The Debate

Maggots are whackos and putting a fucking sign in your front yard is inviting them to do something stupid.
Nope. The opposite is true, actually. Trump supporters don't do anything to anyone's political displays or the people who display them (other than point and laugh at them on occasion). See, Trump supporters believe in free speech. Demonkkkrats, on the other hand, want all information to go through a Marxist filter before anyone gets to see it. They HATE free speech. There's a reason why you never see Trump signs in big cities. It's not safe.
Just figure a yard without a sign is probably voting Harris.
The complete opposite is true, actually.
Unless you are in redneckville where Trump will win,
IOW, most anywhere across the 50 states...
but remember, there are more voters in the Atlanta area than there are in the rest of the state of Georgia.
Yup. That's why Clyburn's Georgia election fraud operation is based in Atlanta.

Here in Wisconsin, Clyburn focuses mostly on Madison and Milwaukee.
Your Trump lead will evaporate the instant the Urban areas count their votes.
Nope. Trump's lead remains. It's just a matter of whether or not Demonkkrats can manufacture enough plausible ballots to fraud the election.

You keep telling yourself Trump won that debate but every media source and politician with the exception of your fuhrer says he fucking blew it bigtime including most republicans.

I don't care what lies the Marxist state-controlled media spread about it...

Actions speak louder than words, and it is HARRIS who is immediately DEMANDING that there be a REMATCH, which is an action that only SORE LOSERS have ever taken...
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You keep telling yourself Trump won ...
You aren't very good in the reading department. @gfm7175 just finished explaining how Kamala was broadcasting her own acknowledgement that Trump had kicked her hiney, i.e. she was the one immediately demanding a rematch. Only desperate losers do that. Big winners, of course, avoid committing to any rematches because rematches have become unnecessary, and Trump quickly announced that there would be no more debates.

Kamala demands a rematch (pout, pout, curled lower lip)

Trump is happy to dispense with any additional debates.

It appears that they both know who won outright and who lost big time. I guess it doesn't matter what all the Kriminala shills say, right?
You aren't very good in the reading department. @gfm7175 just finished explaining how Kamala was broadcasting her own acknowledgement that Trump had kicked her hiney, i.e. she was the one immediately demanding a rematch. Only desperate losers do that. Big winners, of course, avoid committing to any rematches because rematches have become unnecessary, and Trump quickly announced that there would be no more debates.

Kamala demands a rematch (pout, pout, curled lower lip)

Trump is happy to dispense with any additional debates.

It appears that they both know who won outright and who lost big time. I guess it doesn't matter what all the Kriminala shills say, right?

I'm not "telling myself" anything. I'm just going by how the candidates themselves are acting about the debate result. Trump is acting like a winner (an additional debate isn't necessary), meanwhile Harris is acting like a sore loser (immediately demanding a rematch). The candidates' own actions speak for themselves.

In reality, it is the Dumb Dog (@Port Tack) who needs to tell himself (aka pretend) that Harris "won", with the assistance of the state-controlled media egging him on in his state of pretending.
Like russiagate with Dems?
Trump was working with Russia. Several of this campaign staff were jailed for it. Trump pardoned them. He is the first president to use the pardoning power to free people he was in cahoots with. He is the first one who needed to. He is a crook and a liar.

I'm not "telling myself" anything. I'm just going by how the candidates themselves are acting about the debate result. Trump is acting like a winner (an additional debate isn't necessary), meanwhile Harris is acting like a sore loser (immediately demanding a rematch). The candidates' own actions speak for themselves.

In reality, it is the Dumb Dog (@Port Tack) who needs to tell himself (aka pretend) that Harris "won", with the assistance of the state-controlled media egging him on in his state of pretending.

If You Want to Know Who Won the Debate, Watch Fox News the Moment It Ended​

Tuning in to Fox News following Tuesday’s presidential debate, it was hard to describe the mood. Somber comes to mind—a little like you might find at a funeral.
When the ABC moderators finally wrapped things up and the lights came up on the Fox News panel, the anchors seemed just as rattled as viewers at home.
You instantly knew that things were bleak when host Jesse Watters then conceded, “This was rough. This was pretty intense at times.”
Brit Hume, the network’s chief political analyst, was starker. “Make no mistake about it: Trump had a bad night,” “This was pretty much her night.”
Watters even demonstrated one or two flashes of honesty for his audience; in between defenses, he groaned that Trump “had some moments where you were like, Oh my God! Where is he going with this?” Indeed, for those Fox viewers wondering where Trump had led them on Tuesday night, there was one grim answer: “This race just got tighter,” Watters said.

Harris would like another debate because she knows she would kick the dumbshits ass again.
Trump was working with Russia. Several of this campaign staff were jailed for it. Trump pardoned them. He is the first president to use the pardoning power to free people he was in cahoots with. He is the first one who needed to. He is a crook and a liar.
no he wasn't.

no they weren't.

the Durham report found no collusion.
Similarly, a CNN flash poll of debate watchers found that Harris had the better showing at 63%, compared to Trump’s 37%.

Another Newsweek poll presented the question with Harris outscoring Trump nearly 2 to 1 among the 8725 votes.

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I don't care about people's fantasies... All I care about is the fact that Kamala Harris is currently acting like a SORE LOSER by immediately demanding a REMATCH. Donald Trump, on the other hand, has confidently walked away, happy with his 'winning' of the debate.
You and @Ross Dolan can both stop your pretending any time now.....

Never ONCE has the winner of anything EVER immediately demanded a REMATCH.

That is what a SORE LOSER, and ONLY a SORE LOSER does.
Anyone who actually thinks Trump won that "debate"...or who thinks Kamala Harris is asking for a second one because she feels she has to recover from a either terminally stupid or nuts.

You, luckily, are both.

I guarantee that if Trump could get a second debate with Joe Biden right now...he would accept it in a nanosecond. And as for the bullshit that it is too late in the campaign for such a debate...if it were Joe Biden instead of Kamala Harris, he would be willing to do it on the night before Election Day.

Take your bullshit somewhere where you have a better chance of selling it, gfm. Here...all you get is derisive laughter.
Anyone who actually thinks Trump won that "debate"...or who thinks Kamala Harris is asking for a second one because she feels she has to recover from a either terminally stupid or nuts.

You, luckily, are both.
IOW, since you don't have a valid argument, insults are all that you have left.

It doesn't matter what I or anyone else thinks about the debate or who "won" it or "lost" it. CLEARLY Trump thinks that he won the debate (since he sees no need to participate in a THIRD one) and CLEARLY Harris thinks that she lost the debate (since she immediately called for a REMATCH against Trump). The candidates both seem to agree upon who the winner and loser was, per their respective post-debate actions.

I guarantee that if Trump could get a second debate with Joe Biden right now...he would accept it in a nanosecond.
This hypothetical doesn't matter. Joe Biden isn't the candidate anymore. The Demonkkkrat Party performed a coup against him and removed him from the candidacy under threat of the 25th Amendment, remember? They knew that Biden didn't even have enough support in order to steal the election in a "plausible manner", so they yanked him and threw in a pinch hitter. How Democratic of them to yank the candidate who received millions of votes in order to replace him in a coup with someone who received ZERO votes, eh?


:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
And as for the bullshit that it is too late in the campaign for such a debate...if it were Joe Biden instead of Kamala Harris, he would be willing to do it on the night before Election Day.
Joe Biden isn't the candidate anymore, dude. It doesn't matter.

Trump offered to do three debates with Joe Biden. He was willing to do one and then Demonkkkrats yanked him in a coup and replaced him with a "pinch hitter".

Trump then offered to do three debates with Kamala Harris. She was only willing to do the ABC debate, rejecting any other debates on any other networks. Trump then made the FOX debate into a town hall event and then showed up to the ABC debate.

Kamala Harris realized that she got whipped at the debate (and Trump realized that he handily won the debate), so she immediately demanded that a REMATCH occur (and Trump immediately made it known that no other debates were going to occur).

Take your bullshit somewhere where you have a better chance of selling it, gfm. Here...all you get is derisive laughter.
The bullshit belongs to YOU, dude. YOU are the one who is pretending so that you don't have to face the pain of being a gullible loser.
Anyone who actually thinks Trump won that "debate"...or who thinks Kamala Harris is asking for a second one because she feels she has to recover from a either terminally stupid or nuts.
Nope, anyone who can't recognize a loser, even when shes pouting for a rematch, is as stupid as Frank Apisa.

Anyone who can't recognize a winner who is content with his victory is as stupid as Frank Apisa.

I guarantee that if Trump could get a second debate with Joe Biden right now...he would accept it in a nanosecond.
Nope. This is why your guarantees aren't worth anything.

And as for the bullshit that it is too late in the campaign for such a debate...if it were Joe Biden instead of Kamala Harris, he would be willing to do it on the night before Election Day.
This is a good reflection of your leftist-driven poor judgement.

Take your bullshit somewhere where you have a better chance of selling it, gfm. Here...all you get is derisive laughter.
@gfm7175 - you are, of course, spot on. Unfortunately, Frank Apisa is too stupid to learn and to avail himself of your offer to help.
IOW, since you don't have a valid argument, insults are all that you have left.
Insults are not all I have left. But since you so richly deserve the insults...I include them.

It doesn't matter what I or anyone else thinks about the debate or who "won" it or "lost" it. CLEARLY Trump thinks that he won the debate (since he sees no need to participate in a THIRD one) and CLEARLY Harris thinks that she lost the debate (since she immediately called for a REMATCH against Trump). The candidates both seem to agree upon who the winner and loser was, per their respective post-debate actions.

This hypothetical doesn't matter. Joe Biden isn't the candidate anymore. The Demonkkkrat Party performed a coup against him and removed him from the candidacy under threat of the 25th Amendment, remember? They knew that Biden didn't even have enough support in order to steal the election in a "plausible manner", so they yanked him and threw in a pinch hitter. How Democratic of them to yank the candidate who received millions of votes in order to replace him in a coup with someone who received ZERO votes, eh?


:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Poor, poor you. You have to follow your Fuhrer no matter how far down the rabbit hole he goes. Oh deserve that just as richly. And you look so silly doing it, it actually provides a bit of enjoyment for many of us here.

Joe Biden isn't the candidate anymore, dude. It doesn't matter.

Yes. But you people seem not to realize that. You seem to want Joe Biden to be the candidate.

Perhaps that is because Kamala Harris is kicking Trump's ass so badly...and so regularly.

Learn to live with it. It is not going to change.

Trump offered to do three debates with Joe Biden. He was willing to do one and then Demonkkkrats yanked him in a coup and replaced him with a "pinch hitter".

Trump then offered to do three debates with Kamala Harris. She was only willing to do the ABC debate, rejecting any other debates on any other networks. Trump then made the FOX debate into a town hall event and then showed up to the ABC debate.

Kamala Harris realized that she got whipped at the debate (and Trump realized that he handily won the debate), so she immediately demanded that a REMATCH occur (and Trump immediately made it known that no other debates were going to occur).

Anyone who thinks Kamala Harris got whipped in that "debate" is either stupid or nuts. Or, I might add, someone who hates America...and is just here to foment trouble and controversy.

Whatever it does have humor value. One looks at statements like, "Kamala Harris won that debate"...and a person has just gotta laugh.

The bullshit belongs to YOU, dude. YOU are the one who is pretending so that you don't have to face the pain of being a gullible loser.
Okay, if you get comfort in that twisted life of yours to think that...go for it. Costs me nothing...and all it costs you is self-respect...which means you have very little to lose.
Insults are not all I have left. But since you so richly deserve the insults...I include them.
Insults are all that you have left.
Poor, poor you. You have to follow your Fuhrer no matter how far down the rabbit hole he goes. Oh deserve that just as richly. And you look so silly doing it, it actually provides a bit of enjoyment for many of us here.
Insults. (see above)
Yes. But you people seem not to realize that.
Insults. (see above)
You seem to want Joe Biden to be the candidate.
Perhaps that is because Kamala Harris is kicking Trump's ass so badly...and so regularly.
Nope. You refuse to learn. I've already explained how Trump and Harris both know that they are a winner (Trump) and a loser (Harris), respectfully.
Learn to live with it. It is not going to change.
Your issue, not mine.
Anyone who thinks Kamala Harris got whipped in that "debate" is either stupid or nuts. Or, I might add, someone who hates America...and is just here to foment trouble and controversy.

Whatever it does have humor value. One looks at statements like, "Kamala Harris won that debate"...and a person has just gotta laugh.

Okay, if you get comfort in that twisted life of yours to think that...go for it. Costs me nothing...and all it costs you is self-respect...which means you have very little to lose.
:blah: :blah: :blah:

The action of Kamala Harris immediately calling for a rematch (which is what a SORE LOSER does) speaks for itself.
Insults are all that you have left.

Insults. (see above)

Insults. (see above)


Nope. You refuse to learn. I've already explained how Trump and Harris both know that they are a winner (Trump) and a loser (Harris), respectfully.

Your issue, not mine.

:blah: :blah: :blah:
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit...and bullshit.

The action of Kamala Harris immediately calling for a rematch (which is what a SORE LOSER does) speaks for itself.
Okay, so you can mimic the bullshit excuse your Fuhrer uses to avoid another public ass-kicking by Kamala. No big deal...a kid could do that.

I don't blame him for that corny excuse. In fact, I consider it one of the smarter things he has done.

Only the most servile of the Trumpers actually thinks Trump was not ass-kicked strongly by Kamala that night...and only the fucking stupid and nutty think that Trump won. He was a disaster...and the fact that you want to pretend he actually was a winner rather than a serious only good for laughs.

Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit...and bullshit.

Okay, so you can mimic the bullshit excuse your Fuhrer uses to avoid another public ass-kicking by Kamala. No big deal...a kid could do that.

I don't blame him for that corny excuse. In fact, I consider it one of the smarter things he has done.

Only the most servile of the Trumpers actually thinks Trump was not ass-kicked strongly by Kamala that night...and only the fucking stupid and nutty think that Trump won. He was a disaster...and the fact that you want to pretend he actually was a winner rather than a serious only good for laughs.

@IBDaMann -- Indeed, Frank IS too stupid to learn. He can only manage to parrot the same programming over and over again.