The Deep State Conspiracy Theory

And just like that, Owl became a nun. lol

This one will make you lose your appetite for an entire day:

Good question ... perhaps the same people responsible for prosecuting these crimes are the same ones who committed them.

McCabe, Brennan, Comey, Rosenstein, Ohr, Mueller ... you remember ... these guys.

Sooooo, in almost 4 years Trump has proved he's totally powerless and inept as Commander in Chief. Got it. Thanks.
Ahh, so you really are a "Teacher of the Year". Awesome!

Nah, teaching is just part of being a parent.

I got such a kick out of the one little boy who lived next door. At age five, he announced that he was going to "be a lawyer and help people" when he grew up. He was obsessed with it, watched TV lawyer dramas. His mom even bought him a suit, tie, and briefcase. He would come knock on our front door looking very serious and lawyerly, with his suit and briefcase. "Hi, Alec," I'd say, "what's going on?" "I'm here to represent you, Mrs. H.," he'd said. So I would invite him in, give him some fruit juice, and he'd sit on the couch with his yellow legal pad and write down all my made-up issues. Except he couldn't really write yet so he made scribbles. Gods, he was adorable!

Now he's 33 and an attorney for a non-profit that serves the poor. Well done, Alec, well done!
Step out of your bubble and do some real research.

This is the official site of the White House:

"CAUTION: A Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation.· (TELCON) is not a verbatim transcript of a
discussion. The text in this document records the notes and recollections of Situation Room Duty
"Officers and-NSC policy staff assigned t_o listen.and memorialize the conversation in written form
as the conversation takes place. A numper of factors can affect 'the accuracy of the reco�d,
including poor telecommunications connections and variations in accent and/or interpretation.
The word "inaudible" is used to indifate portions of a conversation that the notetaker was unable
to hear. "

Only one problem with your theory ...

When Trump released this no one disputed that this was the full transcript ... the NSA or DIA or NYT didn't run out and say here is the real transcript.

If they had another transcript that differed from Trump's by so much as a comma we would have heard all about it.

That was the full transcript ... only you collusion delusion leftys still cling to this nonsense.
Sooooo, in almost 4 years Trump has proved he's totally powerless and inept as Commander in Chief. Got it. Thanks.

No ... your critical thinking skills failed you again ... what do you think Barr and Durham are doing.

Sessions played Mr. Magoo and they dared Trump to replace him in the midst of an investigation into his collusion with Russia ... he made the mistake and balked.

You don't seem to be aware of a hell of a lot of what's happened over the last few years.
No ... your critical thinking skills failed you again ... what do you think Barr and Durham are doing.....
I'm happy to wait for another four years to see what happens....probably nothing because there's nothing there. You know, like Benghazi.
We'll never know ... took him years to find an effective Army commander ... Lincoln had lots of faults himself ... still my favorite.

Including violating the Constitution by attacking Virginia and not knowing when to duck.
I'm happy to wait for another four years to see what happens....probably nothing because there's nothing there. You know, like Benghazi.
Durham is busy trying to find dirt on Brennan. Barr believe Brennan steered the intelligence committee to the Russian conclusion. I think that the Senate Intelligence committees findings verifies that Brennan and the Intelligence community have been vindicated. Russia were the bad guys and Ukraine was a distraction.
Durham is busy trying to find dirt on Brennan. Barr believe Brennan steered the intelligence committee to the Russian conclusion. I think that the Senate Intelligence committees findings verifies that Brennan and the Intelligence community have been vindicated. Russia were the bad guys and Ukraine was a distraction.

IMHO, they're all doing what Trump accused Obama and/or Hillary of doing. Same shit, different day. Sad
Thank you, Alex Jones, you are comedy gold

Yes ... why pay attention to what the guy responsible for investigating the collusion delusion has to say.

We have only to come to JPP and read Phantasmal's posts ... I'll send out the secret code to the rest of the Conservatives.

Wish you would have told us this much earlier ... would have saved us hundreds of hours of research.