The Debate

Nope. FOX is owned and controlled by leftists. They are state-controlled media, just like ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, etc etc...

Kamala was offered three debates by Trump, all on state-controlled media networks. Kamala, however, was only willing to go on ABC. She refused to go on FOX, CBS, or NBC (all fellow-leftist state-controlled media networks).

So yes, Trump was willing to debate "anytime, anywhere", but Kamala REFUSED to do so, only willing to debate Trump ONE time, and ONLY on the ABC network. Why do you suppose that was?

Name one time, EVER... just ONE single time, that the WINNER of an event EVER pouted, whined, sniveled, and immediately demanded a REMATCH????

Only SORE LOSERS have ever taken that course of action. You are still a Dumb Dog, just as Kamala is still a SORE LOSER.
You are full of shit. Harris agreed to every debate that Biden had agreed to. The first on CNN, the second on ABC and the third on NBC which is the one Trump has chickened out on. Although I think he will change his mind, he is losing by more and more by the day, he will get desparate.

Kamala Harris Hits Record Polling Lead Over Donald Trump​

Kamala Harris has increased her polling lead over Donald Trump to record highs, according to the latest Morning Consult poll.
The vice president is currently 6 percentage points ahead among likely voters, 51 percent to Trump's 45 percent, which is double the advantage she held before their debate on ABC last week.
Trump faces tougher odds across several polls and forecast models in the wake of some strong numbers for Harris. The latest version of the FiveThirtyEight election forecast, one of the most-viewed models this election, gave Trump a record-low chance of winning the Electoral College at just 39 percent.

Harris will be so far ahead in the polls by election time that there won't be any question who is going to win.
Oh really?! Is that why Harris, the so-called "clear WINNER" of the debate, suddenly called for a REMATCH within two short days of the debate's conclusion? Since when has the "clear WINNER" of anything ever immediately called for a REMATCH??
Harris never called for a rematch. She is prepared for another debate on the 27th because that is what Biden and she agreed to. Looks like your fuhrer is the one who has chickened out.

Kamala Harris Hits Record Polling Lead Over Donald Trump​

The vice president is currently 6 percentage points ahead among likely voters, 51 percent to Trump's 45 percent, which is double the advantage she held before their debate on ABC last week.

Why do you suppose that the Harris lead has doubled since the debate if you say she lost?

‘Loser’ Trump blows debate: Harris wins 2024’s big clash, says GOP, WSJ, pundits & Fox voters!​

Why do you suppose that the GOP as well as FOX say Trump blew it if he won?

State of the Race: Early Signs of a Post-Debate Bounce for Harris​

The initial surveys of people who watched the debate found that most viewers thought she won

How come Trump isn't getting the bounce if he won?

Kamala Harris Rallies in Pivotal Swing State After Debate 'Win' Over Trump​

How come the only place I can find where someone is saying Trump won is to come here and listen to ignorant shitheads like you?
You are full of shit.
You can't blame me for your own issue.
Harris agreed to every debate that Biden had agreed to. The first on CNN, the second on ABC and the third on NBC which is the one Trump has chickened out on.
Blatant lie. Harris never agreed to a CNN or an NBC debate. She only agreed to an ABC debate. That's ONE, not three. It was TRUMP who offered to do THREE debates with her (FOX, ABC, NBC), but she REFUSED and was only willing to do the ABC debate.

Trump showed up for the FOX debate (that was turned into a town hall because Harris was a NO SHOW). They both showed up for the ABC debate that Trump won hands down, and now Harris is currently screaming for a REMATCH, which is something that only the LOSER of an event ever does.

Harris chickened out of the FOX and NBC debates, only accepting the ABC debate. Harris lost the ABC debate, now regrets her decision to only accept one singular debate, and is now screaming for a REMATCH. Harris is a SORE LOSER.
Although I think he will change his mind, he is losing by more and more by the day, he will get desparate.
Projection. Harris is ALREADY desperate, which is why she is currently screaming at the top of her lungs for a REMATCH, because she is a SORE LOSER.
Harris will be so far ahead in the polls by election time that there won't be any question who is going to win.
I'm going to enter this into the "political predictions" thread and hold you to this.
Harris never called for a rematch.
Blatant lie. She's been out on the "stump" (if you can call it that), consistently BEGGING and PLEADING for a REMATCH, pretending that Trump is scared to do so even though SHE is the one who chickened out of doing anything more than one singular debate on ABC.
She is prepared for another debate on the 27th because that is what Biden and she agreed to.
Blatant lie. She only agreed to the one debate on ABC. She knows that she BLEW IT, so now she is begging and pleading for a REMATCH, which is what a SORE LOSER does.
Looks like your fuhrer is the one who has chickened out.
Blatant lie. He showed up to the FOX debate, which Harris chickened out of (so it was turned into a town hall event). They both showed up to the ABC debate, of which Harris LOST and is now demanding that a REMATCH occur because she is a SORE LOSER.
Why do you suppose that the Harris lead has doubled since the debate if you say she lost?
There is no "lead has doubled". That's just a DNC press release. In reality, Harris is behind and she knows it, which is why she's currently DEMANDING a REMATCH just like a SORE LOSER does.
Why do you suppose that the GOP as well as FOX say Trump blew it if he won?
There is no "Trump blew it". That's just RINOs, aka leftists posing as Republicans, giving the classic press release of: "SEEEEEEEEEEEE, even REPUBLICANSSSSSSS believe _________________".

It's yet another way that leftists manipulate the minds of the ignorant masses.
How come Trump isn't getting the bounce if he won?
Because "the bounce" is entirely fake. I have yet to speak with a single person who supported Trump, watched the debate, and now no longer supports Trump.
How come the only place I can find where someone is saying Trump won is to come here and listen to ignorant shitheads like you?
That's because you don't listen, let alone speak with, anyone outside of your leftist "safe-space" bubble.

You don't know what life is actually like outside of it because you've never physically moved yourself outside of it.
Trump is such a clown. He makes up numbers that are absurd. Oh I won the debate, I saw numbers saying I beat her 62 percent, 70 percent, 74 percent, 83 percent, and 96 percent. Some were 107 percent. So why should I debate her again?
Trump is such a clown. He makes up numbers that are absurd. Oh I won the debate, I saw numbers saying I beat her 62 percent, 70 percent, 74 percent, 83 percent, and 96 percent. Some were 107 percent. So why should I debate her again?
If Kamala was the "clear winner" of the debate, then why is she currently DEMANDING a REMATCH?? Only SORE LOSERS do that!

Since when has the "clear winner" of anything ever immediately demanded a REMATCH?