MAGA Mooks" think that they are not subject to libel/slander?

Florida bill would make bloggers who write about governor register with state
Rules for bloggers who write about elected officials raise First Amendment concern.

A proposed law in Florida would force bloggers who write about Gov. Ron DeSantis and other elected officials to register with a state office and file monthly reports or face fines of $25 per day. The bill was filed in the Florida Senate Tuesday by Senator Jason Brodeur, a Republican....

Zeig Heil, baby!
You cant be racist if you are not white and you cant be a victim if you are white.

You should notice the naked abuse.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So you are in agreement with "leftists" that pollsters like Rasmussen are worthless. If that's the case, you need to contact EVERY RIGHT WING WEBSITE, NEWSPAPER, TV PROGRAM, PODCAST AND SUCH and tell them so. Could save everyone a lot of trouble.

getting something wrong makes them worthless? cuckoo.

you seem like a waste of time

:palm: Okay, let's try this again: If you attempt to take ACCURATE meter readings for an power company, but your equipment consistently register inaccurately in both high and low registers.....any meter reading from you is worthless to the company.

A pollster that consistently makes erroneous predictions based on it's polling system, and in addition is consistently the opposite conclusion of the vast majority of other pollsters IS A WORTHLESS POLLSTER.

Capice? I hope so, because if not you need to get a nearby adult to dumb it down further for you.
Zeig Heil, baby!
Don't be gullible. Read the bill first. Nobody speaks the truth about it, presuming that you won't independently verify anything.

The bill requires lobbyists, not bloggers, to register, so that everything is aboveboard and public, and that includes those who lobby electronically.

Dishonest leftists don't want transparency in government so they are hyping fear and panic in their stupid, gullible base who won't ever apply any sort of critical reasoning and who won't ever independently verify anything. The base will simply believe as ordered.
:palm: Okay, let's try this again: If you attempt to take ACCURATE meter readings for an power company, but your equipment consistently register inaccurately in both high and low registers.....any meter reading from you is worthless to the company.

A pollster that consistently makes erroneous predictions based on it's polling system, and in addition is consistently the opposite conclusion of the vast majority of other pollsters IS A WORTHLESS POLLSTER.

Capice? I hope so, because if not you need to get a nearby adult to dumb it down further for you.
you are full of shit